1-2-3 Macro Library, by David Paul Ewing, Que, ISBN 0-88022-147-X, $19.99, 2#
1-2-3 by Mark Williams, Addison-Wesley, ISBN0-201-18238-6, $19.95
1-2-3 for Dummies, by Greg Harvey, IDG, ISBN1-878058-60-6, $19
1-2-3/G Handbook for Presentation Manager, by the Leblond Group, Bantam, ISBN 0-553-34995-3, $29.95, 5 pounds
1-2-3 Tips, Tricks , and Traps, by Andersen and Cobb, Que, ISBN 0-88022-110-0, 3lbs, $14.95
Business Statistics Using Lotus 1-2-3, by Michael Klipatrick, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-84525-6, 3lbs, $ 24.95
Computer Programming 1,2,3 for children and adults, by Dwight and Patricia Harris and John Nez, Grosset & Dunlap, ISBN 0-448-18961-5, 2lbs, $19.00
Information Systems Literacy, LOTUS 1-2-3 Release 2.3, by Hossein Bidgoli, Macmillan, ISBN 0-02-309511-3, $19
Learning Lotus 1-2-3 Macros, version 4 for Windows, ViaGrafx, VHS NTSC video, sealed, $29
Lotus 1-2-3 R5 for Windows, Pocket Guide, by MaranGraphics' Development Group, IDG Books, ISBN1-56884-671-1, $14.99
The Manual: LOTUS 1-2-3, Includes Release 2, Second Edition, by Robert E. Williams, Management Information Source, Inc., ISBN 0-943518-60-1, 2lbs, $14.95
Mastering Lotus 1-2-3, by James Gips, ISBN 0-471-53995-3, $19, 3 pounds
Quick Guide to Financial Formulas for 1-2-3 Users, LOTUS BOOKS Business Solution Series, by Steve Adams, Brady, ISBN 0-13-745134-2, 3lbs, $24.95
Teach yourself LOTUS 1-2-3, Release 5 For Windows, by Fein & Sussman, MIS: Press, ISBN 1-55828-400-1, 4lbs, $21.95
Teacher in a box, Lotus 1-2-3 Level 2 (audio cassettes and manuals), by Lew Robins, Teachware, Inc., $19.95
The Lotus Guide to Leaning 1-2-3, by Lotus Book staff, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-16687-9, $22.95, 2 pounds
Using 1-2-3 Special edition, by Ewing et.al., Que, ISBN 0-88022-332-4, $24.95
Using 1-2-3 Release 3.1, by Altman et. al., Que, ISBN 0-88022-621-8, $29.95
Using 1-2-3 Release 3.4, Covers Releases 3-3.1-3.1+-3.4, Special Edition, Que Development Group, Que, ISBN 1-56529-004-6, 6lbs, $29.95
Using Lotus 1-2-3 Advanced, version 4 for Windows, ViaGrafix, VHS NTSC video, missing companion diskette, $10
6502 Machine & Assembly Language Programming, by Mike Smith, TAB, ISBN0-8306-1750-7, $19
Programming & Interfacing the 6502, with Experiments, by Marvin L. De Jong, Sams, ISBN 0-672-21651-5, $19
10 Minute Guide to Access 2.0, by Carl Townsend, ISBN 1-56761-450-7, $19
Access 2 Developer's Guide, Second Ed., Roger Jennings, SAMS Publishing, ISBN 0-672-30453-8, disk included, $30
Access 2 for Dummies, by Scott Palmer, IDG Books, ISBN 1-56884-090-x, $19.95,
Access 2 Power Programming, with 3.5" disk, by Chris St. Valentine, Que, ISBN 1-56529-763-6, $49.99
Access 2 Unleashed, with companion disk, by Edward Jones, Sams Publishing, ISBN 0-672-30494-5, $34.95, 2 copies
Access 2000 Client/Server Solutions, by Lars M. Klander, ISBN 1-57610-417-6, $49, 5 pounds
Access 97 Bible, with companion CD, by Cary N. Prague and Michael R. Irwin, IDG Books, ISBN 0-7645-3035-6, $49.99
Access 97 Developer's Handbook, Third Edition, by Paul Litwin and others, with sealed companion CD, ISBN 0-7821-1941-7, $49
Access 97 for Windows for Dummies, IDG Books, ISBN: 0-7645-0048-1, $19.99
Access 97 Video Tutorial, NTSC VHS, $19
Access Advisor, Premiere Issue 1993, April/May 1993, June/July 1993, August/September 1993, October/November 1993, $19 each or $29 for all
Access from the Ground Up, by Martin S. Matthews, Widnows Magazine, ISBN 1-55958-303-7, $19, 3 pounds
How to Use Microsoft Access, Make Microsoft Access 2.0 Work for You, by Eric Stone, ISBN 1-56276-223-0, $19, 3 pounds
File Organization and Access - From Data to Information, by Austing & Cassel, Heath, ISBN 0-669-12375-7, 3lbs, $20
Inside Microsoft Access, , V1N1 Feb/March 1993 and V12N3, March 2004, $19
Learning Access 2.0 Advanced, Video, KeyStone, $19.00
Learning Access 2.0 Intermediate, Video, KeyStone, $19.00
Learning Access 97 for Windows Introduction, Video Training By ViaGrafix, $20
Mastering Access 97 for Windows 95/NT, fourth edition, with companion CD, by Alan Simpson and Elizabeth Olson, ISBN: 0-7821-1924-7, $44, 6 pounds
Microsoft Access 1.1 Handbook, by Douglas Hergert, Bantam, ISBN 0-553-37248-3, $27.95 Sold
Microsoft Access 2 Developer's Handbook, by Ken Getz, Sybex, 1412 pages with 3.5" diskette, ISBN 0-7821-1327-3, $44.99, 2 copies
Microsoft Access Answers (covers 2.0), by Mary Campbell, Osborne McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-882069-3, $25
Microsoft Access 97, Step by Step, self-study kit, MS Press, ISBN 1-57231-316-1, disk missing, $15.00
Microsoft Access 2000, Step by Step, self-study kit, with sealed companion CD, MS Press, ISBN 1-57231-976-3, $29.99, 3#
Microsoft Access for Windows, Step by Step, Original Microsoft Courseware, 3.5" disk included, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-482-8, $29.95, 4 pounds
Microsoft Access 2 for Windows Step by Step, by Emily Rainey, with companion 3.5" disk, ISBN 1-55615-593-X, $29, 4 pounds
Running Access for Windows 95, by John L. Viescas, MS Press, ISBN 1-55615-886-6, CD missing, $20.00
Running Microsoft Access 2 for Windows, with companion disk, by John L. Viescas, Microsoft Press, 3.5", ISBN 1-55615-592-1, $39.95, 3 copies
Smart Microsoft Access, Pinnacle Publishing, December 1993, $19
Teach Yourself Access 2.0 Video Tutorial, ViaGrafix, Disk missing, $19.00
Using Access 2 for Windows, Special Edition, by Jennings, QUE, ISBN 1-56529-628-1, 6lbs, $29.99
ADA A Guided Tour & Tutorial, by Geoff Gilpin, Brady/Prentice Hall Press, ISBN0-13-730599-0, $25
ADA as a Second Language, by Norman H. Cohen, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-011589-3, $49.99
Ada Concurrent Programming, by Narain Gehani, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-004011-8, 3lbs, $20
Programming And Problem Solving With ADA, by Dale, Weems and McCormick, HEATH, ISBN 0-669-29360-1, 6lbs, $20
Programming in ADA, Second Edition, by J.G.P.Barnes, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-13799-2, $39.99
Programming in ADA, Third Edition, by J.G.P.Barnes, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-17566-5, $39.99
Programming in ADA, Fourth Edition, by J.G.P.Barnes, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-62407-9, $39.99, two copies
Software Development with ADA, by Ian Sommerville and Ron Morrison, Addison-Wesley, ISBN0-201-14227-9, $29.95
Software Engineering with ADA, G. Booch, Benjamin Cummings Publishing, ISNB: 0-8053-0600-5, 2 pounds, $29.95, two copies
Software Systems Construction with Examples in ADA, by Bo Sanden, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-030834-X, 4lbs, $73.00
A Comprehensive Guide to AI and Expert Systems, by Levine, Drang and Edelson, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-037470-8, $30
Artificial Intelligence Using C, by Herbert Schildt, Osborne McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881255-0, SOLD
A Guide to ALGOL Programming, by Daniel D. McCracken, John Wiley & Sons, (C) 1962, $30
The Ami Pro Report, May 1993, $19
Video Tutor - Learning Ami Pro, version 3.1, ViaGrafx, VHS NTSC video, $19
Learn Ami Pro in a Day, for Versions 2.0 & 3.0, by Peter Ots, includes 5.25" companion disk, ISBN 1-55622-301-3, $19, 1 pound
Learning Ami Pro Advanced, version 3, ViaGrafx, VHS NTSC video, $19
Using Animator, Covers Version 1, by Craig Sharp, Que, ISBN 0-88022-544-0, 3lbs, $24.95
APL/360 An Interactive Approach, by Leonard Gilman and Allen J. Rose, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-30020-9, $30
APL Management Problems with Answers and "Kit of Tools", by B. Legrand, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-90334-5, $30
Learning Approach Advanced, version 3 for Windows, ViaGrafx, VHS NTSC video, $19
ASP in a Nutshell, A Quick Desktop Reference, by A. Keyton Weissinger, O'Reilly, ISBN 1-56592-490-8, $24.95, two copies, 2 pounds
1000 AutoCAD Tips and Tricks, by G.O. Head and J.D. Head, Ventana Press, ISBN 0-940087-39-1, 5lbs, $24.95
AutoCAD and its Applications, by Shumaker & Madsen, Goodheart-Willcox, ISBN 0-87006-683-8, $20.00
AutoCAD, Methods and Macros, Second Edition, by Guenther and Ocoboc, McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-8306-3544-0, 3 pounds, $24.95
AutoCAD Pocket Command Reference, Covers Release 11, by Victor Wright, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-22825-4, 1lbs, $19.00
Autocad Reference Guide, Releases 10&11, Second Edition, by Kent, NRP, ISBN 0-934035-02-4, 3lbs, $19.00
Inside AutoCAD LT for Windows, Covers Releases 1 and 2, Second Edition, disk missing, by Gesner, Hill & Tobey, New Riders, ISBN 1-56205-361-2, 6lbs, $40.00
Inside AutoCAD, by D. Raker and H. Rice, ISBN 0-934035-03-2, 5lbs, $27.95
Mastering AutoCAD 2000, Premium Edition, CD missing, by George Omura, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-2499-2, 8lbs, $49.99
Mastering AutoCAD 2000, Through Release 9, Second Edition, by George Omura, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-502-6, 5lbs, $29.95
Using Autocad, by James E. Fuller, Delmar Publishing, ISBN 0-8273-2699-8, $29.95
Clarion for Windows for Dummies, by Tom Moseley & Jim DeFabia, includes companion CD, IDG Books, ISBN 1-56884-334-8,3 pounds, $24.99
Clarion Tech Journal, May/June 1995, V7N3, SOLD
Developing Clarion for Windows Applications, by Ross A. Santos and David Harms, missing 35" companion disk, ISBN 0-672-30674-3, $45, 4 pounds
Mastering Corel DRAW 3, Covers all modules: Corel DRAW, Core CHART, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, Corel SHOW, Corel TRACE, and Corel MOSAIC , disks missing, by Chris Dickman et al, Peachpit Press, ISBN 1-56609-006-7, 4lbs, $28.00
Mastering Corel DRAW 5, Covers All of the Corel DRAW Modules, with Preview Coverage of Ventura5, Includes CD, by Rick Altman, Special Edition, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1508-X, 6lbs, $34.99
Corel DRAW 6 Unleashed, CD missing, by Coburn, Gonzalez, McCormick, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30754-5, 7lbs, $39.99
It's Easy Corel DRAW 3.0, Videotape, 37 minutes, $19.00
Programming Cold Fusion, covers Cold Fusion 3, by Rob Brooks-Bilson, O'Reilly , ISBN 1-56592-698-6, $49.95, 5 pounds
The Cold Fusion 4.0 Web Application Construction Kit, Third Edition, by Ben Forta, Que, Includes companion disk with evaluation versions of software, $39, ISBN 0-7897-1809-X, 6 pounds, two copies
Osborne CP/M User Guide, Second Edition, by Thom Hogan, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-931988-82-9, $29 SOLD
The Programmer's CP/M Handbook, by Andy Johnson-Laird, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-88134-119-3, $40 SOLD
Using the Osborne 1Computer, by T.G. Lewis, Reward Books, ISBN0-8359-8141-X, $29
DB2: The Complete Guide to Implementation and Use, Second Edition, by Jeff D. Vowell, Jr., QED, ISBN 0-89435-300-4, $20.00
Borland's Official No-Nonsense Guide to Delphi 2, by Michelle M. Manning, Sams, ISBN 0-672-30871-1, $25.00, 3 pounds
Database Developer's Guide with Delphi 2, by Ken Henderson, SAMS, CD included, ISBN 0-672-30862-2, lbs 5, $20
Delphi By Example, by Blake Watson, Que, ISBN 1-56529-757-1, 4lbs, $ 29.99
Delphi Programming for Dummies, by Neil J. Rubenking, IDG books - $14.99
Delphi Unleashed, CD-ROM included, by Charles Calvert, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30499-6, 6lbs, $45.00
Delphi 2 Unleashed, Exploit the 32-bit power of Delphi 2, CD-ROM included, by Charles Calvert, Borland/SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30858-4, 8lbs, $59.95
Delphi 2 Developer's Solutions, by Wallace 7 Tendon, Waite Group Press, ISBN 1-57169-071-9, $59.99,4 pounds, includes CD
An Inside Look at Delphi for Windows, VHS NTSC, Borland Int., shrinkwrap, $19
Mastering Delphi 3, Second Edition, by Marco Cantu, SYBEX, ISBN 0-7821-2058-0, $49.99, two copies, includes CDMastering Delphi, with CD-ROM, by Marco Cantu, Sybex © 1995 - $14.99, 2 copies
Secrets of Delphi 2, by Ray Lischner, Waite Group Press, ISBN 1-57169-026-3, includes CD, $49.99, 4 pounds
Teach Yourself DELPHI in 21 Days, by Wozniewicz & Shammos, SAMS Publishing, ISBN 0-672-30470-8, $29.99, 7 pounds
Teach Yourself Delphi 2 in 21 Days, by Osier, Batson and Grobman, Borland Press, SAMS Publishing, ISBN 0-672-30863-0, $35, 6 pounds
Teach Yourself Database Programming with Delphi in 21 Days, by Nathan and Ori Gurewich, Borland Press, SAMS Publishing, ISBN 0-672-30851-7, like new with CD-ROM. SOLD
Teach yourself Delphi 3 in 14 days, by Osier, Batson and Grobman, Borland Press, SAMS Publishing © 1997, ISBN 0-672-31114-3, like new. $29.99, two copieslf Delphi 4 in 21 Days, by Kent Reisdorph, SAMS/Borland Press, ISBN 0-672-31286-7, $39.99
Delphi 2 Tutor, CD-ROM only, Que, © 1996, ISBN 0-7897-0750-0. $15
Mastering ENABLE/OA, Office Automation Software, Covers Version 2.0 and 2.15, by Charles Spezzano, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-50749-0, 4lbs, $24.95
Advanced MS-DOS, by Ray Duncan, MS Press, ISBN 0-914845-77-2, 3 lbs, $22.95
Advanced MS-DOS, Includes Version 4, Second Edition, by Ray Duncan, MS Press, ISBN 1-55615-157-8, 5lbs, $24.95
DOS and BIOS Functions Quick Reference, Que, ISBN 0-88022-426-6, 2lbs, $ 6.95
