Lost Tribes. Corel Photo CD #330000, Click here for price and stock details

The following is a list of the photos on Corel's "Lost Tribes" Photo CD. To see 799 other Corel Photo CDs available for sale from EMS, click here. To buy this CD, please read our ordering instructions. Specific photos are available via email (as backup to physical CD) for $5 each when you purchase the physical CD containing the photo.

330000 - Tribal Hut. (people;hut;trees;grass;) .
330001 - Dani Warrior with Boar's Tusk. (warrior;people;tusk;boar;) .
330002 - Woman, Market Bound. (woman;people;grass;houses;) .
330003 - Tobacco Vendors. (vendor;merchandise;market;tobacco;) .
330004 - Market Bound. (people;grass;houses;hillside;) .
330005 - Women Vendors. (women;people;vendors;merchandise;) .
330006 - Villager with Children. (villager;children;people;close-up;) .
330007 - Dani Warrior. (warrior;dani;people;tusk;) .
330008 - Foot Bridge. (bridge;people;wood;grass;) .
330009 - Woman with Child at Market. (woman;people;market;merchandise;) .
330010 - Dani Wearing Shorts. (dani;people;house;hut;) .
330011 - Firewood Merchant, Market Bound. (firewood;merchant;people;ladder;) .
330012 - Villager. (villager;people;head;close-up;) .
330013 - Produce Market Scene. (market;food;merchandise;people;) .
330014 - Villager, Heading Home. (villager;ladder;people;trees;) .
330015 - Villager, with Construction Supplies. (villager;wood;path;people;) .
330016 - Dani Warrior. (warrior;dani;people;grass;) .
330017 - Tribal Dance. (dance;people;trees;villagers;) .
330018 - Woman with Child, Homeward Bound. (woman;child;people;trees;) .
330019 - Woman Firewood Dealer. (dealer;vendor;people;firewood;) .
330020 - Village Women. (;women;villagers;people;) .
330021 - Dani Warriors. (people;warriors;dani;trees;) .
330022 - Villager Heading Home. (villager;people;building;road;) .
330023 - Dani Warrior. (warrior;dani;people;tusk;) .
330024 - Dani Warrior. (dani;warrior;people;costume;) .
330025 - Woman Nursing Child. (woman;child;people;market;) .
330026 - Village Women at Market. (women;people;market;trees;) .
330027 - Baliem Valley. (valley;trees;hills;hillside;) .
330028 - Women at Market on Smoke Break. (women;people;market;grass;) .
330029 - Tribal Dance. (dancers;people;dance;village;) .
330030 - Dani Wearing Koteka. (dani;grass;people;mountain;) .
330031 - Dani Warrior at Market. (dani;warrior;market;people;) .
330032 - Villagers. (villagers;people;children;costume;) .
330033 - Villagers. (villagers;people;costumes;children;) .
330034 - Tribal Dancers. (dancers;people;trees;village;) .
330035 - Warriors in Tribal Dance. (warriors;people;trees;village;) .
330036 - Young Dani Warrior. (warrior;people;trees;costume;) .
330037 - Warriors in Tribal Dance. (warriors;people;trees;path;) .
330038 - Dani Warriors. (warriors;people;dani;village;) .
330039 - Dani Warrior. (warrior;people;trees;hillside;) .
330040 - Warrior with Spear. (warrior;people;spear;grass;) .
330041 - Warriors at Hunt. (warriors;people;spears;trees;) .
330042 - Warriors at Hunt. (warriors;people;spears;trees;) .
330043 - Warriors in Full Gear. (warriors;people;spears;trees;) .
330044 - Warriors in Full Gear. (warriors;people;spears;trees;) .
330045 - Villagers, Market Bound. (villagers;people;bridge;trees;) .
330046 - Heading Home with Firewood. (people;villager;firewood;ladder;) .
