361000 - Pony Club polo. (polo;sport;horses;trees;)
361001 - Pony Club team. (people;trees;grass;fence;)
361002 - Pony Club Polo Championships, young player. (people;sport;polo;helmet;)
361003 - Pony Club polo team. (team;people;horses;trees;)
361004 - Pony Club member. (people;close-up;helmet;hat;)
361005 - Pony Club player. (horse;people;helmet;trees;)
361006 - Pony Club Polo. (horses;people;polo;trees;)
361007 - Pony Club Polo. (people;horses;polo;sport;)
361008 - Pony Club Polo, Guards Pony Club, children with polo pony. (people;horse;uniforms;trees;)
361009 - Queen's Cup '93, Ellerston Whites vs Black Bears. (polo;sport;people;horses;)
361010 - Maple Leafs vs Aston Martin. (horses;people;polo;sport;)
361011 - Maple Leafs vs Aston Martin. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361012 - Guards Polo Club '93. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361013 - Maple Leafs vs Aston Martin. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361014 - Jal Cup, South America vs Rest of World. (people;sport;horses;polo;)
361015 - Aston Martin vs Maple Leafs. (polo;sport;horses;people;)
361016 - Autumn Tournament, Saracews vs Santa Fe. (horses;people;sport;polo;)
361017 - Maple Leafs vs Aston Martin. (horses;people;sport;polo;)
361018 - Autumn Tournament, Palmera vs Guardacre. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361019 - Guards Polo Club, Coronation Cup. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361020 - Umpire throwing ball to start game. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361021 - Black Bears. (people;chairs;trees;sky;)
361022 - 8 goal Christmas League, Pendell vs Downey Fields. (horses;people;sport;polo;)
361023 - 8 goal Christmas League, P.P.A. vs Downey Fields. (polo;sport;people;horses;)
361024 - 8 goal Christmas League, Downey Fields vs P.P.A.. (trees;sport;polo;horses;)
361025 - 2 goal Christmas League, Royal Ascot Club vs Hunters. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361026 - Trish Williamson - white shirt, gray pony. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361027 - Jal Cup, South America vs Rest of World. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361028 - Prince Philip Trophy '92, Tramontana vs Ellerston Whites. (horses;sport;polo;people;)
361029 - Coworth Park, Maple Leafs vs Ellerston Blacks. (sport;people;horses;polo;)
361030 - Martin Brown (in red) and Carlos Gracida (in black). (sport;polo;horses;people;)
361031 - Royal Windsor Cup '92, Caltropo vs P.S.I.. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361032 - Coronation Cup, England vs New Zealand. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361033 - Rio Pardo vs Tramontana, Queen's Cup match. (sport;people;horses;polo;)
361034 - Moet Chandon '92, Royal Berils Polo Club vs Rest of World. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361035 - Pendelo vs Les Lions. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361036 - Queen's Cup '92, Maple Leafs vs Ellerston Blacks. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361037 - Queen's Cup '92, Maple Leafs vs Ellerston Blacks. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361038 - Queen's Cup '92, Maple Leafs vs Ellerston Blacks. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361039 - Cowdray Gold Cup '93, Ellerston Blacks vs Alcatel. (people;sport;horses;polo;)
361040 - Jal Cup, South America vs Rest of World. (people;sport;horses;polo;)
361041 - P.O.W. Trophy '93, Maple Leafs vs Franken. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361042 - Tramontana vs Cowdray. (people;sport;horses;polo;)
361043 - Tramontana. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361044 - Tramontana vs Cowdray, Prince Charles. (people;sport;horse;polo;)
361045 - Prince Charles in action for Tramontana. (sport;people;polo;horse;)
361046 - High Goal Challenge '93, Toronto vs Montreal. (horses;people;sport;polo;)
