Professional Shareware

VBasic Utility Library

The VBasic Utility Library is a collection of all freely distributable (Public Domain, freeware, shareware, contribution requested, demo code, etc.) source code, hundreds of VBXes, utilities, applications, etc. for Visual Basic developers. The collection is available on CD-ROM. A directory database accompanying the library is a dBASE compatible .DBF file with DOS and Windows search programs. The database also lists all existing commercial products, for one stop shopping for all existing Visual Basic tools. The library won the Visual Basic Programmer's Journal 1994 "Readers' Choice" award and VBxtra's "Thunderbolt" award. It is EMS's best selling library. EMS also buys and sells old/out-of-print/used copies of Visual Basic. Ordering information.

ZIPed text file listing all Public Domain and Shareware Visual Basic products found on BBSes in the USA , organized by type, with release date and short description can be found as VBU21.ZIP on many BBSes and SimTel mirrors.

The following are counts of Public Domain, Shareware and free products in the VBasic Utility Library:

Total PD/Shareware files in library: 1892
Total bytes in library: 289285116

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