75000 - Barn Owl - Downy Young (3 Weeks). (owl;bird;hole;wall;)
75001 - Barn Owl - Partly Downy Owlet (6 Weeks) Balancing In Tree. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75002 - Barn Owl - Adult With Prey. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75003 - Barn Owl - 6 Week Old Owlet Still Partly Downy. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75004 - Barn Owl - Partly Downy Owlet (6 Weeks) Balancing In Tree. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75005 - Barn Owl - Partly Feathered Young (3 Weeks). (owl;bird;straw;wall;)
75006 - Barn Owl - Still Partly Downy Owlet (6 Weeks). (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75007 - Barn Owl - 6 Week Old Owlet Still Partly Downy. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75008 - Barn Owl - Partly Downy Owlet (6 Weeks) Balancing In Tree. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75009 - Barn Owl - Adult Preening. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75010 - Barn Owl - 6 Week Old Owlet Still Partly Downy. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75011 - Barn Owl - Partly Downy Owlet (6 Weeks) Balancing In Tree. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75012 - Barn Owl - Partly Feathered Downy Young (3 Weeks). (owl;bird;straw;wall;)
75013 - Barn Owl - Partly Downy Owlet (6 Weeks) Balancing In Tree. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75014 - Barn Owl - Adult With Prey. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75015 - Barn Owl - Adult. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75016 - Barn Owl - Still Partly Downy (6 Weeks). (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75017 - Barn Owl - Adult Perched In Old Barn Window. (owl;bird;window;night;)
75018 - Barn Owl - Partly Feathered Young (3 Weeks) With Prey. (owl;bird;straw;wall;)
75019 - Barn Owl - Adult With Prey. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75020 - Barn Owl - Adult With Prey. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75021 - Barn Owl - Adult Preening. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75022 - Barn Owl - Adult. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75023 - Barn Owl - 6 Week Old Owlet Still Partly Downy. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75024 - Barn Owl - Partly Feathered Young (3 Weeks). (owl;bird;straw;wall;)
75025 - Great Horned Owl - Adult. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75026 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;branches;tree;)
75027 - Great Horned Owl - Adult. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75028 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;trees;branches;)
75029 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;ground;snow;)
75030 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;snow;ground;)
75031 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;sky;tree;)
75032 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;sky;predator;)
75033 - Great Horned Owl - Adult. (owl;bird;branches;night;)
75034 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;branches;tree;)
75035 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;trees;branches;)
75036 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;snow;ground;)
75037 - Great Horned Owl - With Prey. (owl;bird;tree;night;)
75038 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;tree;night;)
75039 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;snow;ground;)
75040 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;sky;branches;)
75041 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;tree;night;)
75042 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;trees;branches;)
75043 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;branches;tree;)
75044 - Great Horned Owl - Over Prey. (owl;bird;branches;trees;)
75045 - Great Horned Owl. (owl;bird;tree;night;)
75046 - Great Horned Owl - holding Prey. (owl;bird;tree;night;)
75047 - Screech Owl - Adult (Red Phase). (owl;bird;branches;tree;)
75048 - Screech Owl - Over Prey. (owl;bird;tree;branch;)
75049 - Screech Owl - Adult (Red Phase). (owl;bird;branches;night;)
75050 - Screech Owl - Holding Prey. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75051 - Screech Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75052 - Screech Owl. (owl;bird;tree;night;)
75053 - Screech Owl. (owl;bird;night;branch;)
75054 - Screech Owl - Adult - Red Phase. (owl;bird;branches;night;)
75055 - Screech Owl - Over Prey. (owl;bird;branches;night;)
75056 - Screech Owl - Gray Phase. (owl;bird;ranch;night;)
75057 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;tree;night;)
75058 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;perch;night;)
75059 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75060 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;perch;night;)
75061 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75062 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;perch;night;)
75063 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;perch;night;)
75064 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;perch;night;)
75065 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;perch;night;)
75066 - Snowy Owl - Immature (8 - 10 Weeks). (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75067 - Short-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75068 - Short-Eared Owl - Taking Off. (owl;bird;night;branch;)
75069 - Short-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75070 - Short-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;night;branch;)
75071 - Short-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75072 - Short-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75073 - Saw-Whet Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75074 - Saw-Whet Owl. (owl;bird;night;branch;)
75075 - Saw-Whet Owls. (owls;birds;night;branch;)
75076 - Saw-Whet Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75077 - Saw-Whet Owls. (owls;birds;branch;night;)
75078 - Saw-Whet Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75079 - Saw-Whet Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75080 - Saw-Whet Owls. (owls;birds;branch;night;)
75081 - Saw-Whet Owls. (owls;birds;perch;night;)
75082 - Hawk Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75083 - Hawk Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75084 - Hawk Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75085 - Great Gray Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75086 - Great Gray Owl. (owl;bird;night;predator;)
75087 - Great Gray Owl. (owl;bird;night;predator;)
75088 - Great Gray Owl. (owl;bird;night;branch;)
75089 - Barred Owl. (owl;bird;branches;night;)
75090 - Barred Owl - Landing. (owl;bird;branches;night;)
75091 - Barred Owl. (owl;bird;branches;night;)
75092 - Barred Owl. (owl;bird;tree;night;)
75093 - Long-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branches;night;)
75094 - Long-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;night;tree;)
75095 - Long-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75096 - Long-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75097 - Long-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branches;night;)
75098 - Long-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)
75099 - Long-Eared Owl. (owl;bird;branch;night;)