DOS Beyond 640K, Second Edition, by James S. Forney, Windcrest/McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-8306-9717-9, 3lbs, $20
DOS for Dummies, by Dan Gookin, IDG, ISBN 1-878058-25-8, $19
DOS for Dummies, Second Edition, by Dan Gookin, IDG, ISBN 1-878058-75-4, 3lbs, $16.95
DOS, the Pocket Reference, Third edition, by Kris Jamsa, McGRaw-Hill, ISBN 1-07-881906-7, $9.95
DOS Batch File Lab Notes, Neil J. Rubenking, Ziff-Davis, ISBN 1-56276-067-X, includes disk, $29.95
DOS Batch File Power with The Jamsa Batch Utilities (disk included), by Kris Jamsa, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-22770-3, 4lbs, $39.95
DOS Internals, with 3.5" companion disk, by Geoff Chappell, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-60835-9, $39.95, 4 pounds SOLD
DOS Power Tools, Techniques, Tricks and Utilities, PC Magazine, by Paul Somerson, Bantam Computer Books, ISBN 0-553-34526-5, 7lbs, disk included, $20, two copies
Devorak's Guide To Dos & PC Performance, Includes Disks, by Dvorak & Anis, Osborne McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881658-0, 6lbs, SOLD
Extending DOS, Ray Duncan et al, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-55053-9, SOLD
Inside DOS: A Programmer's Guide, by Michael J. Young, ISBN 0-89588-710-X, $24.95, 4 pounds
Memory Resident Utilities, Interrupts, And Disk Management With MS&PC DOS, by Michael Hyman, MIS:Press, ISBN 0-943518-73-3, 3lbs, 22.95
More DOS For Dummies, by Dan Gookin, IDG Books, ISBN 1-56884-046-2, 4lbs, $16.95
MS-DOS 6.2 QuickStart, by Steve Konicki / DiskPack by Bradley F. Shimmin, Que, ISBN 1-56529-754-7, 4lbs, $21.99
MS-DOS 6.2 QuickStart, Disk Included, by Steve Konicki / DiskPack by Bradley F. Shimmin, Que, ISBN 1-56529-776-8, 4lbs, $29.99
MS-DOS Batch Files, Micosoft Quick Reference, by Kris Jamsa, Microsoft PRESS, ISBN 1-55615-235-3, 2lbs, $6.95
MS-DOS Batch File Programming, Including OS/2, by Ronny Richardson, TAB/ Windcrest, ISBN 0-8306-9328-9, 3lbs, $17.95, two copies
The MS-DOS Encyclopedia , by General Editor, Ray Duncan, Foreword: Bill Gates, Microsoft PRESS, ISBN 1-55615-174-8, 7lbs, $69.95
MS-DOS Programmer's Reference, Official Technical Reference to MS-DOS, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-546-8, $27.95, 4 pounds
MS DOS, Power users Guide, Vol I, Second Edition, J. Kamin, SYBEX, ISBN 0-89588-473-9, $19.95
Peter Norton's DOS 5 Guide, Fourth Edition, by Peter Norton, Brady, ISBN 0-13-663048-0, $24.95, 4 pounds
Quick & Easy Guide to Using MS-DOS, by Bonnie Deman, Compute! Books, ISBN 0-87455-105-6, SOLD
Running MS DOS Updated, (covers 1.x through 3.1), by Van Wolverton, Microsoft Press, ISBN 0-914845-68-3, $21.95
Running MS DOS Version 6.22, by Van Wolverton, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-633-2, $19, 5 pounds
Staying with DOS, by Dan Gookin, Ventana Press, ISBN 0-940087-48-0, $23
Taming MS-DOS, Thom Hogan, M & T Books, ISBN 0-934375-24-0, $10.00
Upgrading to MS-DOS 6,by Brian Underdahl, QUE, ISBN 0-56529-211-1, $14.95
Using MS DOS 6, Special Edition, with Quick Reference included, Que, ISBN1-56529-020-8, 5 lbs., $29.95
Using MS-Dos 6.2, Special Edition, by Wyatt Sr., Tiley and Paisley, Que, ISBN 1-56529-646-X, 6lbs, $29.95, two copies
Using MS-DOS Kermit, (Kermit Version 3.11), Second Edition, Christine M. Gianone, Digital Press, ISBN 1-55558-82-3, 4lbs, $20.00
Using PC DOS (covers version 3), by Chris DeVoney, Que, ISBN 0-88022-170-4, SOLD
Video Projects "QuickStudy' Video, MS-DOS Intermediate Basic & Intermediate Skills, Video Lock, Copy Protected, $19.00 SOLD
Windows User's Guide to DOS Using the Command Line in Windows 95/98, by Gillay & Peat, Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-887902-42-2, 7lbs, $20
Visual QuickStart Guide, Dreamweaver 3 for Windows and Macintosh, ISBN 0-201-70240-1, $19, 3 pounds
Complete Guide to Microsoft Excel Macros, by Charles W. Kyd and Chris Kinata, ISBN 1-55615-250-7, $29.95, 4 pounds
Excel 97 for Widnows for Dummies, ISBN: 0-7645-0060-0, $19ON HOLD
Learn Excel for Windows 95, Version 7.0, Level 1, Video Professor, VHS, 1-57142-044-4, $19.00
Excel 4.0 for Windows (with diskette), PC Learning Labs, ZD Press, ISBN: 1-56276-074-2, $22.95
Excel for Windows for Dummies Quick Reference (Excel 5), ISBN 1-56884-096-9, $8.95
Microsoft Excel for Windows 95 Fundamentals, Courseware Ver 1.0, Use with Software Ver 7.0, Catapult Performance-Based Training, Manual, 2lbs, $5.00
Running Microsoft Excel, Second Edition, The Cobb Group, MSPress, ISBN1-55615-323-6, $27.95
Using Microsoft Excel 97, Special Edition, by Ron Pearson, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0960-0, $34.99
Introducing Microsoft Exchange, with sealed companion CD, by Bill Kilcullen, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-941-2, $30
The FLASH 2 Web Animation, CD included, by Milburn and Warner, Ventana, ISBN 1-56604-732-3, 3lbs, $29.70
FLASH 3 Web Animation f/x and design, CD included, by Milburn and Warner, Coriolis, ISBN 1-57610-382-X, 5lbs, $49.99
Flash 5 Weekend Crash Course, with CD, ISBN 0-7645-3546-3, $24.99, 3 pounds
Visual Quickstart Guide, Flash 5 for Windows and Macintosh, by Katherine Ulrich, ISBN 0-201-71614-3, $21.99
FORTH the Fourth Generation Language, by Steve Burnap, TAB, ISBN 0-8306-2687-5, $20 sold
Advanced Programming Techniques - A Second Course In Programming Using Fortran, by Hughes, Pfleeger and Rose, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-02611-5, 3lbs, $20.00
ANSI FORTRAN IV, A Structured Programming Approach, by J.W. Perry Cole, William C. Brown, ISBN 0-697-08125-7, $30
Applied Fortran Programming with Standard Fortran, Watfor, Watfiv and Structured Watfiv, by Merchant and Sturgul, Wadsworth, ISBN 0-534-00497-0, 4lbs, $20.00
Efficient FORTRAN Programming, by Anton Kruger, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-5894-3, $19.95
The Essentials of Fortran, by Smolarski, REA, ISBN 0-87891-663-6, 2lbs, $19.00
FORTRAN with Engineering Applications, Fifth Edition, by Koffman & Friedman, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-55875-0, $20
FORTRAN 77, by Hart C. Bezner, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-329509-5, $28.95
FORTRAN 77 for Engineers, by Bruce J. Torby, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-326745-8, $30
FORTRAN 77 for Engineers, by G. J. Borse, PWS Engineering, ISBN 0-534-04650-9, $20
FORTRAN IV with Watfor and Watfiv, by Paul Cress, et. al., Prentice-Hall, ISBN 13-329433-1, $30, two copies
FORTRAN IV, Standard Fortran Watfor - Watfiv, Second Edition, by Organick / Meissner, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-05503-1, 3lbs, $19.00
FORTRAN IV Programming and Applications, by Sass, Holden-Day, ISBN 0-8162-7473-8, 3lbs, $20.00
FORTRAN IV, A Self Teaching Guide, by Friedmann, Greenberg and Hoffberg, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-28082-8, damaged, 3lbs, $19.00
FORTRAN A Structured, Disciplined Style, Based on 1977 American National Standard Fortran and Compatible with Watfor, Watfiv, Watfiv-S, an MNF Fortran Compilers, by Davis & Hoffmann, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-015901-7, 4lbs, $12.75
FORTRAN, Programs for Scientists and Engineers, by Alan Miller,Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-082-2, $17.95
FORTRAN Programming - A Spiral Approach, With Watfor / Watfiv and Standard Fortran, by Kreitzberg & Shneiderman, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ISBN 0-15-528012-0, 4lbs, $20
FORTRAN Programming for Windows, by L. John Ribar, McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-881908-3, SOLD
Foundations of FORTRAN Programming, by Robert C. Nickerson, Winthrop, ISBN 0-87626-301-5, $19.95
Fundamentals of FORTRAN 77 Programming - A Structured Approach, Third Edition, by Robert C. Nickerson, Little Brown, ISBN 0-316-60653-7, 4lbs, $25.85 SOLD
Illustrating FORTRAN (The Portable Variety), by Donald Alcock, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-28810-X, $19.95
Problem Solving And Structured Programming In Fortran, by Friedman and Koffman, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-01967-1, 3lbs, $11.75
Programming Proverbs For Fortran Programmers, by Henry F. Ledgard, HAYDEN, ISBN 0-8104 5820-9, 2lbs, $19.00
Structured FORTRAN 77 for Engineers and Scientists, by D.M. Etter, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, ISBN0-8053-0051-1, $30
Structured FORTRAN 77 for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition, by D.M. Etter, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, ISBN 0-8053-2495-X, $25.95
ten statement fortran plus fortran IV, for the IBM 360, featuring the WATFOR and WATFIV compilers, by Kennedy and Solomon, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 13-903401-3, 4lbs, $20
Understanding Fortran 77 with structured problem solving, by Michel Boillot, West Publishing Company, ISBN 0-314-77845-4, 5lbs, $20
VAX FORTRAN, by David G. Weinman, PWS-Kent, ISBN 0-87835-172-8, 4lbs, $20
Advanced FrontPage 97, CD included, by Lemay & Tyler, sams net, ISBN 1-57521-308-7, 4lbs, $39.99
Microsoft FrontPage 97, CD included, by Lemay & Tyler, sams net, ISBN 1-57521-223-4308-7, 5lbs, $39.99
The 68000: Principles and Programming, by Leo J. Scanlon, Sams, ISBN: 0-672-21853-4, 2 pounds, $29
Bigelow's PC Technician's Troubleshooting Pocket Reference, by Stephen J. Bigelow, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-006988-3, 2 lbs, $19.95
CISCO FastHub 116T Installation Guide, $19
CISCO 3640 Router Installation and Configuration Guide, $29
CISCO IOS Desktop Switching Software Configuration Guide, Catalyst 2900 Series XL and 3500 Series XL, CISCO IOS Release 11.2(8)SA6, $49
CISCO Catalyst 2820 Series Installation and Configuration Guide, $49
Hewlett Packard, LaserJet III Manuals, $19, 3 pounds
Hewlett Packard, LaserJet IIIP Manual, $19
The IBM PC fromt he Inside Out, Includes the PC AT, by Murray Sargent III and Richard L. Shoemaker, Addison-Wesley, ISBN0-201-06918-0, $20
IBM PC Troubleshooting & Repair Guide, by Robert Brenner, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-22358-9, $19.95, two copies
IBM Punched Card manuals. Ten different. © 1964 era. $89 for the lot
The Indispensable PC Hardware Book, by Hans-Peter Messmer, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-62424-9, 5lbs, $20
Inside the IBM PC, by Peter Norton, Brady/Prentice Hall, ISBN 089303-583-1, $21.95, two copies
Inside the IBM PC Access to Advanced Features (includes DOS 2.0), by Peter Norton, Brady, ISBN0-89303-556-4, $21.95
Instructor's Manual To Accompany Introductory Circuit Analysis, 3rd Edition, by Boylestad, Charles E. SOLD
Merrill Publishing Company / A Bell & Howell Company, 8559M, 2lbs, $20
Instructor's Manual For Electronic Devices and Circuits Text and Laboratory Manual, by Allen Mottershead, Goodyear, ISBN 0-87620-264-4, 2lbs, $20
Instructor's Manual For Electronic Circuit Analysis, by Ronald J. Tocci, , Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company / A Bell & Howell Company, 8985M, 3lbs, $20
Intel486 Processor Family Programmer's Reference Manual, Intel, ISBN 1-55512-244-2, $49, 4#
The LaserJet Handbook, Covers IID, IIP and PostScript, Disk included, Second Edition, by Bennett and Randall, Brady, ISBN 0-13-523754-8, 4lbs, $39.95
Microcomputers and Microprocessors, The 8080, 8085, and Z-80 Programming, Interfacing, and Troubleshooting, byt Jeff Uffenbeck,
Prentice-Hall, ISBN0-13-580309-8, $40
The New Peter Norton Programmer's Guide To IBM PC & PS/2, by Norton and Wilton, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-131-4, 4lbs, $22.95, two copies SOLD
PC Hardware Library, The Scott Mueller Library Series, Micro House International, Que, ISBN0-7897-1662-3, $79, 9#
Peter Norton Inside the IBM PC, by Peter Norton, Brady, inlcudes 5.25" disk (missing), ISBN 0-13-467325-5, $20
The Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC, by Peter Norton, Microsoft Press, ISBN 0-914845-46-2, $19.95
Power Macintosh User's Manual, $29, 2 pounds
The RS-232 Solution, by Joe Campbell, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-140-3, $25
System BIOS for IBM PC/XT/AT Computers and Compatibles, Phoenix Technologies Ltd., Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-51806-6, 4lbs, $26.95
Troubleshooting and Repairing Personal Computers, 2nd Edition, by Art Margolis, Windcrest/ McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-8306-2187-3, 5lbs, $20
Tutorial Advanced Computer Architecture, by Dharma P. Agrawal, IEEE, ISBN 0-8186-0667-3, 4lbs, $20
Varian 73 System Handbook, varian data machines, 98A9906-010, 3lbs, $3, SOLD
The Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible, Second Edition, by Winn L. Rosch, Brady, ISBN 0-13-932260-4, $34.95, two copies
Harvard Graphics
The Best Book of: Harvard Graphics, Covers through version 2.3, Disk included, by John Mueller, Sams, ISBN 0-672-22740-1, 4lbs, $24.95
Harvard Graphics 2 for Windows, Visual Quickstart Guide, by Steve Sagman, Peachpit Press, ISBN 1-56609-077-6, 3lbs, $19.00
Harvard Graphics Design Companion for Version 3, by Chris Potter and Margaret Y. Rabb, SBN 0-940087-78-2, $23.95, 3 pounds
Using Harvard Graphics (through version 2.3), by Steven W. Sagman, Que, ISBN 0-88022-608-0, $24.95
