GWA: Art of America. Corel Photo CD #522000, Click here for price and stock details

The following is a list of the photos on Corel's "GWA: Art of America" Photo CD. To see 799 other Corel Photo CDs available for sale from EMS, click here. To buy this CD, please read our ordering instructions. Specific photos are available via email (as backup to physical CD) for $5 each when you purchase the physical CD containing the photo.

522000 - 'Loops and Swift Horses are Surer than Lead', C.M. Russell. .
522001 - 'Indian Boy', George Catlin. .
522002 - 'The Broken Rope', Charles M. Russell. .
522003 - 'Stampeded by Lightning', Frederic Remington. .
522004 - 'Indian Scout', Alfred Jacob Miller. .
522005 - 'The Herring Net', Winslow Homer. .
522006 - 'The Old Cremona', William Michael Harnett. .
522007 - '9:45 a.m. Stratford, Conn.', Edward Lamson Henry. .
522008 - 'The Pemigewasset Coach', Enoch W. Perry Jr.. .
522009 - 'Home Ranch 1888', Thomas Eakins. .
522010 - 'A Tight Dally and a Loose Latigo', Charles M. Russell. .
522011 - 'View of Detroit in 1836', William James Bennett. .
522012 - 'Buffalo Newsboy', Thomas Le Clear. .
522013 - 'In the Fields', Eastman Johnson. .
522014 - 'Niagara Falls', Frederic Edwin Church. .
522015 - 'Pilgrims Going to Church', George H. Boughton. .
522016 - 'Surrender of General Burgoyne', John Trumbull. .
522017 - 'The Hunter', Winslow Homer. .
522018 - 'Surrender of Lord Cornwallis', John Trumbull. .
522019 - 'The Fall of the Cowboy', Frederic Remington. .
522020 - 'The Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775', John Trumbull. .
522021 - 'Bankers Table', William Michael Harnett. .
522022 - 'Rural Post Office', Thomas Rossiter. .
522023 - 'The Rose Garden', Daniel Ridgeway Knight. .
522024 - 'The Cornell Farm', Edward Hicks. .
522025 - 'Gloucester Farm', Winslow Homer. .
522026 - 'Rural Courtship', Daniel Ridgeway Knight. .
522027 - 'Dance of the Haymakers', Asher Brown Durand. .
522028 - 'The First Railway Train', Edward Lamson Henry. .
522029 - 'The Lone Tenement', Albert Finch Bellows. .
522030 - 'Barnstable, Mass.', 1857, Unknown. .
522031 - 'Custer's Last Fight', Unknown. .
522032 - 'The Old Stage Coach of the Plains', Frederic Remington. .
522033 - '19th Century Hudson River Scene', American School. .
522034 - 'Salute of the Robe Trade' 1920, Charles M. Russell. .
522035 - 'Cattle Stampede', Olaf C. Seltzer. .
522036 - 'Jerked Down', Charles M. Russell. .
522037 - 'The Coming and Going of the Pony...', Frederic Remington. .
522038 - 'Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand', Thomas Eakins. .
522039 - 'Dancing on the Barn Floor', William Sidney Mount. .
522040 - 'The American Farmer', Thomas Waterman Wood. .
522041 - 'Off the Main Road', Edward Lamson Henry. .
522042 - 'Music & Literature', William Michael Harnett. .
522043 - 'Still Life', detail,Severin Roesen. .
522044 - 'Grub Pile', Olaf C. Seltzer. .
522045 - 'Bargaining for a Horse', William Sidney Mount. .
522046 - 'The Alarm', Charles M. Russell. .
522047 - 'Breezing Up', Winslow Homer. .
522048 - 'Through the Alkali', Charles M. Russell. .
522049 - 'Benjamin Reber's Farm', Charles Hofmann. .
522050 - 'Fight Between the Black Feet and...', Charles M. Russell. .
522051 - 'Camp Cook's Troubles', Charles M. Russell. .
522052 - 'Dempsey and Firpo', George Wesley Bellows. .
522053 - 'Old Models', William Michael Harnett. .
522054 - 'Attack on the Supply Wagon', Frederic Remington. .
522055 - 'Indians Discovering Lewis and Clark', Charles M. Remington. .
522056 - 'On the Fence', Winslow Homer. .
522057 - 'Victory Dance', Frederic Remington. .
522058 - 'Just Desserts', William Michael Harnett. .
522059 - 'The Scout, Friend or Enemy?', Frederic Remington. .
522060 - 'Attack on the Jerky', Olaf C. Seltzer. .
522061 - 'Intruders', Charles M. Russell. .
522062 - 'The Village Scene', Albert Finch Bellows. .
522063 - 'The Roundup', Charles M. Russell. .
522064 - 'George Ives, Road Agent', Olaf C. Seltzer. .
522065 - 'The Country School', Winslow Homer. .
522066 - 'An Army Packer', Frederic Remington. .
522067 - 'Flax-Scotching Bee', Linton Park. .
522068 - 'Partners', Charles M. Russell. .
522069 - 'Petalesharow. A Pawnee Brave', Charles B. King. .
522070 - 'The Smoke Signal', Frederic Remington. .
522071 - 'The Latest News', 1862, Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait. .
522072 - 'The Getaway', Charles M. Russell. .
522073 - 'Black Hawk and his Son Whirling Thunder', John W. Jarvis. .
522074 - 'Killing of John M. Bozeman', Olaf C. Seltzer. .
522075 - 'Young Ma-Has-Kah, Chief of the Ioways', Charles B. King. .
522076 - 'When Cows were Wild', Charles M. Russell. .
522077 - 'The Four-Leaf Clover', Winslow Homer. .
522078 - 'Force and Skill', Charles Caleb Ward. .
522079 - 'Waiting for the Ferry', Edward Lamson Hery. .
522080 - 'Politics in an Oyster House', Robert Caton Woodville. .
522081 - 'Country Breakfast', Edward Lamson Henry. .
522082 - 'Home Again', Edward Lamson Henry. .
522083 - 'The First Methodist Episcopal Church', Joseph B. Smith. .
522084 - 'A Doubtful Handshake', Charles M. Russell. .
522085 - 'Beef of the Fighters', Charles M. Russell. .
522086 - 'Cider Making', 1841, William Sidney Mount. .
522087 - 'Faro Layout in Mint Saloon', Olaf C. Seltzer. .
522088 - 'On the Erie Canal', Edward Lamson Henry. .
522089 - 'The Village Post Office' Thomas Waterman Wood. .
522090 - 'Roping a Maverick', Olaf C. Seltzer. .
522091 - 'West Springfield', Nelson Augustus Moore. .
522092 - 'Music is Contagious', William Sidney Mount. .
522093 - 'Coach Coming around the Bend', Edward Lamson Henry. .
522094 - 'The Wagon Boss', Charles M. Russell. .
522095 - 'Snap the Whip', Winslow Homer. .
522096 - 'The Sailor's Wedding', Robert Caton Woodville. .
522097 - 'Texas Longhorns', Olaf C. Seltzer. .
522098 - 'Still Life with Pipe and Tobacco', William Michael Harnett. .
522099 - 'Primitive', American School. .

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