The following is a list of every PhotoDisc stock image library CDs stocked by EMS Professional Software, Ordering information. EMS is not affiliated with PhotoDisc or any other vendor. We really don't know anything about these discs. Sold as-is.
PhotoDisc Arbeitskreis Offentlichkeits-arbeit des hvv, 1997, $29
PhotoDisc Background Series, Global Surfaces #22, Disc A, $29 - SOLD
PhotoDisc Catalog and Comp CDs, Resource Book 14, $29
PhotoDisc Object series, Visual Symbols Sampler, Number 5, $49
PhotoDisc Resource Book 2, Volumes 16-24, Object Series 1-12, with comping disc, $49
PhotoDisc Resource Book 3, Volumes 25-30, Object Series 13-16, Fine art Series 1-4, Background Series 1-8, Signature Series 1-2, with comping disc, $49
PhotoDisc Resource Book 3, thumbnails book only, no comping disc, $29, 3 pounds
PhotoDisc Resource Book 3, thumbnails book only, no comping disc, $29, 3 pounds
PhotoDisc Sampler Disc version 6.2, 2nd Quarter 1995, sold
PhotoDisc Volume 2, People and Lifesytles 1, 1992, $29SOLD