The Complete HyperCard Handbook, by Danny Goodman, Bantam Books, ISBN 0-553-34391-2, 4lbs, $29.95, two copies
Adobe Illustrator 8.0, Classroom in a Book, missing companion CD-ROM, ISBN1-56830-470-6, $29, 4 pounds
Illustrator (The) 5.0/5.5 Book, by Deke McClelland, Peachpit Press, ISBN 1-56609-163-2, 4 pounds, slight water damage, $20.00
The Power of Improv 2.1 for Windows, Second Edition, Stephen L. Nelson, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1440-7, $34.95
Black Art of Java Game Programming, CD included, by Fan, Ries and Tenitchi, Waite Group Press, ISBN 1-57169-043-3, 5lbs, $49.99
The Java Class Libraries- An Annotated Reference, by Chan and Lee, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63458-9, 8lbs, $48.50
Java Examples in a Nutshell, by David Flanagan, ISBN 1565923715, $24.95, 2 pounds
Java for C/C++ Programmers, by Mivchael C. Daconta, includes 3.5" companion disk, ISBN 0-471-15324-9, $39, 4 pounds
Java How to Program, by H.M. Dietel, Prentice Hall, with companion CD, ISBN 0-13-012507-5, $29, 6 pounds
Java in a Nutshell - A Desktop Quick Reference for Java Programmers, Covers Java 1.0, by David Flanagan, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-183-6, 3lbs, $14.95
Java in a Nutshell - A Desktop Quick Reference for Java Programmers, 2nd Edition, Covers Java 1.1, by David Flanagan, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-262-X, 3lbs, $19.95
The Java Language Environment - A White Paper, by Gosling & McGilton, Sun, FE474-0, 2lbs, $20
Java Programming Explorer, Works with Java version 1.x, CD included, by Bartlett, Leslie & Simkin, Coriolis, ISBN 1-883577-81-0, 5lbs, $39.99
Java Starter Kit, companion CD only, no book, ISBN 1-57521-097-50, $19, 1 pound
JavaScript Unleashed, by Richard Wagner, et al., with sealed companion CD, ISBN 1-57521-306-0, $49, 6 pounds
Mastering JavaScript: Part 2, Disk included, DDC Publishing, ISBN 156243837-9, 3lbs, $20
Power J, Fast Track to Java Student Guide, Powersoft, Sybase, Part Number PJ1-ED01-2, P5517SG, 3lbs, $19.00
Power J, Fast Track to Java Lab Workbook, Powersoft, Sybase, Part Number PJ1-ED01-2EX, P5517LB, 2lbs, $19.00
Practical Java Script Programming, CD included, by Reaz Hoque, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55851-513-5, 4lbs, $29.95
Presenting Java, An Introduction to Java and HotJava, by John December, sams net, ISBN 1-57521-039-8, 3lbs, $25.00
Teach Yourself JAVA, by O'Neil & Schildt, Osbourne, ISBN 0-07-882570-9, 4 pounds, $29.99
Teach Yourself Java 1.1 Programming in 24 hours, CD missing,by Rogers Cadenhead, sams net, ISBN 1-57521-270-6, 3lbs, $24.99, two copies
Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days, by Laura Lemay and Charles L. Perkins, missing companion disk and rear cover, ISBN 1-57521-030-4, 4 pounds
Using JavaScript, Special Edition, Second Edition, by Wooldridge, Morgan, Reynolds and Honeycutt, Que, ISBN 0-7897-1138-9, 5lbs, $49.99
Borland's JBuilder, No Experience Required, by John Zukowski, SYBEX, ISBN 0-7821-2135-7. $41.95
Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual J++ in 21 Days, by John Fronckwiak and Gordon McMillan, includes CD with VJ++ 1.0, $39.99
Visual J++ Bible, by Leinecker and Archer, includes CD, IDG Books, ISBN 0-7645-8021-3, 4 pounds, $49.99
Visual J++ 1.1, No Experience Required, by Steven Holzner, SYBEX,ISBN 0-7821-2078-4, 3 pounds, $29.99
The Visual J++ Handbook, by Murray and Pappas, AP, ISBN 0-12-511915-1, 5lbs, $39.95
Lingo the modeling language and optimizer, Lindo Systems Inc., Disk missing, 3lbs, $20
Macromedia Director Lingo Workshop, CD missing, by Thompson & Gottlieb, Hayden Books, ISBN 1-56830-201-0, 3lbs, $35.00
Macromedia Director Lingo Workshop for Windows, Covers Version 5.0, CD included, by Thompson, Hayden Books, ISBN 1-56830-269-X, 3lbs, $45.00
Linux Network Administrato's Guide, by Olaf Kirch, O'Reilly & Assoc., ISBN 1-56592-087-2, 2 pounds, $10.00
Corel LINUX OS Starter Kit, by Joe Merlino and Kate Wrightson, Osborne McGraw Hill, includes Corel LINUX OS and Corel WP 8 for LINUX on accompanying CD-ROM, ISBN 0-07-212459-8, $30
Red Hat Linux 7.2 Inleashed, by Bill Ball, Sams, with companion CD, ISBN 0-672-32282-X, $39, 5 pounds
LISP, by Winston and Horn, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-08329-9, 3lbs, $19.00
Common LISP The Reference, Franz Inc., Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-11458-5, 5lbs, $29.95
Common LISP - The Language, by Guy L. Steele Jr., Digital Press, ISBN 0-932376-41-X, 4lbs, $20
Common LISP - The Language, Second Edition, by Guy L. Steele Jr., Digital Press, ISBN 1-55558-041-6, 5lbs, $29
Dvorak's Inside Track to the MAC, by Dvorak et al, Osborne, ISBN 0-07-881757-9, Includes 3.5" disk, $39.95
Macintosh Programming Techniques, by Dan Parks Sydow, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55828-326-9, $34.95
How to Write Macintosh Software, Second Edition, Scott Knaster, Hayden Books, ISBN 0-672-48429-3, $28.95
Macintosh Programming Primer, by Mark Reed, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-15662-8, $24.95
Programming with Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, by Joel West, Bantam Books, ISBN 0-553-34436-6, $29.95
First Leaves: A Tutorial Introduction To Maple V, By Bruce W. Char et. al., Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-97621-3$29, 3 pounds
Memory Management for All of Us, with companion 3.5" disk, by John Goodman, Sams, ISBN 0-672-30306-X, $39.95, two copies
Welcome to … Memory Management, by Phillip Robinson, MIS: Press, ISBN 1-55828-343-9, 3lbs, $19.95
1001 Programming Resources, by Edward J. Renehen, Jr., includes sealed companion CD, ISBN 1-884133-50-9, $49.95, 5 pounds
3D Studio 4 Beginners, CD missing, by Lammers & Peterson, New Riders, ISBN 1-56205-419-8, 4lbs, $40.00
The 68000 Microprocessor, Hardware and Software Principles and Applications, Third Edition, Disk missing, by Antonakos, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-02-303617-6, 4lbs, $53.00
80C51-Based 8-Bit Semicontrollers Data Handbook, Phillips Semiconductors, 3lbs, $10.00
80386 Programmer's Reference Manual, Intel Corporation, ISBN 1-55512-022-9, 3lbs, $20.00
The 80286 Architecture, by Morse and Albert, Wiley Press, ISBN 0 471-83185-9, 3lbs, $24.95
The 8086/8088 Primer, Second Edition, by Morse, Hayden, ISBN 0-8104-6255-9, 3lbs, $20.00
Power Computing Multitasking and Application Management with your 80386, by Winn L. Rosch, Bantam Computer Books, ISBN 0-553-34530-3, 3lbs, $21.95
Programming the Intel 80386, by Smith and Johnson, Scott, Foresman and Company, ISBN 0-673-18568-0, 4lbs, $22.95
A+ Certification Training Guide, Core Exam & DOS/Windows Exam, Covers Exams 220-101 & 220-102, CD included, Second Edition, by Charles J. Brooks, New Riders, ISBN 0-7357-0907-6, 7lbs, $49.99
A+ Complete Study Guide, Full Coverage of the 1998 A+ Exams, CD included, by David Groth, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-2490-9, 6lbs, $49.99
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Programming, by Greg Perry, Sams, ISBN 0-672-30269-1, 4lbs, $19.95
Acrobat 2.1-Your Personal Consultant, by Roy Christmann, Ziff-Davis Press, ISBN 1-56276-336-9, 4lbs, $24.95
Active Server Pages 2.0, by Francis, Kauffman, Llibre, Sussman, and Ullman, ISBN 1-861001-34-7, $39.99, 4 pounds
Adobe FrameMaker Classroom in a Book, version 5.5, with CD, ISBN1568303998, $45, 3 pounds, two copies
The Age Of Spiritual Machines- When computers exceed human intelligence, by Rav Kurzweil, Penguin Books, ISBN 0-14-028202-5, 3lbs, $19.00
Aldus Pagemaker 3.0, Personal Training, Beginner and Intermediate level, cassette tape and 3.5" disk, 2 pounds, $19
Analog-To-Digital/ Digital-To-Analog Conversion Techniques, by David F. Hoeschele, Jr., Wiley, ISBN 0-471-40575-2, 4lbs, $20.00
The axonometric Computing System, L. Squier, 1 pound, $49
Barron's Computer Study Program For The SAT* Scholastic Aptitude Test, User's Manual, Second Edition, Disks inluded, Barron's, ISBN 0-8120-7597-8, 3lbs, $49.95
BSG Client/ Server Computing, Second Edition, by Smith & Guengerich, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30473-2, 4lbs, $40.00
BSG Enterprise-Wide Networking, by Schnaidt, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30173-3, 4lbs, $39.95
Basic Exercises for the IBM Personal Computer, by JP Lamotier, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-088-1, $15.00, 2 pounds
BMDP Statistical Software Manual, 1985 Reprinting, by W.J. Dixon, …, California Press, ISBN 0-520-04408-8, 5lbs, $20.00
BMDP Statistic Software Manual, Volume 1, by W.J. Dixon, …, California Press, ISBN 0-520-06473-9, 5lbs, $20.00
BMDP Statistical Software Manual, Volume 2, by Dixon, …, California Press, ISBN 0-520-06474-7, 5lbs, $20.00
Building and Managing Virtual Private Networks, by Dave Kosiur, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-29526-4, 3lbs, $44.99
Building Internet Firewalls, by Chapman and Zwicky, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-124-0, 4lbs, $25.45
Byte's Windows Programmer's Cookbook, by L. John Ribar, includes sealed companion disc, ISBN 0-07-882037-5, $34.95, 3 pounds
CD-I and Interactive Videodisc Technology, by Steve Lambert & Janr Sallis, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-22512-1, 2 pounds, $24.95
The CICS Programmer's Desk Reference, Covers all versions of CICS through version 3.3, Second Edition, by Doug Lowe, Murach, ISBN 0-911625-68-2, 6lbs, $20.00, two copies
College Keyboarding, Keyboarding Course Lessons 1-30, by VanHuss, Duncan, Forde & Woo, South Western, ISBN 0-538-71661-4, 3lbs, $20.00
Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools, by Aho, Sethi & Ullman, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-10088-6, 5lbs, $53.35
The complete Idiot's Guide to Creating an HTML 4 Web Page, Third Edition, by Paul McFedries, QUE, ISBN 0-7897-1490-6, CD-ROM included, 4lbs, $ 24.99
The Complete PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide, Third Edition, by Mark Minasi, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1498-9, 5lbs, $29.99
Complexity of Computer Computations, by Miller & Thatcher, Plenum Press, ISBN 0-306-30707-3, 3lbs, $16.50
Computer Animation Primer, by Fox and Waite, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-021742-4, 4lbs, $22.95
Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach, Second Edition, by Hennessy & Patterson, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN 1-55860-329-8, 7lbs, $83.95
Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, by Hwang and Briggs, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-031556-6, 5lbs, $20.00
Computer Connection Mysteries Solved, by Wideman, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-22526-3, 3lbs, &18.95
Computer Graphics for the IBM PC, by Ammeraal, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-91501-7, 3lbs, $19.95
Computer Graphics Primer, by Mitchell Waite, Sams, ISBN 0-672-21650-7, 2lbs, $19.00
Computer Language Reference Guide, Second Edition, by Harry L. Helms, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-21823-2, 2lbs, $19.00
Computer Networks, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-165183-8, 4lbs, $20.00
Computer Network Architectures and Protocol, by Paul E. Green, Jr., Plenum, ISBN 0-306-40788-4, 4lbs, $50.00
Computer Organization & Design the Hardware / Software Interface, by Patterson & Hennessy, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 1-55860-281-X, 6lbs, $20.00
Computer Phone Book, 600 pages - $5
Computer Programmer, by Milton Luftig, Arco, Arco Catalog Number 668-01232-3, 2lbs, $19.00
The Computer Virus Handbook, by Richard B. Levin, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881647-5, 3lbs, $24.95
Computer Virus, What They Are, How They Work, and How to Avoid Them, includes disk, by Jonathan L. Mayo, Windcrest/ McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-8306-3382-0, 3lbs, $29.95
Concepts of Programming Languages, Second Edition, by Robert W. Sebesta, Benjamin/Cummings, ISBN 0-8053-7130-3, 4lbs, $20.00
DataBase Management Systems, A Guide to Microcomputer Software, by David Kruglinski, McGrawHill, ISBN 0-931988-84-5, 3lbs, $19.00
Database Processing, Fundamental-Design-Implementation, Third Edition, by Kroenke & Dolan, Macmillan, ISBN 0-02-366871-7, 5lbs, $46.30
Database Systems Design, implementation, and Management, Third Edition, by Rob & Coronel, Course/ ITP, ISBN 0-7600-4904-1, 6lbs, $20.00
Database Systems Management and Design, by Pratt and Adamski, Boyd & Fraser, ISBN 0-87835-227-9, 5lbs, $42.70
Debugging System 360/370 Programs Using OS And VS Storage Dumps, by Daniel H. Rindfleisch, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-197632-X, 2lbs, $20.00, three copies
Developing Client/ Server Applications, Revised Edition, by W.H. Inmon, QED, ISBN 0-89435-458-2, 2lbs, $20
Digital Technology, Second Edition, by Gerald E. Williams, SRA, ISBN 0-574-21555-7, 4lbs, $20.95
The Digital Dictionary, Second Edition, by Robert E. Marotta, DECbooks, ISBN 0-932376-82-7, 4lbs, $20.00
The Distinguished Lecture Series IV "Multiprotocol Routing in Large Networks", by James Forster, Sponsored by Cisco Systems, 1992 University Video Communications, $19.00
