461000 - Netherlands Antilles.
461001 - New Zealand.
461002 - Nigeria.
461003 - Massachusetts.
461004 - Michigan.
461005 - Mississippi.
461006 - New York.
461007 - Texas.
461008 - Washington.
461009 - Checkered flag.
461010 - Algeria.
461011 - Australia.
461012 - Belgium.
461013 - Bermuda.
461014 - California.
461015 - Florida.
461016 - Hawaii.
461017 - Illinois.
461018 - Norway.
461019 - Pakistan.
461020 - Puerto Rico.
461021 - Liberia.
461022 - Liechtenstein.
461023 - Malaysia.
461024 - Mexico.
461025 - Hungary.
461026 - Iceland.
461027 - Iran.
461028 - Ireland.
461029 - Israel.
461030 - Italy.
461031 - Japan.
461032 - Kenya.
461033 - Kuwait.
461034 - Serbia.
461035 - Slovakia.
461036 - Singapore.
461037 - Slovenia.
461038 - South Africa.
461039 - South Korea.
461040 - Spain.
461041 - Sri Lanka.
461042 - St. Helena.
461043 - St. Kitts.
461044 - Sweden.
461045 - Finland.
461046 - France.
461047 - Germany.
461048 - Gibraltar.
461049 - Greece.
461050 - Hong Kong.
461051 - Cook Islands.
461052 - Costa Rica.
461053 - Croatia.
461054 - Cuba.
461055 - Czech Republic.
461056 - Denmark.
461057 - Dominica.
461058 - Dominican Republic.
461059 - Egypt.
461060 - Falkland Islands.
461061 - Faroe Islands.
461062 - Fiji.
461063 - Bhutan.
461064 - Bolivia.
461065 - Brazil.
461066 - British Virgin Islands.
461067 - Brunei.
461068 - Bulgaria.
461069 - Cambodia.
461070 - Canada.
461071 - Cayman Islands.
461072 - Chile.
461073 - China.
461074 - Columbia.
461075 - Switzerland.
461076 - Taiwan.
461077 - Tongo.
461078 - Tunisia.
461079 - Turkey.
461080 - Turks and Caicos Islands.
461081 - Uganda.
461082 - Ukraine.
461083 - United Arab Emirates.
461084 - United Kingdom.
461085 - United States of America.
461086 - Uruguay.
461087 - Vietnam.
461088 - Wales.
461089 - Scottish standard.
461090 - Japan, The Rising Sun.
461091 - Jolly Roger.
461092 - Rainbow flag.
461093 - St. George's cross.
461094 - NATO.
461095 - United Nations.
461096 - Europe.
461097 - British Commonwealth.
461098 - U.S. Virgin Islands.
461099 - Confederate flag.