361047 - Jal Cup, South America vs Rest of World. (sport;people;horses;polo;)
361048 - Condray Gold Cup. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361049 - Prince Charles. (sport;people;horse;polo;)
361050 - Jal Cup, South America vs Rest of World. (people;horse;sport;polo;)
361051 - Guards Polo Club '94, Stable Cottage vs Geebung. (people;sport;horse;sky;)
361052 - Prince Philip Trophy '92, Pendell vs Santa Fe. (people;sport;horse;sky;)
361053 - Jaipur Trophy, Maple Leafs vs Ellerston Blacks. (people;sport;horses;polo;)
361054 - Jal Cup, South America vs Rest of World. (people;sport;horses;polo;)
361055 - Coworth Park, Maple Leafs vs Ellerston Blacks. (people;sport;horses;polo;)
361056 - Autumn Tournament, Guards Polo Club. (people;sport;horse;sky;)
361057 - Guards P.C. '94, Stable Cottage vs Geebung. (people;sport;horse;polo;)
361058 - Guards Polo Club. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361059 - Les Lions Farm, Windsor. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361060 - Guards Polo Club. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361061 - Royal Berks. (horse;sport;polo;people;)
361062 - Alfred Dunhill Trophy. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361063 - Top young English player, James Lucas. (horse;sport;people;polo;)
361064 - Moet Chandon '92, Rest of World vs Buenos Aires. (horses;sport;people;building;)
361065 - Tramontana vs Cowdray. (horses;sport;polo;people;)
361066 - Prince Philip Trophy '92. (horses;sport;polo;people;)
361067 - Prince Charles (in green) on the attack. (horses;sport;people;trees;)
361068 - Royal Berkshire Polo Club. (trees;horses;sport;polo;)
361069 - Moet Chandon '92, Rest of World vs Buenos Aires. (horses;sport;people;trees;)
361070 - Guards Polo Club, Kennelot. (people;chairs;trees;uniforms;)
361071 - Coronation Cup '89, England vs Australasia. (people;sport;horses;polo;)
361072 - P.O.W. Trophy '93, Maple Leafs vs Franken. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361073 - Prince Philip Trophy '92, Pendell vs Santa Fe. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361074 - Girl groom, Royal Berks Polo Club - exercising ponies. (people;horses;trees;sky;)
361075 - Westchester Cup '92 - pony lines - Guards Polo Club. (horses;heads;trees;fence;)
361076 - Royal Berks Polo Club, girl groom. (people;horses;building;trees;)
361077 - Guards Polo Club, Ellerston ponies. (horses;trees;grass;sky;)
361078 - Guards Polo Club, girl goal judge. (people;woman;grass;sky;)
361079 - Pendell polo sticks. (sticks;polo;grass;pendell;)
361080 - Guards Club, pony lines full of ponies for high goal match. (horses;people;grass;trees;)
361081 - Royal Berks Polo Club, polo ponies being exercised. (horses;people;trees;road;)
361082 - Guards Polo Club, polo pony. (horse;saddle;flowers;branches;)
361083 - Mike Roberts (Canadian). (tree;elephants;people;sky;)
361084 - Mike Roberts (Canadian). (elephants;people;trees;sky;)
361085 - Mike Roberts (Canadian). (elephants;people;trees;sky;)
361086 - Mike Roberts (Canadian). (elephants;people;trees;sky;)
361087 - Mike Roberts (Canadian). (people;boots;building;uniforms;)
361088 - Mike Roberts (Canadian). (elephants;people;trees;sky;)
361089 - Mike Roberts (Canadian). (elephants;people;trees;sky;)
361090 - Coronel Suarez vs Anadariya. (horses;people;polo;sport;)
361091 - Anadariya vs Retama. (horses;people;trees;buildings;)
361092 - Anadariya vs USA, Texas. (horses;sport;polo;people;)
361093 - Final for third place, Macondo vs El Malon. (horses;people;polo;sky;)
361094 - Final, Retama vs Hallal. (horses;sport;people;buildings;)
361095 - World Polo Championships, Florida, Maconda vs El Malon. (horses;sport;people;trees;)
361096 - Final, Retama vs Hallal. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361097 - Coronel Suarez vs Retama. (horses;sport;people;polo;)
361098 - Final, Retama vs Hallal. (people;horses;sport;polo;)
361099 - Final, Retama vs Hallal. (horses;sport;polo;people;)