Doing Business with SuperCalc, by Stanley R. Trost, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-095-4, 3lbs, $19.00
The Downloader's Companion for Windows, includes 3.5" companion disk, ISBN 0-13-342254-2, $19, 1 pound
Dvorak's Guide to Telecommunications, John Dvorak & Nick Anis, Osborne/ McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881787-0, includes disk, $39.95
Dvorak's Guide to Telecommunications, John Dvorak & Nick Anis, Osborne/ McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881551-7, includes disks, 6lbs, $49.95, three copies
Dvorak's Guide to PC Connectivity, Disks missing, by Dvorak, Anis & Feibel, Bantam Computer Books, ISBN 0-553-35335-7, 5lbs, $39.00
Effective Computer User Documentation, by James Crown, VNR, ISBN 0-442-00863-5, 3lbs, $20.00
Electronic Communications Systems, by William D. Stanley, Reston, ISBN 0-8359-1666-9, 4lbs, $47.45
Elements of Micro-Programming, by Banerji & Raymond, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-267146-8, 3lbs, $20.00
Embedded Controller Handbook, Volume I, 8-Bit,Intel, ISBN 1-55512-072-5, $15.00, 3 pounds
Embedded Controller Handbook, Vol II, 16-Bit,, Itel, ISBN 1-55512-072-5, $15.00, 3 pounds
Embedded Microcontroller User's Manual, 8XC251SB, Intel, $10.00, 2 pounds
Engineering and Scientific Programs for IBM Personal Computers, Available from non-IBM Sources, 1st edition, 1984, 3 pounds, $29
Exam Cram Networking Essentials, Exam 70-058, MCSE, by Tittel, Hudson & Stewart, Coriolis, ISBN 1-57610-445-1, 3lbs, $29.99
The First Book of The Norton Utilities, Complete coverage of Version 5.0, by Wikert, Sams, ISBN 0-672-27308-X, 3lbs, $19.00
Fundamentals of Database Systems, by Elmasri / Navathe, Benjamin/ Cummings, ISBN 0-8053-0145-3, 5lbs, $46.90
Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics, by J.D.Foley and A.Van Dam, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-14468-9, 4lbs, $34.95, two copies
Fundamentals of Programming Languages, E. Horowitz, Somputer Science Press, ISBN:0088175-004-2, 3 pounds, $29
Graphic Design for the Electronic Age, by Jan V. White, A Xerox Press Book, Watson Guptill, ISBN 0-8230-2122-X, 3lbs, $24.95
Graphics Primer for the IBM PC, by Waite & Morgan, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-931988-99-3, 3lbs, $20.00
GRE Practicing to Take the General Test, 9th Edition, ETS, ISBN 0-446-39469-6, 4lbs, $20.00
Grow your Business with Desktop Marketing, by Steve Morgenstern, Random House, ISBN 0-679-76088-1, 4lbs, $24.95
Hard Disk Management for IBM PC XT, AT,etc,Thomas Cain, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-89303-669-2, 19.95
High-Speed Animation And Simulation For Microcomputers, by Lee Adams, TAB, Disk missing, ISBN 0-8306-2859-2, 4lbs, $20.00
Highly Parallel Computing, Second Edition, by Almasi & Gottlieb, Benjamin/Cummings, ISBN 0-8053-0443-6, 5lbs, $20.00
HTML Complete, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-2467-4, 4lbs, $19.99
IBM Guide to Operations, Portable Personal Computer - SOLD
The IBM Programmer's Challenge, by Steven Chen, TAB, ISBN 0-8306-2807-X, 3lbs, $19.00
IBM PC Graphics, by Craig & Bretz, TAB, ISBN 0-8306-1860-0, 3lbs, $19.00
Inside COM Microsfot's Component Object Model, by Dale Rogerson, ISBN 1-57231-349-8, $34.99
INTEL Microprocessor and Periferal Handbook, Vol I, Microprossor, Intel, ISBN 1-55512-041-5, 5 pounds, $10.00
Internet Training Manual, By Ronald Wagner & Eric Engelmann, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-066937-6, 4lbs, $32.95
The Internet: Joining the Global Community, Video Module 1 of 2, J3 Learning Software Education Publisher, $19.00
The Internet Companion, Second Edition, by Tracy LaQuey, ISBN 0-201-40766-3, $19, 2 pounds
Internet Society Network Technology Workshop, INET'95, $49
An Introduction to Data Base Design, by John K. Lyon, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-55735-8, 3lbs, $20.00
An Introduction to the Internet, Included Reference Guide, ETV, 19.00, three copies
An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, by Timothy Budd, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-54709-0, 3lbs, $36.75
An Introduction to Operating Systems, Including Case Studies in: UNIX, VAX, CP/M, MVS, VM, with Concurrent Programming in Ada,
Introduction to Low Resolution Graphics, by Nat Wadsworth, Scelbi, 2lbs, $19.00
Introduction to Personal Computers, M USA Video, ISBN 0-929978-19-6, $19.00
Revised Edition, by Deitel, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-14501-4, 4lbs, $36.95
Inside Director 5, Lee Allis et al, New Riders Pub., ISBN 1-56205-567-4, No disk, $39.95
Inside Generic Cadd 6, Covers Versions 5 & 6, Second Edition, by Newton, NRP, ISBN 1-56205-067-2, 3lbs, $29.95
Inside SCO UNIX, by Glines, Spicer, Hunsberger & White, NRP, ISBN 1-56205-028-1, $29.95
Inside the IBM PC Access to Advanced Features and Programming, by Peter Norton, Brady, ISBN 0-89303-556-4, 3lbs, $20.00
Interfacing to the IBM Personal Computer, by Lewis C. Eggebrecht, Sams, ISBN 0-672-22027-X, 3lbs, $15.95
JFC, Unleashed, by Foley & McCulley, Sams Publishing, ISBN 0-7807-1466-3, Includes CD, $39.99, 8 pounds
Jim Seymour's PC Productivity Bible, by Jim Seymour, Brady, ISBN 0-13-511080-7, $24.95
Job Control Language, Second Edition, by Ruth Ashley & Judi N. Fernandez, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-79983-1, 2lbs,$18.95-SOLD
Kermit, A File Transfer Protocol, by Frank da Cruz, Digital Press, ISBN 0-932376-88-6, 4lbs, $20.00
The Language of First-Order Logic, Disk missing, Third Edition, by Barwise & Etchemendy, CSLI, ISBN 0-937073-99-7, 3lbs, $20.00
Learn How To Use Netscape Navigator, Learn PC, ISBN 1-57497-534, $19.00
Learn ObjectPAL Today Level 1, Borland Training Video, $19.00
Learning Outlook 97, Scheduling, Video Training by ViaGrafix, $19.00
Learning Internet Development HTML Level 1, Videotape, KeyStone, KLS Corp.
Linear Programming, by Vasek Chvatal, Freeman, ISBN 0-7167-1587-2, 3lbs, $20.00 SOLD
Logic Works, Education, Advanced Database Design with Erwin, Triggers and Macros, includes workbook and 3.5" disk, 4 pounds, SOLD
The Little Schemer, Fourth Edition, by Friedman and Felleisen, MIT, ISBN 0-262-56099-2, 3lbs, $20.00
Mastering the AS/400, A Practical, Hands-on Guide, by Jerry Fottral, 29th Street Press, ISBN 1-882419-77-4, 4lbs, $65.00
Mastering the 68000 Microprocessor, by Robinson, TAB, ISBN 0-8306-0886-9, 3lbs, $20.00
Mastering Macromedia Dreamweaver 3, Also Covers Fireworks 3, Covers Windows and Mac, CD included, by Crowder and Crowder, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-2624-3, 5lbs, $39.99
Mastering MultiMate Advantage II, by Ackerman, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-482-8, 4lbs, $21.95
Mastering Serial Communications, by Peter W. Gofton, Sybex, ISBN0-89588-180-2, 3lbs, $19.95
Mathcad 4.0 User's Guide Windows Version, MathSoft, PN 200176, 3lbs, $20.00
The Student Edition of MathCAD Version 2.0, Disk included, by Richard B. Anderson, Addison-Wesley / Benjamin/Cummings, ISBN 0-201-50550-9, 3lbs, $20.00
Mathematica Version 3, Third Edition, by Stephen Wolfram, ISBN 0-521-58888-X, $39, 8 pounds
Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, by Rogers & Adams, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-053527-2, 3lbs, $20.00
The MCS-80/85 Family User's Manual, Intel Corporation, Order Number 205775-002, 3lbs, $20.00
MCSE: Networking Essentials Study Guide, CD missing, by Chellis, Perking & Strebe, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1971-9, 3lbs, $39.99, two copies
MCSE Networking Essentials Exam Guide, Exam #70-58, CD missing, by Dan York, Que, ISBN 0-7897-1193-1, 6lbs, $89.00
MCSE TestPrep Core Exams, Exams #70-67,70-68,70-58 and 70-73, by a group of authors, QUE, ISBN 1-56205-831-2, 8lbs, $69.99
MCSE TestPrep TCP/IP, Exams #70-59, by Emmett Dulaney, QUE, ISBN 1-56205-843-6, 3lbs, $24.99
MCSE Training Guide Systems Management Server 1.2 with companion CD, ISBN 1-56205-748-0, $49, never opened, 4 pounds
Microcomputer Graphics, by Roy W. Myers, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-05092-7, 3lbs, $20.00, two copies
Micrografx Designer Technical Edition, Discovering Designer, Micrografx, Manual, 3lbs, $15.00
Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook, Volume II-Peripheral, Sybex, ISBN 1-55512-041-5, $15.00, 3 pounds
Microprocessors and Microcomputers Hardware and Software, by Tocci and Laskowski, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-581322-0, 4lbs, $20.00
Microprocessors and Programmed Logic, by Short, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-581173-2, 4lbs, $20.00
MICROSOFT Exchange Server, V5.0, Tony Redmond, Digital Press, ISBN 1-55558-189-7, $20.00
Microsoft InfoSource 3.0, 1295 098-62985, CD only, $19
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 Starts Here, Deluxe Learning Edition, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-57231-882-1, $39.99
Microsoft Magazine, Premiere Issue, Fall 1994, $19
Microsoft Mouse Programmer's Reference, Second Edition, Microsoft Press, with 5.25" companion disks, ISBN 1-55615-336-8, 3 pounds, $34.95
Microsoft Outlook for Dummies, by Bill Dyszel, IDGF Books, ISBN 0-7645-0080-5, 3lbs, $19.99
Microsoft Outlook 98 Step by Step, Microsoft Press, with companion CD with Outlook software, ISBN 1-57231-717-5, $29.99
Microsoft Software Catalog, I'll guess 1980 vintage. $29
Microsoft Paintbrush, User's Guide, Microsoft, 0886 Part No. 000-099-041, 2lbs, $20.00
Show Partner, User's Guide, Microsoft, 0886 Part No. 000-099-042, 2lbs, $20.00
Metrowerks CodeWarrior Programming, by Dan Parks Sydow, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55851-435-X, $39.95
The Mosaic Handbook for Microsoft Windows, Disks included, by Dougherty & Koman, O'Reilly & Associates, A Nutshell Handbook, ISBN 1-56592-094-5, 3lbs, $20.00
MFC Programming from the Ground up, Covers Version 4, by Herbert Schildt, Osborne/ McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-882222-X, 4lbs, $34.95
Using MFC and ATL, CD missing, Covers: Visual C++ 5.0, MFC 5.0 and ALT 2.0 for Windows 95 and Windows NT, Special Edition, by Walnum, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0751-9 , 5lbs, $39.99
Modules & Definitions, Premier Issue - July 1990 , 1lbs, $19.00
Modules & Definitions, Issue 2, August 1900, 1lbs, $19.00
Modules & Definitions, Sept/ Oct/ Now 1990, "pcking up the pieces", 1lbs, $19.00
Modules & Definitions, Issue 4, 1991, 1lbs, $19.00
The Motorola MC 68000 Microprocessor Family: Assembly Language, Interface Design and System Design, by Harman and Lawson, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-603986-3, 4lbs,
Nerds, 2.0.1, A Brief History of the Internet, by Stephen Segaller, ISBN 1-57500-088-1, $15
Netscape Navigators 3 Starter Kit, Covers Version 3 for Windows 95, Windows 3.1 and Windows NT, Includes Netscape Navigator Gold 3 CD, by Mark Brown, Que, ISBN 0-7897-1181-8, 4lbs, $39.99
Networking Essentials, Second Edition,, Hands-On, Self-Paced Training for Supporting Local and Wide Area Networks, Microsoft Press, Part No. 097-0002003, ISBN 1-57231-527-X, 5lbs, $20.00
Nolo's WILL Book, 3rd Edition, by Denis Clifford, NOLO, ISBN 0-87337-373-1, disk included, 3lbs, $29.95
Novell's Introduction to Networking, by Currid & Currid, IDG Books, ISBN 0-7645-4525-6, 3lbs, $19.99
NTSC, IP Naming Conventions, TRT 30 Min. / TCPI-STVD-A452A, Wave Technologies International, $19.00
NTSC, Learning Introduction To SQL, TRT: 37:45 / SSS6-STVD-A664A, Wave Technologies International, $19.00
NTSC, Windows NT Workstations V3.51 Update, TRT 15 Min. / WNTU-SSVD-A572A, Wave Technologies International, $19.00
NTSC, Windows 95 Administration, TRT 15 / W95A-STVD-A570A, Wave Technologies International, $19.00
NTSC, Networking Fundamentals, TRT 20 Min. / NWIN-STVD-A570A, Wave Technologies International, $19.00
NTSC, Guide To Getting Started, TRT: 6:57 / MCSE-STVD-A671A, Wave Technologies International, $19.00
NTSC, Client Services For Netware, TRT 19 min. / WNTA-STVD-A521A, Wave Technologies International, $19.00
NTSC, Windows For Workgroups Fax & Ras, TRT 15 Min. / SWIN-STVD-A570A, Wave Technologies International, $19.00
NTSC, Understanding Windows NT Domains, TRT 20 Min. / NTAS-STVD-A528A, Wave Technologies International, $19.00
The ODBC Solution, Open Database Connectivity in Distributed Environments, disk included, by Signore, Creamer and Stegman, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-911880-1, 3lbs, $50.00 SOLD
Objects and Databases, by Petr Kroha, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-707790-3, 3lbs, $20.00
Object Orientation, Concepts, Languages, Databases, User Interfaces, by Khoshafian & Abnous, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-51801-8, 4lbs, $29.95
Official Netscape Navigator 2.0 Book, Windows Edition, With CD-ROM includes Netscape Navigator 2.0, by Phil James, Netscape Press, ISBN 1-56604-347-6, 5lbs, $ 29.95
Official Netscape Navigator 2.0 Book, Macintosh Edition, With CD-ROM includes Netscape Navigator 2.0, by Phil James, Netscape Press, ISBN 1-56604-413-8, 5lbs, $ 29.95
