396000 - Being refueled by a Boeing. (plane;sky;jet;wings;)
396001 - Being refueled by a Boeing. (plane;nose;jet;close-up;)
396002 - Being refueled by a Boeing. (plane;jet;sky;clouds;)
396003 - Rockwell strategic bomber. (plane;bomber;people;sky;)
396004 - Air Force Lockheed. (plane;bomber;people;sky;)
396005 - Lockheed C-5. (plane;sky;nose;mountain;)
396006 - Lockheed C-5. (plane;sky;wings;fin;)
396007 - C-5B Galaxy. (plane;sky;wings;jets;)
396008 - Air Force Lockheed C-5B. (plane;runway;sky;grass;)
396009 - C-5B Galaxy. (plane;wings;sky;runway;)
396010 - F-15E Strike Eagle, head-up display. (plane;cockpit;jet;runway;)
396011 - F-15E Strike Eagle, head-up display. (plane;jet;cockpit;runway;)
396012 - Wild Weasel. (plane;jet;runway;sky;)
396013 - Wild Weasel. (plane;jet;runway;sky;)
396014 - Squadron emblem. (plane;emblem;jet;close-up;)
396015 - F-111G Aardvark. (plane;jet;wheels;sky;)
396016 - Tactical Fighter Squadron on the flight line. (plane;jets;runway;aircraft;)
396017 - F-111E Aardvark in flight, Euro-camouflage. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396018 - F-111E Aardvark, pre-flight inspections. (plane;jet;aircraft;nose;)
396019 - Pilot Portraits, 431st Test and Evaluation Squadron. (plane;jet;people;close-up;)
396020 - F-111G Aardvark in flight. (plane;jet;aircraft;close-up;)
396021 - F-111G Aardvark in flight. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396022 - F-111G Aardvark from the 27th Fighter Wing. (plane;jet;aircraft;building;)
396023 - F-11 Aardvark cockpit shots. (jet;cockpit;dash;close-up;)
396024 - F-15E Strike Eagle and pilot. (plane;jet;aircraft;pilot;)
396025 - F-15E Strike Eagle and canopy. (plane;jet;aircraft;canopy;)
396026 - F-15E Strike Eagle. (plane;jet;aircraft;pilot;)
396027 - F-15E Strike Eagle, head-up display. (plane;jet;aircraft;cockpit;)
396028 - Flight Controls. (plane;jet;aircraft;cockpit;)
396029 - Pilot's cockpit showing head-up display. (plane;jet;aircraft;cockpit;)
396030 - Pilot's cockpit showing flight controls. (plane;jet;aircraft;cockpit;)
396031 - Pilot's cockpit showing flight controls. (plane;jet;cockpit;aircraft;)
396032 - F-15E Strike Eagle in the hangar. (plane;jet;aircraft;hangar;)
396033 - F-15 Strike Eagle. (plane;jet;aircraft;runway;)
396034 - On the ramp, pre-flight and weapons loading. (plane;jet;aircraft;ramp;)
396035 - AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missile. (plane;aircraft;jet;missile;)
396036 - F-15E Strike Eagle, miscellaneous details. (plane;jet;aircraft;close-up;)
396037 - F-15E Strike Eagle, parked on the ramp. (plane;jet;aircraft;ramp;)
396038 - F-15E Strike Eagle. (plane;jet;aircraft;people;)
396039 - F-15E, miscellaneous details. (plane;jet;aircraft;pilot;)
396040 - On the ramp, pre-flight and weapons loading. (plane;jet;aircraft;people;)
396041 - F-15E Strike Eagle, Weapons Systems Operator. (people;face;close-up;helmet;)
396042 - On the ramp, pre-flight and weapons loading. (plane;jet;aircraft;people;)
396043 - F-15E Strike Eagle. (plane;jet;aircraft;people;)
396044 - 336th Tactical Fighter Squadron. (plane;jet;people;fin;)
396045 - F-15E Strike Eagle. (plane;jet;aircraft;runway;)
396046 - F-15E Strike Eagle. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396047 - Taking off with afterburners. (plane;jet;aircraft;afterburner;)
396048 - F-15C, Luke Air Force Base. (plane;jet;aircraft;runway;)
396049 - On the ramp, pre-flight and weapons loading. (plane;jet;aircraft;ramp;)
396050 - F-15E Strike Eagle. (plane;jet;aircraft;ramp;)
396051 - Take-offs and landings. (plane;jet;aircraft;runway;)
