35000 - Praying Mantis. (insect;mantis;flower;grass;)
35001 - Praying Mantis on purple loosestrife. (insect;mantis;flower;closeup;)
35002 - Sphinx Moth Caterpillar parasitized by Braconid Wasps. (insect;moth;caterpillar;wasps;)
35003 - Apple Sphinx Moth. (insect;moth;grass;wings;)
35004 - Moth on range hawkweed. (insect;moth;flower;grass;)
35005 - Moth. (insect;moth;head;closeup;)
35006 - Underwing Moth. (insect;moth;underwing;wood;)
35007 - Luna Moth. (insect;moth;wings;dirt;)
35008 - Ladybug Beetle. (insects;beetle;ladybug;flower;)
35009 - Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies. (insect;butterfly;swallowtail;tree;)
35010 - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;swallowtail;flowers;)
35011 - Comma Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;comma;ground;)
35012 - Dragonfly. (insect;dragonfly;wings;closeup;)
35013 - Monarch Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;monarch;flowers;)
35014 - Monarch Butterfly on purple loosestrife. (insect;butterfly;flower;monach;)
35015 - Monarch Butterfly on goldenrod. (insect;butterfly;monarch;flowers;)
35016 - Slug. (insect;slug;wood;closeup;)
35017 - Mourning Cloak Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;cloak;ground;)
35018 - Sulphur Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;sulphur;ground;)
35019 - White Admirals and Eyed Browns Butterflies. (insects;butterfly;admirals;eyed;)
35020 - Atlantis Fritillaries Butterflies. (insects;butterfly;atlantis;grass;)
35021 - Red Admiral Butterfly on Loosestrife. (insect;butterfly;admiral;flower;)
35022 - Bog Fritillary Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;fritillary;grass;)
35023 - Eyed Brown Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;eyed;flower;)
35024 - Painted Lady Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;lady;flowers;)
35025 - Pearl Crescent Butterfly. (insects;butterfly;crescent;leaf;)
35026 - Great Spangled Fritillary Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;fritillary;flower;)
35027 - Black Swallowtail Caterpillar on parsley. (insect;caterpillar;swallowtail;parsley;)
35028 - Black Swallowtail Caterpillar on chrysalis. (insect;catrpillar;swallowtail;chrysalis;)
35029 - Gypsy Moth Caterpillar. (insect;moth;caterpillar;grass;)
35030 - Noctuid Moth Caterpillar. (insect;moth;caterpillat;branch;)
35031 - Monarch Butterfly on goldenrod. (insect;butterfly;monarch;flower;)
35032 - Caterpillar. (insect;caterpillar;leaf;tree;)
35033 - Spittlebug. (insect;spittlebug;leaf;closeup;)
35034 - Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar. (insect;butterfly;monarch;caterpillar;)
35035 - Spiderweb. (insect;spider;web;grass;)
35036 - Dragonfly. (insect;dragonfly;flower;grass;)
35037 - Orb Web with morning dew. (insect;spider;web;dew;)
35038 - Orb Web with Spider. (insect;spider;web;grass;)
35039 - Pandora Sphinx Moth Caterpillar. (insect;moth;caterpillar;branch;)
35040 - Shamrock Spider. (insect;spider;shamrock;branch;)
35041 - Spider. (insect;spider;grass;closeup;)
35042 - Garden Spider with fly dinner. (insect;spider;fly;wood;)
35043 - Beetles mating. (insect;beetle;grass;ground;)
35044 - Dragonfly. (insect;dragonfly;leaves;wings;)
35045 - Darner Dragonfly. (insect;dragonfly;grass;closeup;)