Official Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 Book, Windows Edition, CD included, by Alan Simpson, Netscape Press, ISBN 1-56604-420-0, 6lbs, $39.95
On Site Microsoft Proxy Server 2, CD included, by Kevin Schuler, Coriolis, ISBN 1-57610-259-9, 4lbs, $39.99
OpenGL Superbible, The Complete Guide to OpenGL Programming for Windows NT and Windows 95, Includes CD-ROM, by Wright & Sweet, Waite Group Press, ISBN 1-57169-073-5, 5lbs, $59.99
Operating System Concepts, Alternate Edition, by James Peterson and Abraham Silberschatz Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-18760-4, 4lbs, $20.00
Operating Systems, A Systematic View, Second Edition, by William S. Davis, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-11116-0, 4lbs, $20.00
Operating Systems, A Systematic View, Third Edition, by William S. Davis, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-11185-3, 4lbs, $20.00
Out of the Inner Circle, by Bill Landreth, Microsoft Press, ISBN 0-914845-36-5, 3lbs, $19.00
Outlook 97 Video Tutorial, NTSC VHS, $19
Outlook 98 At a Glance, by Stephen L. Nelson, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-57231-719-1, 3lbs, $19.00
PC Network Administration, Disk missing, by Fortino and Rybaczyk, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-912110-1, 3lbs, $44.95
PC System Programming, An in-depth reference for the DOS programmer, Disks included, by Michael Tischer, Abacus, ISBN 1-55755-036-0, 6lbs, $59.95
PC Upgrade and Repair Bible, includes CD, by Barry Press, IDG Books, ISBN 0-7645-3023-2, 6lbs, $49.99
PGP, Pretty Good Privacy, O'Reilly & Associates, Simson Garfinkel, ISBN 1-56592-098-8, 3 lbs, $25
The Personal Computer Book, Peter A. McWilliams, Ballantine Prelude Press, ISBN 345-31106-X, $20
Peter Norton's Inside the PC, (Covers al the latest hardware architectures, 5th Edition, by Peter Norton, Brady, ISBN 1-56686-097-0, 4lbs, $24.95
Peter Norton Inside the IBM PC, Revised and Enlarged, by Peter Norton, Brady/ Prentices Hall, ISBN 0-89303-583-1, 4lbs, $21.95, two copies
The Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC, by Norton, Microsoft Press, ISBN 0-914845-46-2, 2lbs, $19.95, two copies
Pocket PC StarterPak for Dummies, CD included, by Brian Underdahl, IDG Books, ISBN 0-7645-0832-6, 2lbs, $19.00
Power Programming … Motif, Version 1.2, Second Edition, disk missing, by Johnson and Reichard, MIS:Press, ISBN 1-55828-322-6, 5lbs, $49.95
Programmed Graphics, by William F. Schneider, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 07-055402-1, 4lbs, $20.00
Programmer's Problem Solver, Second Edition, by Jourdain and the Peter Norton Computing Group, Brady, ISBN 0-13-720194-X, 4lbs, $29.95
Programming 8086/8088, by James W. Coffron, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-120-9, 3lbs, $20.00
Programming in 3 Dimensions, with 5.25" companion disk, by Christopher Watkins and Larry Sharp, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55851-220-9, 3 pounds, $39.95
Programming Principles in Computer Graphics, by Ammeraal, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-90989-0, 3lbs, $21.95
Programming and Languages, Module P, Introduction to Computers, Structured Programming, and Applications, by C. William Gear, SRA, ISBN 0-574-21187-X, 3lbs, $20.00
Programming Illustrated, by D.F. Scott, ISBN 1-56529-675-3, $24.99, 3 pounds
Programming Languages Design and Implementation, Second Edition, by Terrence W. Pratt, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-730580-X, $20, two copies
Programming Languages: History and Fundamentals, by Jean E. Sammet, Prentice-Hall, 72998, 5lbs, $20
Programming Language/ One With Structured Programming, Third Edition, by Bates and Douglas, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-730473-0, 3lbs, $20.00
Programming Language/ One, Second Edition, by Bates and Douglas, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-730390-4, 4lbs, $20.00
Programming Perl, by Larry Wall, et. al, 3rd edition, ISBN: 0596000278, 5 pounds, $49.95 SOLD
Programming Real- Time Computer Systems, by James Martin, Prentice Hall, Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 65-24603, 3lbs, $20.00
PROM User's Guide, Pro-Log Corporation, 101125 1/79, 2lbs, $19.00
Python in a Nutshell, Covers Python 2.2, by Alex Martelli, ISBN: 0596001886, $34.95, 3 pounds
Real- Time Systems Design, by Edward Yourdon, Information & Systems Institute Inc. , 3lbs, $20
Real World Freehand 3, by Olav, Martin & Kvern, Peachpit Press, ISBN 0-938151-29-0, 4lbs, $27.95
The Road Ahead, Bill Gates, CD only, $19
Repair and Maintain your IBM PC, by Gene B. Williams, Chilton Book Company, ISBN 0-8019-7705-3, 3lbs, $20.00
Reveal, Part No. 62-019-001, Installation Companion Video, MultiMedia FX, $19.00
Screamer, the Ultimate PC Supercharging Kit, by Marty Jerome and Wendy Taylor, with sealed 3.5" companion disk, ISBN 0-679-79000-4, $35, 3 pounds
In Search of Clusters, by Pfister, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-437625-0, 3lbs, $20
Self-Study for Microsoft Implementations of TCP/IP, Wave Technologies International, MSTP-SSMN-A536A, 4lbs, $20.00
SNOBOL, Programming for the Humanities, by Susan Hockey, Oxford Press, ISBN 0-19 82476-5, $10.00, 2 pounds
SNMP, A Guide to Network Management, by Dr. Sidnis Feit, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-020359-8, 4lbs, $25.00
Software Engineering, Fourth Edition, by Ian Sommerville, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56529-3, 5lbs, $20
Software Engineering, A Programming Approach, by Bell, Morry and Johnpugh, Prentice/ Hall, ISBN 0-13-821836-6, 3lbs, $19.00
Software Tools, by Kernighan & Plauger, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-03669-X, 3lbs, $20.00
The Soul Of A New Machine, by Tracy Kidder, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-71115-X, 2lbs, $19.00
Spring Internet World 98, CD, $49
Step by Step XML, by Michael J. Young, with companion CD, ISBN: 0735610207, 3 pounds, $49.99
Structures and Abstractions, an Introduction to Computer Science with Pascal, by William I Salmon, IRWIN, ISBN 0-256-08273-1, 5lbs, $20.00
Structured Computer Organization, Second Edition, by Andrew S. Tranenbaum, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-854489-1, $20.00, two copies
The Student Edition of MINITAB, Release 8, Disk missing, by Schaefer & Farber, Addison-Wesley / Benjamin/Cummings, ISBN 0-201-95512-1, 4lbs, $20.00
Study Guide to Accompany Understanding Computers and Data Processing Today and Tomorrow with and without BASIC, Second Edition, by Parker and Ralya, HRW, ISBN 0-03-008123-8, 4lbs, $20.00
Supercharged Graphics, A Programmer's Source Code Toolbox, by Lee Adams, TAB, ISBN 0-8306-0659-9, 4lbs, $20.00
System 370 Job Control Language, Second Edition, by Gary De Ward Brown, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-62435-7, 3lbs, $20.00-SOLD
System Software, An Introduction to Systems Programming, by Leland L. Beck, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-10950-6, 4lbs, $20.00
Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, by John K. Ousterhout, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63337-X, 4lbs, $20.00
Teach Yourself CGI Programming with Perl 5 in a Week, by Eric Herrmann, Sams.net, ISBN 1-57521-009-6, 3 pounds, $39.99
The Thomas Register Executive Listening Program, Thomas Publishing, cassette tapes, 1 pound, $19, 2 COPIES
TOG on Interface, by Bruce Tognazzini, by Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-60842-1, 3lbs, $26.95
Tools for Structured Design, An introduction to Programming Logic, Third Edition, by Bohl and Rynn, Macmillan, ISBN 0-02-311861-X, 3lbs, $20.00
Troubleshooting and Repairing Computer Printers, by Stephen j. Bigelow, Windcrest /McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-8306-3935-7, 3lbs, $20
Troubleshooting and Repairing Personal Computer, Second Edition, by Art Margolis, Windcrest /McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-8306-2187-3, 5lbs, $20.00
Troubleshooting NetWare for the 386, Covers NetWare v. 3.11, by Day and Neff, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55851-223-3, 5lbs, $34.95
The TTL Data Book for Design Engineers, Second Edition, Texas Instruments, 4lbs, $20.00
Turbo Language Essentials, A Programmer's Reference, by Weiskamp, Shammas and Pronk, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-60907-2, 4lbs, $24.95
Turbo Libraries, A Programmer's Reference, by Keith Weiskamp, et al., Wiley, ISBN 0-471-61005-4, $27
Type and Learn Windows Programming w WinScope $19.00
Understanding Microprocessors, by the Staff of Motorola Inc., Semiconductor Products Division, General Editor: Daniel Queyssac, Published by Motorola Semiconductors, 2lbs, $20.00
The Ultimate Guide to the VI and E Text Editors, Hewlett Packard Company, Benjamin/ Cummings, ISBN 0-8053-4460-8, 3lbs, $20.00
Upgrading and Repairing PCs, by Scott Mueller, Que, ISBN 0-88022-395-2, 4lbs, $27.95
Using Aldus Pagemaker 4.0, Third Edition, by Kramer, Parker & Warren, Bantam Computer Books, ISBN 0-553-34939-2, 2lbs, $24.95
Using Collabra Share 2, (Covers Version 2 for Windows 95), Special Edition, by Dallas, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0410-2, 4lbs, $34.99
Using DisplayWrite, by Beacham and Beacham, QUE, ISBN 0-88022-127-5, $18.95
Using ProComm Plus, Covers ProComm and ProComm Plus Through Version 1.1B, by Bruce, Que, ISBN 0-88022-530-0, 3lbs, $19.95
User's Handbook to the IBM Personal Computer, First Edition, by Jeffrey R. Weber, Weber Systems Inc., ISBN 0-938862-13-8, 3lbs, $20.00
VAX Architecture Reference Manual, by Leonard, Digital Press, ISBN 0-932376-86-X, 4lbs, $20.00
VAX/VMS Internals and Data Structures, Version 3.3, by Kenah & Bate, Digital Press, ISBN 0-932376-52-5, 5lbs, $20.00
VAX/VMS Mastering DCL Commands and Utilities, by Sideris, , QED, ISBN 0-89435-317-9, 3lbs, $20.00
Video Professor Library, Included 3 Volumes: Learn To Master the Internet, Learn Advanced Internet Skills, Learn To Use the Internet, $19.00
VM/CMS Handbook for Programmers, Users and Managers, by Fosdick, Hayden, ISBN 0-672-46790-9, 4lbs, $32.95
VMS Performance Management, by James W. Coburn, Professional Press Book, ISBN 1-878956-21-3, 3lbs, $19.00
Visio 3.0 Idea Book, Disk included, Debbie Walkowski, alpha books, 3lbs, $22.99
VSAM Access Method Services and application programming, by Doug Lowe, Murach, ISBN 0-911625-33-X, 4lbs, $20.00
XML in a Nutshell, A Desktop Quick Reference, by Elliotte Rusty Harold and W. Scott Means, ISBN: 0596000588, 3 pounds, $29.95
The Waite Group Windows 95 Multimedia & ODBC API Bible, CD included, by Richard J. Simon,…, Waite Group Press, ISBN 1-57169-011-5, 5lbs, SOLD
Web Publishing Professional Reference Edition, Unleashed, Covers HTML 3.2, CGI, VRML 2, Java, JavaScript, VBScript, Active, FrontPage, by William R. Stanek, Sams net, ISBN 1-57521-198-X, 7lbs, $69.99
Welcome to… Programming From Mystery to Mastery, Disk included, by Al Stevens, MIS:Press, ISBN 1-55828-309-9, 3lbs, $24.95
Windows Programmer's Guide to Resources, Disk missing, by Alex Leavens, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30097-4, 4lbs, $34.95
Winning Forms Word for Windows, Disk missing, by Scapicchio, Kinlan, McGrath & Tucker, Random House, ISBN 0-679-74295-6, 3lbs, $45.00
The Word Processor Book, Peter A. McWilliams, Ballantine Prelude Press, ISBN 345-31105-1, $20
World of ObjectVision, Borland Visions Video Series, $19.00
Your IBM Personal Computer: Use, Applications, and Basic, by Cortesi, HRW, ISBN 0-03-062883-0, 3lbs, $20.00
Your PC…Inside Out, Data-Tech Institute, Videotape, 2 pounds, $19.00
ZILOG Volume I Databook, Microprocessors and Periferrals, 1992, 4 pounds, $10.00SOLD
ZILOG Z80180/Z180 MPU, User's Manual, 1989, 2 pounds, $5.00
ZILOG Z180 Family Microprocessore and Periferals, Databook,, 4 pounds, $10.00
Modula-2, A Complete Guide, by K.N. King, Heath, ISBN 0-669-11091-4, $35.00 SOLD
Modula-2, A Seafarer's Manual and Shipyard Guide, by Edward J. Joyce, Addison Wesley, ISBN0-201-11587, $19, 3 pounds
Programming in MODULA-2, Second Edition, by Niklaus Wirth, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-12206-0, ISBN 0-387-12206-0, 3lbs, $19.00, SOLD
ABCs of MUMPS, An Introduction for Novice and Intermediate Programmers, Richard F. Walters, Digital Press, ISBN 1-55558-017-3 - SOLD
The Complete MUMPS, An intrduction and Reference Manual for the MUMPS Programming Language, John Lewkowicz, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-162141-6, SOLD
IBM Language Environment for MVS & VM, Debugging Guide and Run-Time Messages, Release 5, SC26-4829-05, 4lbs, $20
IBM Language Environment for MVS & VM, Programming Guide, Release 5, SC26-4818-05, 4lbs, $20
MVS JCL, Second Edition, by Doug Lowe, Murach, ISBN 0-911625-85-2, 5lbs, $20.00
MVS TSO Part 1: Concepts and ISPF, Second Edition, by Doug Lowe, Murach, ISBN 0-911625-56-9, 4lbs, $20
MVS TSO Part 2: Commands and Procedures, Second Edition, by Doug Lowe, Murach, ISBN 0-911625-57-7, 4lbs, $20 SOLD
NetWare® - Novell®, the producer of NetWare products, is easily the worst behaved among the 10,000 companies we've encountered. We have learned the hard way not to have ANY dealings with them or their products. We now immediately "landfill" any software or books with their name on it.