396052 - F-15E Strike Eagle in flight. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396053 - Taxiing out to the flight line. (plane;jet;aircraft;runway;)
396054 - Pilots Cockpit Showing heads-up display. (plane;jet;aircraft;cockpit;)
396055 - Turbo fan engines. (engines;close-up;building;sky;)
396056 - F-15E Strike Eagle. (plane;jet;aircraft;close-up;)
396057 - F-15E Strike Eagle, parked on the ramp. (plane;jet;aircraft;people;)
396058 - Hughes APG-70 high-resolution radar. (radar;close-up;detector;monitor;)
396059 - Hughes APG-70 high-resolution radar. (radar;detector;monitor;observer;)
396060 - Low-altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night flying. (console;computers;targeting;infrared;)
396061 - Turbo fan engines. (engine;close-up;sky;fan;)
396062 - On the ramp, pre-flight and weapons loading. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396063 - F-15E Strike Eagle, miscellaneous details. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396064 - Taking off with afterburners. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396065 - On the ramp, pre-flight and weapons loading. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396066 - On the ramp, pre-flight and weapons loading. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396067 - On the ramp, pre-flight and weapons loading. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396068 - On the ramp, pre-flight and weapons loading. (plane;jet;aircraft;runway;)
396069 - Canopy and wide-field view of head-up display. (plane;jet;aircraft;ladder;)
396070 - F-4G Phantom. (plane;jet;airplane;takeoff;)
396071 - KC-10 Extender, 433rd Aerial Refueling Squadron. (plane;aircraft;sky;extender;)
396072 - KC-10 Extender. (plane;aircraft;extender;pilot;)
396073 - F-117A Stealth Fighter. (plane;aircraft;bomber;stealth;)
396074 - Helmet and pilot. (helmet;face;pilot;people;)
396075 - Last-minute preparation for flight. (plane;aircraft;nose;people;)
396076 - F-16 Falcon. (plane;people;jet;aircraft;)
396077 - F-16 Falcon. (lake;water;boats;sky;)
396078 - F-16 Falcon. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396079 - F-16 Falcon. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396080 - F-16C Falcon. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396081 - Fighting Falcon. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396082 - F-16 Falcon. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396083 - F-16 Fighting Falcon, From the 58th Tactical Training Wing. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396084 - F-16 Falcon. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396085 - F-16 Falcon being refueled by a Boeing. (plane;jet;aircraft;refueling;)
396086 - Fighting Falcon. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396087 - F-111 Aardvark pre-flight inspections. (plane;jet;aircraft;runway;)
396088 - Pilots and EWO's of the 27th Tactical Fighter Wing. (plane;jet;aircraft;pilot;)
396089 - Pilots and EWO's of the 27th Tactical Fighter Wing. (plane;jet;aircraft;pilot;)
396090 - F-16 Falcon. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396091 - F-16C Falcon. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396092 - F-117A Stealth Fighter. (plane;jet;aircraft;sky;)
396093 - F-117A Stealth Fighters. (plane;bomber;stealth;aircraft;)
396094 - F-117A Stealth Fighter. (plane;bomber;aircraft;sky;)
396095 - F-117A Stealth Fighter. (plane;aircraft;bomber;stealth;)
396096 - F-117A Stealth Fighter. (plane;aircraft;bomber;sky;)
396097 - F-117A Stealth Fighter. (plane;aircraft;bomber;stealth;)
396098 - F-117A Stealth Fighters. (plane;aircraft;bomber;stealth;)
396099 - F-117A Stealth Fighter. (plane;bomber;aircraft;stealth;)