35046 - Darner Dragonfly on timothy. (insect;dragonfly;grass;timothy;)
35047 - Bumblebee on joe-pye weed. (insect;bumblebee;flower;weed;)
35048 - Dragonflies mating. (insects;dragonfly;grass;leaves;)
35049 - Monarch Butterfly. (insect;butterfly;monarch;flower;)
35050 - Orb Web with morning dew. (insect;spider;web;dew;)
35051 - Cicada. (insect;cicada;grass;branch;)
35052 - Ichneumon Wasp. (insect;wasp;tree;trunk;)
35053 - Short-Horned Grasshopper. (insect;grasshopper;grass;closeup;)
35054 - Grasshopper. (insect;grasshopper;leaf;tree;)
35055 - Cicada on aspen. (insect;cicada;tree;aspen;)
35056 - Milkweed Beetle. (insect;beetle;milkweed;leaf;)
35057 - Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies. (insects;butterfly;swallowtail;ground;)
35058 - Ladybug Beetle. (insect;beetle;ladybug;leaves;)
35059 - Beetle on grass. (insect;beetle;grass;leaf;)
35060 - Click Beetle. (insect;beetle;click;flowers;)
35061 - Flower Beetle. (insect;beetle;flower;petals;)
35062 - Firefly Beetle. (insect;beetle;firefly;leaves;)
35063 - Hornet Nest. (insects;hornet;nest;leaves;)
35064 - Bumblebee. (insect;bumblebee;flower;closeup;)
35065 - Bumblebee on vetch. (insect;bumblebee;flower;grass;)
35066 - Darner Dragonfly. (insect;dragonfly;branch;tree;)
35067 - Bumblebee on meadowsweet. (insect;bumblebee;flower;grass;)
35068 - Hornet with spotted touch-me-not. (insect;hornet;flower;leaves;)
35069 - Treehopper. (insect;treehopper;plant;leaves;)
35070 - Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly. (insect;damselfly;leaf;grass;)
35071 - Long-Horned Caddis Fly. (insect;fly;caddis;leaves;)
35072 - Hover Fly. (insect;fly;hover;daisy;)
35073 - Midge Swarm. (insects;midge;swarm;tree;)
35074 - Common Fly. (insect;fly;common;leaves;)
35075 - Fly on touch-me-not. (insect;fly;flower;leaves;)
35076 - American Hover Fly on timothy. (insect;fly;hover;timothy;)
35077 - Fly on goldenrod. (insect;fly;goldenrod;grass;)
35078 - Dragonfly. (insect;dragonfly;plant;leaves;)
35079 - Beetles mating. (insects;beetle;pair;ground;)
35080 - Eyed Erater. (insect;erater;eyed;bark;)
35081 - Earwig. (insect;earwig;wood;closeup;)
35082 - Sphinx Moth. (insect;moth;sphinx;flower;)
35083 - Damselfly. (insect;damselfly;rocks;closeup;)
35084 - Spiny Oak Slug Moth. (insect;moth;slug;leaf;)
35085 - Caterpillar of Black Swallowtail. (insect;swallowtail;caterpillar;grass;)
35086 - Forest Tent Caterpillar. (insect;caterpillar;tent;branch;)
35087 - Shamrock Spider. (insect;spider;shamrock;branch;)
35088 - Pandora Sphinx Moth Caterpillar. (insect;moth;caterpillar;branch;)
35089 - Mourning Cloak Butterfly Chrysalis. (insect;butterfly;cloak;branch;)
35090 - Mosquito and Stinkbug. (insect;mosquito;stinkbug;grass;)
35091 - Fishing Spider. (insect;spider;fishing;rock;)
35092 - Aquatic Beetles. (insects;beetle;water;leaves;)
35093 - Mayfly. (insect;mayfly;rock;closeup;)
35094 - Ticks. (insects;tic;fur;closeup;)
35095 - Mourning Cloak Butterfly Caterpillar. (insect;butterfly;caterpillar;branch;)
35096 - Sugar Maple Borer. (insect;maple;borer;leaves;)
35097 - Long-Horned Grasshopper. (insect;grasshopper;branch;closeup;)
35098 - Midge Swarm. (insect;midge;swarm;grass;)
35099 - Stonefly. (insect;stonefly;rock;moss;)