Computer Network Architecture and Protocols, by Paul E. Green, Jr., Plenum Press, ISBN0-306-40788-4, $30
Inside the Norton Utilities, Revised and Expanded, by Rob Krum, Brady, ISBN 0-13-468406-0, $24.95
Mastering the Norton Utilities 5, by Peter Dyson, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-725-8, $24.95
Up and Running with Norton Utilities 5, by Michael Gross, Sybex, ISBN:0-89588-819-X, $5
60 Minute Guide to LotusScript 3 Programming for Notes 4, by Beyer, Houle & Perron, IDG, ISBN 1-56884-779-3, 3lbs, $19.99
Application Development 1, student Guide, Part No. CT6FYNA, $19.99, 3 pounds
Database Development in Lotus Notes, by Susan L. Reber, Logical Operations, ZD Press, ISBN 1-56276-283-4, 3lbs, $29.95
Easy Lotus Notes Release 4.0, by Elaine Marmel, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0756-X, 3lbs, $24.99
Lotus Notes 4.5 Administrator's Guide, by Bret Swedeen, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1841-0, 4lbs, $44.99, two copies
Lotus Notes and Domino 4.5 Unleashed, CD included, by Randall A. Tamura, et al, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-31004-X, 6lbs, $55.00
Lotus Notes and Domino R5.0 Security Infrastructure Revealed, 285 pages, $39
The Lotus Notes Idea Book, by Kovel, Quirk & Gabin, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-40787-6, 3lbs, $24.95
Teach yourself Lotus Notes 4.5, Covers Domino 4.5, Disk included, by Bill Kreisle, MIS Press, ISBN 1-55828-529-6, 4lbs, $24.95
Teach yourself LotusScript For Notes/ Domino 4.6, , Disk included, by Bill Kreisle & Rocky Oliver, MIS Press, ISBN 1-55828-560-1, 4lbs, $29.95
Using Lotus Notes and Domino 4.5, CD missing, Special Edition, by Cate Richards, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0943-0, 7lbs, $49.99
A Nutshell Handbook, Programming with Curses, by John Strang, O'Reilly and Associates, ISBN 0-937175-02-1, $15
ObjectVision 2.0 Developer's Guide, by Allen G. Taylor, Borland Bantam, ISBN 0-553-35409-4, $26.95
Developing Applications with Microsoft Office 95, CD included, Second Edition, by Christine
Mastering Microsoft Office Professional for Windows 95, by Moseley & Boodey, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1747-3, 6lbs, $34.99
Microsoft Office 4.2 for Windows, Visual 3D Series, Covers Word, Exel, PowerPoint & Mail, by maranGraphics' Development
Microsoft Office 97 For Windows For Dummies, by Wang & Parker, IDG Books, ISBN 0-7645-0050-3, 3lbs, $19.99
Group, maranGraphics, ISBN 1-896283-04-7, 5lbs, $27.99
Solomon, Microsoft Press, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-898-X, 5lbs, $39.95
Using Microsoft Office 97 Professional, Special Edition, by Winter & Winter, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0896-5, 6lbs, $39.99
Inside OLE 2, by Kraig Brockenschmidt, Microsoft Press, with 3.5" disks, ISBN 1-55615-618-9, $49.95
OLE DB 1.1 Programmer's Reference and Software Development Kit, Microsoft Press, with CD, ISBN 1-57231-612-8, $39.99
OLE Programmer's Reference, Volume One, Working with Windows Objects, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-628-6, $29.95
OLE Programmer's Reference, Volume Two, Creating Programmable Applications with OLE Automation, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-629-6, $24.95
The OPL Optimization Programmign Language, by Pascal Van Hentenryck, MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-72030-2, $30, 3 pounds
Essential Oracle 7, Release 7.2 coverage, by Tom Luers, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30873-8, 4lbs, $25.00
Oracle8 DBA: Performance Tuning, by Michael R. Ault and Josef M. Brinson, ISBN 1-57610-602-0, $19, 3 pounds
Oracle, A Beginner's Guide, by Abbey and Corey, Oracle Press, Osborne, ISBN 0-07-882122-3, 4lbs, $29.95
Oracle, A Database Developer's Guide, by Ulka Rodgers, Yourdon Press, ISBN 0-13-488925-8, $29.95
Oracle Backup & Recovery Handbook for all versions of Oracle7, by Rama Velpuri, Oracle Press, Osborne, ISBN 0-07-882106-1, $29.95 SOLD
Oracle, the Complete Reference, 3rd Edition, by George Koch & Kevin Loney, Oracle Press, ISBN 0-07-882097-9, $34.95, two copies
Oracle Certified Professional DBA Certification Exam Guide (CD missing), by Jason S. Couchman, Oracle Press, Osborne, ISBN 0-07-882549-0, $99.99
Oracle Database Construction Kit , Covers Oracle 8, (CD missing), by John Palinski, Que, ISBN 0-7897-1419-1, 5lbs, $49.99
Oracle Data Warehousing, Covers Oracle 7.3, by Corey & Abbey, Oracle Press, Osborne, ISBN 0-07-882242-4, 3lbs, $34.95
Oracle Forms, Interactive Workbook, by Baman Motivala, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-015808-9, 3 pounds, $39.99
Oracle PL/SQL Programming, by Scott Urman, Oracle Press, Osborne, ISBN 0-07-882176-2, 4lbs, $34.95
Oracle Power Objects Developer's Guide, Cd included by Finkelstein, Greenwald and Sista, Oracle Press, Osborne, ISBN 0-07-882163-0, 4lbs, $39.95
Oracle Power Objects Handbook, by Bruce Kolste and David Petersen, Oracle Press, Osborne, ISBN 0-07-882089-8, $32.95
Oracle Power Objects in 21 Days, by Tom Grant, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30868-1, $39.99
Oracle Power Objects Language Reference 2.0, Oracle, $29
Advanced OS/2 Programming, Ray Duncan, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-045-8, 782pp, $24.95
Instant OS/2 Porting C Application to OS/2, Covers OS/2 2.1 and IBM and Borland's C++ for OS/2 compilers, Disk included , by Len Dorfman, Windcrest/ McGrawHill, ISBN 0-8306-4522-5, 3lbs, $34.95
LeBlond's 1-2-3/G Handbook for Presentation Manager, Bantam books, 1152pp, ISBN 0-553-34995-3, $29.95
OS/2 2.11 Unleashed, David Moskowitz and David Kerr, SAMS, with companion CD, ISBN 0-672-30445-7, $39.95
OS/ 2 Features, Functions and Applications, Standard Edition 1.0, by Krantz, Mizell and Williams, WILEY, ISBN 0 471-60709-6, 3lbs, $24.95
OS/2 Programmer's Guide, Ed Iacobucci, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881300-X, 1100pp $24.95
OS/2 Warp, Deluxe Edition, David Moskovich, David Kerr et al, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30545 3, $39.99, includes CD
Peter Norton's Inside OS/2, by Lafore and Norton, Brady, ISBN 0-13-467895-8, 5lbs, $20
Microsoft OS/2 Programmer's Reference, version 1.1, Volume 1, ISBN 1-55615-220-5, $19.95
Microsoft OS/2 Programmer's Reference, version 1.1, Volume 2, ISBN 1-55615-221-3, $29.95, two copies
Microsoft OS/2 Programmer's Reference, version 1.1, Volume 3, ISBN 1-55615-222-1, $19.95
Microsoft OS/2 Programmer's Reference, version 1.1, Volume 4, ISBN 1-55615-259-0, $19.95
Programmer's Reference Release 1.1, Prentice Hall, ISBN0-13-640681-5, $49
Develop Your First Paradox 5 for Windows Application in 14 Days, CD-ROM included, Lee Atkinson, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30597-6, 4lbs, $35, two copies
Inside Paradox for Windows, By Richard Wagner, NRP Publishing, ISBN 1-56205-122-9, $35.95
Inside Paradox 5 for Windows, Third Edition, Disk included, By Richard Wagner, NRP Publishing, ISBN 1-56205-246-2, 6lbs, $39.99
Killer Paradox 5 for Windows, by Leon Chalnick, Que, ISBN 1-56529-886-1, $49.99
Learn ObjectPAL, Borland training video, NTSC VHS tape, sealed, $49, two copies, 2 pounds
Learn Paradox for Windows, Borland, sealed video only. Missing disks and book, $19, two copies, 2 pounds
Mastering Paradox 4.5 for DOS, Second Edition, by Alan Simpson, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1439-3, $29.99 Three copies, 4 pounds
Mastering Paradox 4.5 for Windows, Second Edition, 2 inch tear in rear cover, by Alan Simpson, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1441-5, $20
Mastering Paradox 5 for Windows, Special Edition, byAlan Simpson, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1592-, $34.99
Paradox 4.0 Developer's Guide, by Dana Greaves and Jenifer Lindsay, Que, missing companion disks, ISBN 0-88022-705-2, SOLD
Paradox 4.5 Made Easy, Edward Jones, Osborne, ISBN 0-07-882016-2, 500pp, 24.95
Paradox for Windows Special Edition, Third Edition, by Alan Simpson, SYBEX, ISBN 0-7821-1592-6
Paradox for Windows 4.5 Handbook, by Glen Cochran and Celeste Robinson, Borland Press/Random House, ISBN 0-679-79107-8, $27
Paradox for Windows Programming By Example, (covers Paradox for Windows 1.0), Diane Tinney, Que, with sealed 3.5" companion disk, ISBN 1-56529-083-6, $27.95, 4#
Paradox User's Journal, special edition, $5
PC World, Paradox 3.5 Power Programming Techniques, Paradox scripts and utilities. 1.44MB diskette only. © 1990 by IDG Books, $19
Programming Paradox for Windows, by Cary Jensen and Loy Anderson, ISBN 0-7821-1018-5, $34.95, 4 pounds
The ABC's of Paradox, For Version 3.0, by Charles Siegal, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-573-5, $19.95
The ABC's of Paradox 3.5, Second Edition, by Charles Siegal, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-785-1, $19.95
Understanding and Using Paradox 3.5, by Rob Krumm, Brady Publishing, ISBN 0-13-946328-3, $20.00
Using Borland Paradox 7 for Windows 95 and Windows NT, by David Rippy, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0741-1, $20
Using Borland Paradox 7 for Windows 95 and Windows NT, by David Rippy, Borland Press, ISBN 0-7897-0741-1, SOLD
Using Microsoft Back Office, Special Edition, by Don Benage,, QUE, ISBN 0-7897-1142-7, $75.00, 7 pounds
Using Paradox 4, by Walter Bruce, Special Edition, Que, ISBN 0-88022-822-9, 29.95
Using Paradox 3, by Walter Bruce, Que, ISBN 0-88022-362-6, $22.95
PC TOOLS Quick Reference, Covers PC Tools Deluxe Through Version 6, Second Edition, George Sheldon, QUE, ISBN 0-88022-596-3, 2lbs, $7.95
Using PC Tools Deluxe (through version 6), by Walter R. Bruce III, Que, ISBN 0-88022-579-3, $24.95
January 1985, Vol.3 No.1
March 1985, Vol.3 No.3
November 1985, Vol.3 No.11
December 1985 Vol.3 No. 12
January 1986, Vol. 4 No.1
March 1986, Vol. 4 No.3, Realtime Operating Systems
April 1986, Vol. 4 No.4, Chips in Transition
May 1986, Vol. 4 No.5, Data Acquisition Boards
June 1986, Vol. 4 No.6, BASIC Interpreters
July 1986, Vol. 4 No.7, Animation Techniques
September 1986, Vol. 4 No.9, Forth Architecture
October 1986, Vol. 4 No.10, EGA Evaluation
November 1986, Vol. 4 No.11, Prolog Interpreters
December 1986, Vol. 4 No.12, RT Personal Computer
May 1987, Vol. 5 No.5, Data Management and LANS
June 1987, Vol. 5 No.6, Setting LAN Standards
September 1987, Vol. 5 No.9, Configuration Management
October 1987, Vol. 5 No.10, Analyzing Network Traffic
November 1987, Vol. 5 No.11, Enter OS/2
March 1988, Vol. 6 No.3, Presentation Manager
April 1988, Vol. 6 No.4, PS/2-One Year Later
May 1988, Vol. 6 No.5, Expert Systems
June 1988, Vol. 6 No.6, Evaluating LANs
July 1988, Vol. 6 No.7, PC-Mac Integration
August 1988, Vol. 6 No.8, CASE Tools
September 1988, Vol. 6 No.9, 25-MHz Machines
November 1988, Vol. 6 No.11, The VGA Standard
December 1988, Vol. 6 No.12,Uni versus OS/2
January 1989, Vol.7 No.1, Debuggers
February 1989, Vol.7 No.2, OS/2 Extended Edition
April 1989, Vol.7 No.4, Stretching DOS Limits
Beginning Perl, Simon Cozens, ISBN 1861003145, $29.99, 4 pounds
Perl Programmer's Interactive Workbook, Vincent Lowe, $29, ISBN 013020868X, 4 pounds
Using PFS: First Publisher (through version 3.0), by Katherine Murray, Que, ISBN 0-88022-591-2, $22.95
PFS: Professional Write and File
Advanced PFS:Professional Write and File, by Janie M. Gessin, Osborne McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-881001-9, $16.95
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 Studio Techniques, by Ben Willmore, missing companion disk, ISBN 1-56830-474-9, $29, 4 pounds
Adobe Photoshop 6.0 Classroom in a Book, with CD, ISBN 0201710161, $45, 4 pounds
Adobe Photoshop Handbook, Covers Version 2.5.1, 2.5 Edition, by Biedny, Monroy and Siprut, Random House, ISBN 0-679-79128-0, $29.00, 4lbs
Digital Wizardry, Creative Photoshop Techniques, by Bryan Allen, Amphoto Books, ISBN 0-8174-3797-5, $29, 3 pounds
Visual QuickStart Guide, Photoshop 5.5 for Windows and Macintosh, by Elaine Weinmann and /Peter Lourekas, ISBN 0-201-69957-5, $29, 3 pounds
Instructor's Manual to Accompany "Short Course in PL/I and PL/C", by Ann Clark and Steven Mandell, West, (C) 1978. $29
PL/I and PL/C Language Manual, by C. William Gear, SRA, ISBN 0-574-21194-2, $20
PL/I Programming, by Joan K. Hughes, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-42032-8, 5lbs, $20, two copies
PL/I Structured Programming, Second Edition, by Joan K. Hughes, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-01908-9, 5lbs, $20
Programming Language /ONE with Structured Programming, by Frank Bates and Mary Douglas, ISBN 0-13-730473-0, $29
Postscript Language Reference Manual, by Adobe Systems Incorporated, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-10174-2, $22.95
Postscript Language Tutorial and Cookbook, by Adobe Systems, Inc, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-10179-3, $16.95
Advanced PowerBuilder 4 Techniques, Disk missing, by Deyhimi, Heath & Mosley, Wiley-QED, ISBN 0-471-04989-1, 5lbs, $34.95
Developing PowerBuilders 3 Applications, Disk missing, by Bill Hatfield, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30465-1, 5lbs, $35
PowerBuilder 4 Programming for Dummies, by Coombs & Coombs, IDG, ISBN 1-56884-325-9, 3lbs, $19.99
PowerBuilder 4 Applications, Covers Version 4 for Windows, Third Edition, disk included, by Bill Hatfield, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30695-6, 6lbs, $45.00,
PowerBuilder 5, A Developer's Guide, CD included, by David McClanahan, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55851-473-2, 5lbs, $44.95
PowerBuilder Foundation Class Library Professional Reference, (includes coverage for PowerBuilder 6.0) by Team Powersoft, McGraw Hill, with backup of companion CD, ISBN 0-07-913267-7, $49, 4 pounds
Transition to the PowerBuilder Environment, Powersoft, Part Number PB5-ED11-1, 3lbs, $20
Using PowerBuilder 4, Special Edition, CD included, by Wood, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0059-X, 5lbs, $49.99
10 Minute Guide To PowerPoint for Windows 95, Covers Version 7.0 for Windows 95, by Wempen & Kraynak, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0549-4, 2lbs, $19.00
