378000 - Burghley 1987. (horse;people;bottles;trees;)
378001 - Burghley 1985. (horse;people;trees;pole;)
378002 - Burghley 1985. (horse;people;trees;water;)
378003 - Burghley 1980. (horse;people;gate;pole;)
378004 - Burghley 1985. (horse;people;tree;gate;)
378005 - Burghley 1983. (horse;people;trees;water;)
378006 - Burghley 1982. (horse;water;people;field;)
378007 - Burghley 1983. (horse;sky;trees;people;)
378008 - Burghley 1983. (horse;sky;clouds;water;)
378009 - Burghley 1987. (horse;people;sky;building;)
378010 - Burghley House, 1985. (building;sky;clouds;trees;)
378011 - Badminton 1984. (horse;people;fence;sky;)
378012 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;people;water;fence;)
378013 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;people;water;trees;)
378014 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;people;trees;water;)
378015 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;water;tree;fence;)
378016 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;water;trees;fence;)
378017 - Windsor Horse Trials. (horse;water;trees;people;)
378018 - Windsor Horse Trials. (horse;tree;water;fence;)
378019 - Windsor Horse Trials. (horse;water;trees;fence;)
378020 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;water;people;trees;)
378021 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;water;people;fence;)
378022 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;people;tree;water;)
378023 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;water;trees;people;)
378024 - Windsor Horse Trials, 1988. (horse;people;fence;water;)
378025 - Junior Windsor Horse Trials. (horse;people;water;tree;)
378026 - Junior Windsor Horse Trials. (horse;people;water;fence;)
378027 - Showjumping. (horse;people;sky;fence;)
378028 - Showjumping. (horse;people;sky;fence;)
378029 - Hickstead Derby 1985. (horse;people;sky;clouds;)
378030 - Junior Jumping Championships. (horse;people;sky;flags;)
378031 - Showjumping. (horse;people;fence;field;)
378032 - Badminton, 1983. (horse;people;sky;trees;)
378033 - Badminton, 1984. (horse;people;sky;trees;)
378034 - Badminton, 1984. (horse;people;sky;trees;)
378035 - Badminton, 1986. (horse;people;sky;trees;)
378036 - Badminton, 1984. (horse;people;building;fence;)
378037 - Badminton, 1986. (horse;people;sky;fence;)
378038 - Badminton, 1986. (horse;people;water;fence;)
378039 - Badminton, 1984. (horse;people;tree;sky;)
378040 - Badminton, 1983. (horse;people;trees;fence;)
378041 - Badminton, 1984. (horse;people;sky;fence;)
378042 - Badminton, 1984. (horse;people;sky;trees;)
378043 - Badminton, 1983. (horse;people;sky;fence;)
378044 - Badminton, 1985. (horse;people;tree;sky;)
378045 - Badminton, 1991. (horse;people;trees;fence;)
378046 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;water;path;)
378047 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;trees;fence;)
378048 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon, carriage driving. (horse;people;carriage;water;)
378049 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;water;path;)
378050 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;trees;sky;)
378051 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;carriage;trees;)
378052 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;water;trees;)
378053 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;water;tree;people;)
378054 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;tree;water;)
378055 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;tree;water;)
378056 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;tree;people;pole;)
378057 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;tree;water;)
378058 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (water;tree;people;sky;)
378059 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (people;water;horse;grass;)
378060 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (people;horse;path;tree;)
378061 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, Driving Marathon. (horse;people;water;tree;)
378062 - Badminton, 1984. (horse;people;tree;sky;)
378063 - Badminton, 1986. (horse;people;sky;fence;)
378064 - Badminton, 1985. (horse;people;track;grass;)
378065 - Badminton, 1982. (horse;people;stadium;fence;)
378066 - Badminton, 1986. (horse;people;fence;sky;)
378067 - Badminton, 1984. (horse;people;tree;fence;)
378068 - Horse of the Year Show, 1989. (horse;people;fence;stadium;)
378069 - Horse of the Year Show, 1984. (horse;people;fence;brick;)
378070 - Horse of the Year Show, 1990. (horse;people;fence;brick;)
378071 - Horse of the Year Show, 1989. (horse;people;fence;tree;)
378072 - Horse of the Year Show, 1982. (horse;people;fence;sign;)
378073 - Horse of the Year Show, 1984. (horse;people;fence;brick;)
378074 - Horse of the Year Show, 1988. (horse;people;fence;brick;)
378075 - Horse of the Year Show, 1989. (horse;people;fence;flowers;)
378076 - Horse of the Year Show, 1991. (horse;people;fence;pole;)
378077 - Hickstead Derby, 1985. (horse;people;sky;fence;)
378078 - Hickstead Derby, 1985. (horse;people;sky;clouds;)
378079 - Hickstead Derby, 1985. (horse;people;sky;flags;)
378080 - Junior Showjumping. (horse;people;fence;grass;)
378081 - Hickstead Derby, 1985. (horse;people;sky;clouds;)
378082 - Hickstead Derby, 1985. (horse;people;fence;trees;)
378083 - Hickstead Derby, 1985. (horse;people;sky;trees;)
378084 - Hickstead Derby, 1985. (horse;people;sky;clouds;)
378085 - G.L.C. Horse Show, 1982. (horse;people;sky;clouds;)
378086 - Hickstead Derby, 1985. (horse;people;fence;trees;)
378087 - Junior Showjumping. (horse;people;fence;grass;)
378088 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, 1978. (horse;people;sky;building;)
378089 - Royal Windsor Horse Show, 1984. (horse;people;fence;building;)
378090 - Royal Windsor Horse show, 1984. (horse;people;fence;building;)
378091 - Royal Windsor Horse Show. (horse;people;fence;building;)
378092 - Junior International Showjumping. (horse;people;fence;grass;)
378093 - GoodWood Grand Prix Special, 1980. (horse;people;trees;building;)
378094 - GoodWood Grand Prix Special, 1980. (horse;people;trees;pole;)
378095 - GoodWood Grand Prix Special, 1980. (horse;people;building;trees;)
378096 - GoodWood Grand Prix Special, 1980. (horse;people;sky;trees;)
378097 - GoodWood Grand Prix Special, 1980. (horse;people;sky;trees;)
378098 - GoodWood Grand Prix Special, 1980. (horse;people;building;flowers;)
378099 - GoodWood Grand Prix Special, 1980. (horse;people;flag;trees;)