Congress of Gamers

Cruise from Baltimore to Bermuda
June 28-Jul 3, 2025.

Can't Lose Cruise

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Yes, we're BACK! Congress of Gamers is cruising, Jun 28-Jul 3, 2025 from Baltimore to Bermuda!

This is just a cruise with other gamers, with casual board gaming being just one more activity to enjoy on the ship. You arrange your own cruise booking deal, with deeply discounted cruise pricing often available for those who book early. To participate in board gaming activities, there's just a $50 surcharge payable to Congress of Gamers to cover administration costs. Gaming will include open gaming, scheduled open gaming, and even some "wild card" tourney play and a prize for the winner.

A nominal $700 advertised cruise will actually cost you a bit more, but will still be a great deal for five nights of lodging, unlimited meals, and lots of free entertainment. We have not set up a room block with a travel agent or with Royal Carribean. If anyone wants to give a shot at arranging this, please let me know ASAP.

Here's the RCL listed booking link. You are welcome to make reservations through ANY of the many cruise discounters, since Congress of Gamers does not get any commission on your booking.