Microsoft PowerPoint 4 for Windows, Step by Step, with 3.5" companion diskette, ISBN 1-55615-622-7, $29, 4 pounds
Running Microsoft PowerPoint 97, by Stephen W. Sagman, Microsoft Press, CD included, ISBN 1-57231-324-2, 4lbs, $29.95
Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 4.0 for Windows and Macintosh, by Gwen Lowery, ISBN 0-442-01768-5, $29, 3 pounds
Microsoft Project 4 for Widnows Step by Step, with companion 3.5" disk, ISBN 1-55615-595-6, $19, 4 pounds
Using Microsoft Project 4 for Windows, by Tim Pyron, Que, ISBN 1-56529-594-3, $29.99, three copies
Using Microsoft Project for Windows 95, Special Edition, by Pyron and Valentine, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0540-0, 5lbs, $34.99
Advanced Turbo Prolog Programming, Dan Shafer, Howard Sams & Company, ISBN 0-672-22573-5, $19.95
Introduction to Turbo Prolog, Second Edition, by Carl Townsend, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-611-1, 2 lbs, $22.95
Natural Language Programming in PROLOG, by Gerald Gazdar and Chris Mellish, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-18053-7, $39
Programming in Prolog, Second Edition, by Clocksin & Mellish, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-540-15011-0, 3 pounds, $5.00
Programming in Prolog, Third, Revised and Extended Edition, by Clocksin & Mellish, Springer-Verlag, ISBN3-540-17539-3, 2 lbs, $5.00
Prolog and Expert Systems, by Kenneth A. Bowen, McGrawHill, ISBN 0-07-006731-7, 3lbs, $20
Mastering Q&A for Windows, by Sandra E. Eddy, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1397-4, $27.99
Using Q&A, 2nd Edition, by Ewing and Langenes, Que, ISBN 0-88022-382-0, $21.95
Q&A 4.0: Introduction, Logical Operations (C) 1992. 45-401-1.0, 3.5" diskette only, $19.00
Q&A 4 made easy, by Matthews, Osborne/ McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881697-1, 3lbs, $19.95
10 Minute Guide to Quattro Pro 3, ISBN 0-672-30122-9, $19
Borland Quattro Pro, For Windows New Version 5.0, Training Video, $19.00
Developing Applications with Quattro Pro for Windows, with 3.5" diskette, by John Walkenbach, TideWave Press, ISBN 1-883327-40-7, $20 SOLD
Inside Quattro Pro for Windows, Dec. 93, Jan. 94, Feb. 94, Mar. 94, $19 for the lot
Using Quattro Pro, by Stephen Cobb, Borland-Osborne/ McGraw-Hill, ISBN0-07-881546-0, $22.95
Running Your Business with Quattro Pro for Windows, with 3.5" diskette, by John Walkenbach, TideWave Press, ISBN 1-883327-42-3, $20 SOLD
The First Book of QUATTRO PRO for Windows,by Paul McFedries, alpha books, ISBN 0-672-27404-3, $18.95
Quicken 6 Made Easy, by Campbell, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881890-7, $19.95, 2 copies
Using Quicken 6 for DOS, by Linda A. Flanders, Que, ISBN 1-56529-071-2, 5lbs, $22.95
Using Quicken for Windows, by Stephen Nelson, Que, ISBN 0-88022-907-1, $20
Straley's Guide to Programming with CA-Realizer, by Stephen J. Straley, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-40944-5, $34.95
Using Reflex,by Mike Renner, Que, ISBN 0-88022-208-5, $29, 4 pounds
Using Sidekick Plus, by Werner Feibel, Borland-Osborne/McGraw-Hill, ISBN0-07-881345-X, $21.95
SPSS Made Simple, Second Edition, by Hedderson and Fisher, Wadsworth, ISBN 0-534-19992-5, 3lbs, $19.80
SPSS 6.1 Guide to Data Analysis, by Marija J. Norusis, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-437054-6, 4lbs, $20.00
The SPSS GUIDE to Data Analysis, Marija J. Norusis, SPSS, ISBN 0-918469-24-4, 3lbs, $20
Introduction to SQL Part 1 Windows, by Joe Celko & Chris Ullman, ZD University, ISBN 0-73729-426-4, $20
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Resource Guide, Part No. 097-0002191, $49, 5 pounds
SAMS Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes, by Ben Forta, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-31664-1, 2lbs, $12.99
SQL, Programmer's Reference, by Kishore Bhamidipati, Osborne, -SBN 0-07-882460-5, $16.99
SQL, The Structured Query Language, by Carolyn and Jack Hursch, Tab, ISBN 0-8306-3016-3, $20
SQL for DB2 and SQL/DS, Application Developers, by Jonathan S. Sayles, QED Information Sciences, Inc, ISBN 0-89435-303-9, 3 lbs, $25
Using Gupta SQL Windows 5, CD included, by David Holmes-Kinsella, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0189-8, 6lbs, $49.99
Using Watcom SQL, by Charles Wood, Que, missing companion CD, ISBN 0-7897-0103-0, $29, 6 pounds
Mastering SuperCalc5, by Greg Harvey and Rick Hellewell, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-624-3, $24.95, 3 pounds
Sybase and Client/ Server Computing, Includes Sybase System 10 & SQL Server for Windows/NT, by Berson and Anderson, McGrawHill, ISBN 0-07-005203-4, 4lbs, $50
Microsoft Implementations of TCP/IP, by Wave Technologies International, $40
The Simple Book, An Introduction to Management of TCP/IP-based internets, by Marshall T. Rose, ISBN 0-13-812611-9, $19, 3 pounds
The Business Guide to the UNIX System, by Yates and Emerson, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-08848-7, 4lbs, $19.95
Hands-On UNIX, by Mark Sobel, missing companion diskette, ISBN 0805375694, 4 pounds, $19.95
Introduction to UNIX, HyperCOSTOC Computer Science Volume 16, by L. Wegner, Hofbauer, disks included, 5lbs, $20.00
Learning UNIX, Second Edition, by James Gardner, includes companion 3.5" diskettes. ISBN 0672304570, 4 pounds, $19
Teach Yourself UNIX in 24 Hours, by Dave Taylor and James Armstrong, ISBN 067231107-0, $19.95, 4 pounds
Ultimate Guide to the VI and EX Text Editors, Hewlett Packard, ISBN 0-8053-4460-8, $29
UNIX Guide for DOS Users, by Allen Taylor, ISBN 1558280243, $19.95, 2 pounds
UNIX The Complete Reference, Covers UNIX System V Release 3, by Stephen Coffin, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881299-2, 5lbs, $24.95, two copies
UNIX or MS-DOS Programmers, by Steven Mikes, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-17219-4, 4lbs, $24.95
UNIX in a Nutshell, A Desktop Quick Reference for System V & Solaris 2.0, Updated for SVR4, Daniel Gilly and the staff of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. , O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-001-5, 3lbs, $20
The UNIX Operating System Book, by Mike Banahan and Andy Rutter, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-89676-4, $20
UNIX Primer Plus, by Waite, Martin & Prata, Sams, ISBN 0-672-22028-8, 4 lbs, $ 22.95
UNIX Programmer's Manual, revised and expanded version, Volume 2, Bell Laboratories, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, ISBN 0-03-061743-X, $40
UNIX Security for the Organization, disk included, by Richard Bryant, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30571-2, 4lbs, $35.00
UNIX Shell Commands Quick Reference, Covers AT&T System V Releases 3 & 4, by William Holliker, Que, ISBN 0-88022-572-6, 2lbs, $19.00 SOLD
UNIX Shell Programming, Revised Edition, by Kochan & Wood, Hayden Books, ISBN 0-672-48448-X, $29.95, 3 pounds, two copies
UNIX Step-by-Step, by Stephen Kochan and Patrick Wood, ISBN 0672484692, $19, 3 pounds.
The Waite Group's UNIX System V Primer, Compatible with System V Release 3 , Revised Edition, by Waite, Martin & Prata, SAMS, ISBN 0-672- 22570-0, 4lbs, $29.95
The Waite Group's UNIX System V Primer, Compatible with System V Release 4, Second Edition, by Waite, Martin & Prata, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30194-6, 4lbs, $29.95
Ventura Desktop Publishing, by Rob Krumm, MIS Press, ISBN 0-943518-37-7, $21.95
Que's Using Ventura Publisher, Covers Through Version 3.0, by Lininger, Que, ISBN 0-88022-687-0, 4lbs, $29.95
CA-Visual Objects Developer's Guide, Covers Version 1.0, by Ganz, Lazar & Stark, Sams, ISBN 0-672-30566-6, 5lbs, $45.00, two copies
CD-Visual Objects Developer's Guide, by Carl Ganz, et al., SAMS, ISBN0-672-30566-6, $45
Rick Spence's Guide to CA-Visual Objects, by Rick Spence, ISBN 0-7821-1668-X, $30, 5 pounds
Animation Techniques in Win 32, CD included, by Nigel Thompson, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-669-3, 3lbs, $34.95
Win32 Programmer's Reference, in 5 volumes, $99 Sold
1001 Windows 95 Tips, by Greg Perry, Jamsa Press, ISBN 0-884133-15 0, $39.95
Borland Press ObjectWindows2.0 Programming, disk missing, by Swan, Arnson & Cantu, Random House, ISBN 0-679-79121-3, 4lbs, $34.00
Borland Press ObjectWindows2.0 Programming, disk included, by Swan, Arnson & Cantu, Random House, ISBN 0-679-79121-3, 4lbs, $44.00
Dell Computer Corporation Microsoft Windows 3.1, Getting started User's guide. 650 pages, $5
Easy Windows (in color), Shelly O'Hara, Que, ISBN: 0-88022-800-8, $19.95
Easy Windows version 3.1, Shelly O'Hara, Que, ISBN: 1-56529-641-9, 3lbs, $19.95
Killer Windows 95, by Martin Wyatt, et al., with sealed companion CD, ISBN 0-7897-0001-8, $29, 7 pounds
Killer Windows Utilities, by Lloyd J. Short, with companion 3.5" disks, ISBN 0-88022-932-2, $29, 7 pounds
The Little Windows Book 3.1 Edition, by Kay Yarborough Nelson, Peachpit Press, ISBN0-938151-81-9, $13
Readings on Microsoft Windows and WOSA, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-836-X, $39.95, 4#
Microsoft Guide to Optimizing Windows (3.1), by Dan Gookin, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-506-9, 3lbs, $17.95
Microsoft Windows NT, Server 4 Enterprise Training Guide, Jason Sirockman et al, New Riders,ISBN1-56205-770-7, $49.99
Microsoft Windows NT Training 3.51 Workstation and server, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-864-5, $49
Microsoft Windows 3 Developer's Workshop, by Richard Wilton, , Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-244-2, 3lbs, $24.95
Microsoft Windows 3.1 Guide to Programming, Microsoft Press, ISBN1-55615-452-6, $29.95
Microsoft Windows Resource Kit for Operating System Version 3.1, $95
More Windows 3.1 Secrets, by Brian Livingston, IDG Books, ISBN 1-56884-019-5, 3.5" disks included, $29.95
Peter Norton's Windows 3.0 Power Programming Techniques, by Norton & Yao, Bantam Books, ISBN 0-553-34940-6, 5lbs, $26.95
Programming Windows, by Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press, 2nd edition, ISBN: 1-55615-264-7, SOLD
Programming Windows 3.1, by Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press, ISBN1-55615-395-3, $49.95
Programming Windows, by Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press, 3rd edition, companion disk missing, ISBN: 1-55615-395-3, $30, two copies
Programming Windows Version 3, Second Edition, by Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-264-7, 6lbs, $29.95
Using Windows, 3.11 Edition, Special Edition, by Ron Person & Co., Que, ISBN1-56529-807-1, $29.99, mint condition
Windows 3.1: A Developer's Guide, Second Edition, Disk included, by Richter, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55821-276-4, 4lbs, $39.95, two copies
Windows 3.1 End-User Programming, by Dronski, Groh, et al., with companion 5.25" disks, ISBN 1-56205-084-2, 4 pounds, $39.95
Windows 3.11 for Dummies, 3rd Edition, by Andy Rathbone, IDG Books, ISBN0-56884-370-4, $16.95
Windows 95 Video Tutorial, VHS NTSC, missing companion diskette, $19
Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design. Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-679-0, 4 pounds, $29.95, two copies
Windows Interface, An Application Design Guide, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-384-8, $24.95
Windows Programming for Mere Mortals, by Woody Leonhard, Addison-Wesley, 3.5" companion diskette only, $19
Windows Rapid Application Development, by David E.Y. Sarna and George J. Febish, includes companion 3.5" disk, ISBN 1-56276-088-2, $39.95, 4 pounds
WUGNET Windows Journal, V1N5, June/July 1991, $19
Idiot's Guide to Windows 95, by Paul McFedries, Que, ISBN 1-56761-495-7, $19.99
Inside Windows 95, by Adrian King, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-626-X, 4lbs, $24.95-SOLD
Insider's Guide to Windows 95 Programming, , by Houlette, …, Que, ISBN 1-56529-679-6, 5lbs, $34.99
Introducing Microsoft Windows 95, by Brent Ethington, MSPress, ISBN 1-55615-8602, $12.95
LAN TIMES Guide to Networking Windows 95, byB. Shimmin & E. Harper,McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-882086-3, $29.95
Learn Windows 95, Video Professor, VHS, 1-57142-028-2, $19.00, three copies
Learn Windows 95, Level 2, Video Professor, VHS, 1-57142-041-X, $19.00, two copies
Mastering Windows 95, the Windows 95 Bible, by Robert Cowart, Sybex, ISBN0-7821-1413-x, $29.99
MCSE Test Success: Windows 95, Covers Exam 70-064, VFX Technologies, Inc., Network Press SYBEX, ISBN 0-7821-2252-3, 4lbs, $24.99
MCSE Training Guide Windows 95, by Michael Wolfe and Rob Tidrow, New Riders, with CD-ROM, ISBN 1-56205-746-4, $59.99
Microsoft Windows 95 Training, Hands-On, Self-Paced Training for Supporting Windows 95, Microsoft Press, Contains two volumes and CD-ROM, ISBN 1-55615-931-5, 8lbs, $29.00
More Windows 95 for Dummies, by Andy Rathbone, IDG Books, ISBN 0-56884-607-x, $22.99
Peter Norton's Complete Guide to Windows 95, Covers Microsoft Plus and Internet Explorer, by Norton and Mueller, Sams, ISBN 0-672-30791-X, 6lbs, $29.99
Programming Windows 95,CD-ROM included, by Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-676-6, $49.95, two copies
Programming Windows 95 Unleashed, Group of authors, SAMS, (CD included), ISBN 0-672-30602-6, 6 lbs, $49.99
Supporting Windows 95, Volume Two, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-931-5, 5lbs, $20
Video Projects "QuickStudy' Video, Microsoft Windows 95 Intermediate Basic & Intermediate Skills, Video Lock, Copy Protected, $19.00
Windows 95 Win 32 Programming API Bible, by Simon, Waite Group Press, ISBN 1-57169-009-3, $54.99, 6 pounds
Windows 95 Multimedia & ODBC API Bible, by Simon, Waite Group Press, ISBN 1- 571++ 011-5, $54.99, 5 pounds
Windows 95 Book (The), by Stuart J. Stuple, Primm, ISBN 155958744-X, $24.95, 5 pounds
Windows 95 Common Controls & Messages API Bible, by Richard Simon, Waite Group Press, ISBN 1-57169-010-7, $54.99, 6 pounds
Windows 95 Installation and Configuration Handbook, CD included, by Rob Tidrow, Que, ISBN0-7897-0580-X, $39.99, two copies
Windows 95, The Visual Learning Guide, by Beatty, Gardner, Prima, ISBN 1-55958-738-5, $19.95 Windows 95 a Developer's Guide, by J.