330047 - Yali Tribesman. (tribesman;people;village;yali;) .
330048 - Tribesman. (tribesman;people;head;close-up;) .
330049 - Village Compound. (village;compound;trees;hillside;) .
330050 - Woman Villager. (villager;woman;people;village;) .
330051 - Warrior. (warrior;people;trees;hillside;) .
330052 - Produce Merchant, Market Bound. (merchant;produce;people;merchandise;) .
330053 - Woman, Daughter, Market Bound. (woman;daughter;people;ladder;) .
330054 - Woman, Sing-Sing Contestant. (woman;costume;people;village;) .
330055 - Village Woman with Child. (woman;child;people;village;) .
330056 - Tribal Chief. (chief;people;warrior;costume;) .
330057 - Huli Dancer. (dancer;people;huli;costume;) .
330058 - Huli Dancer. (dancers;huli;people;costumes;) .
330059 - Young Huli. (people;huli;dancer;costume;) .
330060 - Huli Dancer. (huli;dancer;people;costume;) .
330061 - Young Huli. (huli;people;costume;dancer;) .
330062 - Young Boy, Sing-Sing Contestant. (people;costume;contestant;contest;) .
330063 - Profile of Young Sing-Sing Contestant. (contestant;contest;costume;people;) .
330064 - Huli Tribesman. (huli;tribesman;people;costumes;) .
330065 - Profile of Mummified Tribal Chief. (profile;mummy;chief;people;) .
330066 - Tribal Mummy. (mummy;people;village;villagers;) .
330067 - Warriors at Animal Hunt. (warriors;people;spears;trees;) .
330068 - Warriors at Animal Hunt. (warriors;people;spears;trees;) .
330069 - Hunter. (hunter;people;trees;grass;) .
330070 - Dani Hunter. (hunter;people;spears;trees;) .
330071 - Jiwiki Villager. (villager;jiwiki;people;costume;) .
330072 - Jiwiki Woman. (woman;people;jiwiki;grass;) .
330073 - Smiling Jiwiki Villager. (jiwiki;costume;people;villager;) .
330074 - Warrior with Long Koteka. (warrior;koteka;people;village;) .
330075 - Yali with Hoop Skirt. (yali;people;village;skirt;) .
330076 - Two Boars' Tusk in Nose. (tusk;boar;people;head;) .
330077 - Jiwiki Villagers. (villagers;people;jiwiki;village;) .
330078 - Villager in Boxer Shorts. (villager;people;shorts;hut;) .
330079 - Tribesman at Fire. (tribesman;people;grass;costume;) .
330080 - Dani Warrior. (warrior;dani;people;head;) .
330081 - Jiwiki Warrior. (jiwiki;people;warrior;village;) .
330082 - Profile of Jiwiki Boy. (people;jiwiki;village;head;) .
330083 - Tribesman. (tribesman;village;people;trees;) .
330084 - Villagers at Animal Roast. (villagers;people;roast;trees;) .
330085 - Warrior with Two Boars' Tusks. (warrior;tusks;boar;head;) .
330086 - Jiwiki Villager. (jiwiki;villager;people;village;) .
330087 - Tribal Hunters on Break. (hunters;people;hut;village;) .
330088 - Foot Bridge. (bridge;wood;trees;path;) .
330089 - Tribal Hunters on Break. (hunters;people;village;spears;) .
330090 - Woman Villager. (villager;people;woman;head;) .
330091 - Hunters Preparing Fire. (hunters;people;village;villagers;) .
330092 - Jiwiki Villager. (villager;people;jiwiki;trees;) .
330093 - Village Hunter. (hunter;villager;people;grass;) .
330094 - Village Hunters. (hunters;villager;grass;trees;) .
330095 - Jiwiki Woman. (woman;jiwiki;people;costume;) .
330096 - Woman in Mourning. (woman;people;jiwiki;costume;) .
330097 - Village Huts. (huts;village;trees;mountain;) .
330098 - Villagers. (villagers;people;hut;trees;) .
330099 - Tribal Hunters. (hunters;spears;people;grass;) .

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