355000 - Atlantic deer cowrie (Cypraea cervus). (shell;texture;background;pattern;)
355001 - Atlantic gray cowrie (Cypraea cinerea). (shell;texture;background;pattern;)
355002 - Atlantic thorny oyster (Spondylus americanus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355003 - Barclay's latirus (Latirus polygonus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355004 - Bleeding tooth (Nerita peloronta). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355005 - Boring clam (Tridacna crocea). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355006 - Butter clam (Saxidomus giganteus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355007 - Channeled top shell. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355008 - Channeled tun (Tonna cepa). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355009 - Chestnut cowrie (Cypraea spadicea). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355010 - Chocolate-lined top shell (Calliostoma javanicum). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355011 - Cockscomb oyster (Lopha cristagalli). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355012 - Common dove shell (Columbella mercatoria). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355013 - Common spider conch (Lambis lambis). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355014 - Filose turban (Trubo cailletii). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355015 - Fingerprint tongue. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355016 - Flame helmet (Cassis flammea). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355017 - Flamingo tongue. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355018 - Flamingo tongue (Cyphoma gibbosum). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355019 - Florida cone (Conus floidanus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355020 - Giant clam (Tridacna maxima). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355021 - Giant keyhole limpet (Megathura crenulata). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355022 - Iridescent clam (Pedum spondyloideum). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355023 - Joseph's coat amphissa (Amphissa veriscolor). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355024 - Leafy hornmouth (Ceretostoma foliatum). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355025 - Lettered olive (Oliva sayana). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355026 - Leviathan cowrie (Cypraea leviathan). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355027 - Lined chiton (Tonicella lineata). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355028 - Lurid dwarf triton (Ocenebra lurida). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355029 - Measled cowrie (Cypraea zebra). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355030 - Milk moon snail (Polinces lacteus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355031 - Mottled red chiton (Tonicella marmorea). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355032 - Mouse cone (Conus mus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355033 - Northern siphon whelk (Penion adusta). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355034 - Octagon murex (Murexsul octogonus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355035 - Oyster. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355036 - Pacific pink scallop (Chlamys hastata hericia). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355037 - Papal miter (Mitra papalis). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355038 - Partridge sundial (Architectonica perdix). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355039 - Pimpled basket shell (Nassarius papillosus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355040 - Maurea punctulata. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355041 - Queen conch (Strombus gigas). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355042 - Queen conch (Strombus gigas). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355043 - Radiate limpet (Cellana radians). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355044 - Reticulated cowrie helmet (Cypraecassis testiculus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355045 - Rough file clam (Lima scabra). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355046 - Rough file clam (Lima scabra). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355047 - Rough keyhole limpet (Diodora aspera). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355048 - Sculptured top shell (Calliostoma euglyptum). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355049 - Smooth turban (Norrisia norrisii). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355050 - Stocky cerith (Cerithium literatum). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355051 - Tapestry turban (Turbo petholatus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355052 - Tapestry turban (Turbo petholatus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355053 - Tiger cowrie (Cypraea tigris). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355054 - Tiger cowrie (Cypraea tigris). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355055 - Tiger top (Maurea tigris). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355056 - Triton's trumpet (Charonia tritonis). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355057 - Turtle cone (Conus testudinarius). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355058 - Variable chiton (Ischnochiton maorianus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355059 - Volva (Phenacovolva sp.). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355060 - White hump-back conch (Strombus gibberculus albus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355061 - White rock shell (Thais orbita). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355062 - Atlantic triton's trumpet (Charonia variegata). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355063 - Banded tulip and penion oligastera. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355064 - Bullia vittatum. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355065 - Common screw shell (Turritella terebra). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355066 - Common spider and scorpion conches. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355067 - Cowries. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355068 - Elegant olive (Oliva elegans). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355069 - Giant Atlantic cockle (Dinocardium robustum). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355070 - Lettered olive (Oliva sayana). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355071 - Lynx and eglantine cowries (Cypraea lynx & C. eglantina). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355072 - Money cowrie (Cypraea moneta). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355073 - Narrow marginella (Cryptospira angustata). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355074 - Nassarius stolatus. (shell;water;texture;background;)
355075 - Olives. (shells;water;texture;background;)
355076 - Olives. (shells;water;texture;background;)
355077 - Ocellate and thick-edged cowries. (shells;water;texture;background;)
355078 - Pacific shells. (shells;water;texture;background;)
355079 - Periwinkles. (shells;water;texture;background;)
355080 - Pink murex (Murex erythrostomus). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355081 - Rat cone (Conus rattus). (shells;water;texture;background;)
355082 - Rat volute (Voluta verspertilio). (shell;water;texture;background;)
355083 - Red-mouthed olive (Oliva miniacea). (shells;water;texture;background;)
355084 - Ring cowrie (Cypraea annulus). (shells;pattern;texture;background;)
355085 - Shells of the Caribbean and Pacific. (shells;pattern;texture;background;)
355086 - Shells of the World. (shells;pattern;texture;background;)
355087 - Slipper winkles (Nerita sp.). (shells;sand;pattern;background;)
355088 - Small shells. (shells;pattern;texture;background;)
355089 - Snake's head cowrie (Cypraea caputserpentis). (shells;sand;texture;background;)
355090 - Snipe's bill murex (Haustellum naustellum). (shell;sand;texture;background;)
355091 - Spiral babylon (Babylonia spirata). (shell;sand;texture;background;)
355092 - Strawberry top (Clanculus puniceus). (shells;sand;texture;background;)
355093 - Sundials. (shells;pattern;texture;background;)
355094 - Sunrise tellin (Tellina radiata). (shell;sand;texture;background;)
355095 - Swollen harp (Harpa major). (shell;sand;texture;background;)
355096 - Telescope shells (Telescopium telescopium). (shells;sand;texture;background;)
355097 - Tiny shells. (shells;pattern;background;texture;)
355098 - Turrids. (shells;sand;pattern;background;)
355099 - Volute-shaped olivella (Olivella volutella). (shells;pattern;texture;background;)