Windows 95a Developers Guideby J. Richter & J. Locke, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55851-418-x, $39.95
Windows 95 Exam Cram, by Ed Tittel and J. Stewart, Certification Insider Press, ISBN 1-57610-225-4, $29.99
Windows 95 Multimedia & ODBC API Bible, by Simon, Waite Group Press, ISBN 1- 571++ 011-5, $54.99, 5 pounds
Windows 95, a Programmer's Case Book, by Steven Chen, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55851-411-2, $39.95
Windows 95 Programming in C and C++, by Schildt, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-882081-2, $29.95
Windows 95 Registry, by John Woram, MIS Press, ISBN 0-55828-494-X, $24.95-SOLD
Windows 95 Registry Troubleshooting, disk missing, by Rob Tidrow, New Riders, ISBN 1-56205-556-9, 3lbs, $40.00
Windows 95 Resource Kit,Team of authors, Microsoft Press, ISBN 0-55615-678-2, disks missing, $39.95
Windows95 Secrets, CD only (no book), $19
Introducing Microsoft Windows CE for the Handheld PC, by Robert O'Hara, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-57231-515-6, 3lbs, $20.00
Easy Windows, by Shelley O'Hara, Que, ISBN 0-88022-800-8, 3lbs, $19.95
Microsoft Windows User's Guide for the Windows Graphical Environment, Version 3.0 for the MS-DOS or PC-DOS Operating System, Contains Questions and Answers A Technical Guide to Commonly Asked Questions, Microsoft Corporation, 0989 Part No. 23771, 0890 Part No. 21017, 5lbs, $20.00
Instant Video Training for Microsoft Windows, Video Express, Learning Systems, VHS, $19.00
Programming Windows, The Microsoft Guide to Programming for the MS-DOS Presentation Manager: Windows 2.0 and Windows/ 386, by Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press, ISBN 0-914845-91-8, 6lbs, $24.95
Windows 98 from Ground up, by Schildt, Osborne/ McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-882306-4, 5lbs, $34.99
Windows 98 Secrets, by Brian Livingston and Davis Straub, includes sealed companion CD, ISBN 0-7645-3186-7, $49, 6 pounds
Windows Developer's Guide to Application Design, Covers Win32s and Windows NT, Includes Disk, by Clark, Sams, ISBN 0-672-30239-X, 4lbs, $34.95
Windows Programmer's Guide To ObjectWindows Library, Disk Included, by Shammas, Sams, ISBN 0-672-30106-7, 4lbs, $34.95, two copies
Xlib Programming Manual, Volume One, by Adrian Nye, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 0-937175-11-0, ISBN Volumes 1and 2 (set) 0-937175-13-7, $20
Xlib Reference Manual, Volume Two, by Adrian Nye, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 0-937175-12-9, ISBN Volumes 1and 2 (set) 0-937175-13-7, $20
X Window System User's Manual, Volume Three, OSF/Motif Edition, by Valerie Quercia and Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 0-937175-61-7, $20
X Toolkit Intrinsics Progamming Manual, Volume Four, Second Edition, by Adrian Nye and Tim of O'Reilly, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 0-937175-56-0, $20
X Toolkit Intrinsics Reference Manual, Volume Five, Second Edition, by the Staff of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 0-937175-57-9, ISBN Volumes 4 and 5 0-937175-58-7, $20
Command Performance Service, Microsoft Word, by Nancy Andrews, Microsoft PRESS, ISBN 1-55615-017-2, 3lbs, $19.95
Easy Word 6 for Windows, 2nd Edition, Trudi Reisner, Que, ISBN 1-56529-808-X, 3lbs, $19.99
Hacker's Guide to Word for Widows, CD included, Second Edition, by Leonhard, Chen and Krueger, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-40763-9, 5lbs, $39.95
Inside Word for Windows 6, by bill Camarda, New Riders Publishing, diskette missing. ISBN: 1-56205-209-8, $20
Inside Word for Windows 6, by bill Camarda, New Riders Publishing, diskette included. ISBN: 1-56205-209-8, $39.95
Mastering Word 6 for Windows, Special Edition, by Ron Mansfield, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1639-6, 6lbs, $29.99, two copies
Microsoft WordBasic Primer, Building Macros in Microsoft Word for Windows and Word for OS/2, by Russell Borland, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-341-4, 4lbs, $22.95
Microsoft Word Made Easy, Second Edition, by Paul Hoffman, Osborne McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881248-8, 3lbs, $16.95
Microsoft Word Language Reference, Official Technical Reference to Visual Basic for Applications, Volume 3, Microsoft Press, Part No. 097-0001658, 5lbs, $20
Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows Tools & Techniques, by Catapult Performance-Based Training Course Guide, includes 3.5" disk, 2lbs, $5.00
Microsoft Quick Reference Microsoft Word 5.5, by Peter Rinearson, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-352-X, 2lbs, $19.00
Learn Word for Windows 95, Version 7.0, Level 1, Video Professor, VHS, 1-57142-042-8, $19.00
The Little Mac Word Book for 5.0, by Helmut Kobler, ISBN 0-938151-87-8, $25, 2 pounds
Office 97 Training "Teach Yourself" Word 97 for Windows Video Tutorial, ViaGrafix, Disk missing, $19.00
Running Microsoft Word 5.5, by Peter Rinearson, Microsoft Press, isbn 1-55615-325-2, $24.95
Running Microsoft Word 97, Covers Microsoft Word 97 for Widows 95 ad Windows NT 4.0, by Russell Borland, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-57231-320-X, 6lbs, $39.95
Special Edition Using Microsoft Word 97, Best Seller Edition, by Bill Camarda, with sealed companion CD, ISBN 0-7897-1398-5, $34.99, 6 pounds
The Word Companion (definitive guide to Word 3 for Macintosh), by Judy Mynhier, Cobb, ISBN 0-936767-05-7, $19.95
Word 4 Companion Macintosh, by Cobb, McGuffey and Mynhier, The Cobb Group, ISBN 0-936767-14-6, 5lbs, $ 22.95
Word 97 for Windows SuperGuide, by Bill Camarda, with companion CD, ISBN 1-56276-506-X, $44, 5 pounds
Word Processing, WordPerfect for DOS and Windows, Microsoft Word for Windows, Tapa Two, The Komputer Tutor, featuring Kim Komando, $20
Advanced 2 WordPerfect (LearnKey, 1993), Videotape, 2pounds, $19
Advanced WordPerfect 5.1, LearnKey, Videotape, 2pounds, $19
6.0 For DOS Advanced WordPerfect Desktop Publishing, by Rutkosky and Ebert, Paradigm, ISBN 1-56118-711-9, 4lbs, $20
Beginning WordPerfect, Step-by-step video instruction for using WordPerfect word-processing software, LearnKey, $19.00
The Best 157 WordPerfect 5.1 tips and Tricks, by Becky J. Beck, with 3.5" companion disk, $29
Desktop Publishing with WordPerfect 6 for Windows, by Richard Mansfield, Ventana Press, ISBN: 1-56604-086-8, 4lbs, $29.95
Getting To Know WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS, An Instructional Computer Videotape, VHS , $19.00
Introduction to WordPerfect 5.1 Computer Software Learning Video, Video Professor, VHS, 0-925627-70-4, $19.00
Learn WordPerfect, Video Professor, 6.1 for Windows Level 1, VHS, 1-57142-038-X, $19.00
Learn WordPerfect, Video Professor, 6.0 for Windows Level 1, VHS, 1-925627-99-2, $19.00
Learn WordPerfect, Video Professor, 6.0 for Windows Level 2, VHS, 1-57142-003-7, $19.00
Learning WordPerfect for Windows, Introduction, version 6, ViaGrafx, VHS NTSC video, $19 SOLD
Learning WordPerfect for Windows, Secrets/Timesavers, version 6, ViaGrafx, VHS NTSC video, $19
Learning WordPerfect for Windows, Advanced, version 6, ViaGrafx, VHS NTSC video, $19
Mastering WordPerfect 5.1, by Alan Simpson, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-670-7, $26.95, two Copies
Perfecting the Office (5.1), LearnKey, Videotape, 2pounds, $19
Perfect Publishing with WordPerfect 5.1, Step-by-step video instruction for desktop publishing using WordPerfect word-processing software, LearnKey, Tape 1, $19.00
Perfect Publishing with WordPerfect 5.1, Step-by-step video instruction for desktop publishing using WordPerfect word-processing software, LearnKey, Tape 2, $19.00, two copies
Quick Reference Guide - WordPerfect 5.1 IBM PC, by Salazar, Cassano and Schwartz, DDC, ISBN 0936862874, 2lbs, $7.95
WordPerfect Macro Magic, Step-by-step video instruction for creating and editing WordPerfect macros, LearnKey, $19.00
WordPerfect 5.1 Introduction Computer Software Learning Video, Video Professor, VHS, 0-925627-86-0, $19.00
WordPerfect 5.1 Quick Reference, Que, ISBN 0-88022-576-9, $9.95, two copies
WordPerfect 5.1 Quick Reference, by Greg Harvey and Kay Yarborough Nelson, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-674-X, 2lbs, $9.95
WordPerfect ver 6.0 Reference, DOS , Wordperfect Corp., $20.00
WordPerfect 6 for DOS Instant Reference, by Robin Merrin, Sybex, ISBN 0-7821-1197-1, 2lbs, $19.00
WordPerfect 6 for Dummies, by Dan Gookin, IDG Books, ISBN 1-878058-77-0, $16.95
WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows, by Beatty & Gardner, Prima, ISBN0-7615-0091-x, $19.95
WordPerfect 6 for Windows Hyperguide, by D.F. Scott, Alpha Books, ISBN 1-56761-322-5, $29.95
WordPerfect for Windows VisiRef, The Visual Quick Reference, Covers Version 6.0 for Windows, by Nelson, Que, ISBN 1-56529-742-3, 2lbs, $20.00
WordPerfect 5.1 Merge, Videotape, 2pounds, $19
WordPerfect 5.1 Tables, Videotape, 2pounds, $19
Using WordPerfect, Revised Edition, Includes Versions 4.0 and 4.1, by Beacham & Beacham, Que, ISBN 0-88022-239-5, 3lbs, $18.95
Using WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows, Special Edition, by McComb,…, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0083-2, 6lbs, $29.99
Hello Wordstar, NTSC VHS, C() 1985., $19
Practical Wordstar Uses, by Julie Anne Arca, ISBN 0-89588-107-1, $19.95, 3 pounds
Training for the Wordstar Program, sealed, 5.25", $19
Using Wordstar (cover through version 6.0), 638pp, by Steve Ditlea, Que, ISBN 0-88022-606-4, $27.95
The Best Book of: Microsoft Works for the PC, by Ruth k. Witkin, Howard W. Sams & Company, ISBN 0-672-22626-X, 4lbs, $21.95
Easy Works for Windows 95, by Nat Gertler, Que, ISBN 0-7897-0456-0, 3lbs, $19.99
Learn Works for Windows 95, Version 4.0, Level 1, Video Professor, 1-57142-037-1, 2lbs, $19.00
Microsoft Works 3 for Windows for Dummies, by David C. Kay, IDG Books, ISBN 1-56884-214-7, 3lbs, $19.99
Running Microsoft Works 3 for Windows, by Woodcock and Salkind, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-584-0, 4lbs, $24.95
Using Microsoft Works for Windows, Version 3.0, Disk included by Smith & Christoph, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-123886-8, 4lbs, $29.40
Motif Programming Manual, for OSF/Motif 1.2, Volume Six, by Dan Heller and Paula M. Ferguson, ISBN 1-56592-016-3, $49, 5 pounds
X Window System User's Guide, OSF/Motif 1.2 Edition, Volume Three, by Valerie Quercia and Tim O'Reilly, ISBN 1-56592-015-2, $49, 5 pounds
A Programmer's Guide to ZPL, by Lawrence Snyder, ISBN 0-262-629217-, $30, 2 pounds
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