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Congress of Gamers Logo
Rockville Senior Center
1150 Carnation Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
Congress of Gamers Logo

Free stuff!

Congress of Gamers conventions usually have some free items donated by publishers, distributors, game clubs, Congress of Gamers, and generous gamers.

At this con we expect to have:

Tournament prize game

Technically, it's a prize donated by Rio Grande Games.

Free games for volunteers

Every volunteer will get a ticket for the daily drawings of a free game from Rio Grande Games.

Freebie Games

At the close of the Rummage sale, at 4pm on Sunday, we'll have a table of free games donated by the area's gamers. One per badge holder.

Play to Win Program

To win one of the games shown below (all of which will be on the counter in the Arts & Crafts Room), just play it and complete and submit a play slip. We'll have a drawing at 4pm on Sunday and tape (painter's tape) each lucky winner's play slip onto the game, so the winners can pick them up any time before the con closes, without interrupting game play. Games donated by publishers to the Play and Win, so far, are:
Red Rising,
Rolling Realms Redux,
Stamp Swap,
Dominion, 2nd Edition,
Glory Islands,
Race for the Galaxy,
Beyond the Sun,
Holly Oak,
Furrow Fields,
Windmill: Cozy Stories
Universal Soldier,
Rambo, with mini,
Escape from New York,
Total Recall,