Tropical Plants. Corel Photo CD #152000, Click here for price and stock details

The following is a list of the photos on Corel's "Tropical Plants" Photo CD. To see 799 other Corel Photo CDs available for sale from EMS, click here. To buy this CD, please read our ordering instructions. Specific photos are available via email (as backup to physical CD) for $5 each when you purchase the physical CD containing the photo.

152000 - Anthurium Ferriense. (plants;closeup;leaves;branches;) .
152001 - Aphelandra Tetragona. (flower;plants;leaves;closeup;) .
152002 - Cinnamonum Zeylancicum. (plants;leaves;closeup;vegetation;) .
152003 - Cestrum Elegans. (plant;leaves;closeup;stem;) .
152004 - Amphiblemma Cymosum. (leaves;plant;closeup;flowers;) .
152005 - Brunfelsia Pauciflora Eximia (Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow). (plant;leaves;flowers;soil;) .
152006 - Chlorophytum Comosum Vittatum (Spider Ivy). (plant;leaves;ivy;closeup;) .
152007 - Bougainvillea, Paper Flower. (flowers;plants;vegetation;garden;) .
152008 - Nicolaia Elatior, Torch Ginger. (torch;ginger;plant;petals;) .
152009 - Passiflora Caerulea (Blue Passionflower). (passion;flower;leaves;closeup;) .
152010 - Platycerium Angolence (Elephant's Ear Fern). (fern;elephant's ear;plant;leaves;) .
152011 - Lantana Camara (Yellow Sage). (sage;flowers;plants;leaves;) .
152012 - Asplenium Bulbiferum (Mother Spleenwort). (spleenwort;plant;leaves;branches;) .
152013 - Bananiers (Banana). (plant;leaves;bananiers;stem;) .
152014 - Aucuba Japonica Variegata (Gold Dust Tree). (tree;gold dust;pot;leaves;) .
152015 - Ficus Elastica Decora Schryvereana (Rubber Plant). (pot;leaves;plant;rubber;) .
152016 - Impatiens, "Orange glow". (flowers;leaves;branches;plant;) .
152017 - Medinilla Magnifica. (leaves;plant;windows;interior;) .
152018 - Sprekelia Formosissima (Jacobean Lily). (lily;leaves;petals;plant;) .
152019 - Dieffenbachia X Memoria Corsil. (plant;corsil;leaves;pot;) .
152020 - Dieffenbachia "Marianne". (leaves;plant;stem;closeup;) .
152021 - Dorstenia Yambuyaensis. (leaves;flower;plant;closeup;) .
152022 - Etlingera Eliatior (Torch Ginger). (torch;ginger;plant;stems;) .
152023 - Hebe X Andersonii. (plant;leaves;stem;closeup;) .
152024 - Monstera Deliciosa. (leaves;pot;plant;wall;) .
152025 - Heliconia Psittacorum (Parrot's Plantain). (parrot;plantain;plant;leaves;) .
152026 - Ficus Carica (Common Ficus). (ficus;common;leaves;branches;) .
152027 - Gynura Aurantiaca (Velvet Plant). (plant;velvet;leaves;stem;) .
152028 - Eupatorium Sp (Boneset). (boneset;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152029 - Citrus "Ruby Red" (Grapefruit). (grapefruit;citrus;plant;leaves;) .
152030 - Cissus Antartica (Kangaroo Vine). (vine;kangaroo;leaves;plant;) .
152031 - Citrus Reticulata (Mandarin Orange). (citrus;orange;mandarin;plant;) .
152032 - Eichhornia Crassipes (Water Hyacinth). (plant;hyacinth;flower;water;) .
152033 - Eucharis Grandiflora (Amazon). (leaves;plant;closeup;flowers;) .
152034 - Peperomia Obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant). (plant;rubber;leaves;closeup;) .
152035 - Sabal Palmetto (Cabbage Palmetto). (palmetto;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152036 - Jacobinia Pohliana (Brazilian Plume). (plume;brazilian;leaves;closeup;) .
152037 - Impatiens "Fanfare" (Balsam). (balsam;pot;leaves;plant;) .
152038 - Phoenix Rupicola (Cliff Date). (plant;leaves;stem;closeup;) .
152039 - Pteris Quadriaurita V. Argyraea (Silver Fern). (fern;leaves;pot;plant;) .
152040 - Bambusa Glaucescens (Hedge Bamboo). (bamboo;hedge;stems;plant;) .
152041 - Clivia Miniata (Kafir Lily). (lily;flowers;leaves;plant;) .
152042 - Caladium Candidum (Elephant's Ear). (ear;elephant's;pot;leaves;) .
152043 - Clerodendron Thomsonae Variegatum (Bleeding-heart Vine). (vine;bleeding-heart;leaves;plant;) .
152044 - Lagerstroemia Speciosa (Queen's Crape Myrtle). (plant;flowers;leaves;myrtle;) .
152045 - Pachystachys Lutea (Lollipop Plant). (plant;lollipop;leaves;closeup;) .
152046 - Ochroma Lagopus (Balsa). (balsa;leaves;flower;plant;) .
152047 - Dion Edule (Chestnut). (chestnut;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152048 - Tetranena Roseum (Mexican Violet). (violet;mexican;leaves;plant;) .
152049 - Clerodendron Speciosissimum (Glory Bower). (glory bower;plant;leaves;closeup;) .
152050 - Tradescantia Sp (Spiderwort). (plant;spiderwort;leaves;closeup;) .
152051 - Cinnamonum Zeylanicum (Cinnamon). (cinnamon;leaves;stem;plant;) .
152052 - Clerodendron Philippinum (Glory Bower). (glory bower;leaves;plant;flowers;) .
152053 - Calathea Miotti. (miotti;leaves;plant;ground;) .
152054 - Ruella Speciosa. (speciosa;leaves;plant;branches;) .
152055 - Pilea Involucrata (Friendship Plant). (friendship;plant;leaves;closeup;) .
152056 - Callistemon Citrinus Va Spendens (Crimson Bottlebrush). (crimson;bottlebrush;plant;leaves;) .
152057 - Camelia Japonica "A. Audusson" (Common Camellia). (camellia;flowers;plant;stems;) .
152058 - Piper Ornatum (Celebes Pepper). (celebes;pepper;leaves;plant;) .
152059 - Fittonia Verschaffeltii "Argyroneura" (Mosaic Plant). (plant;mosaic;leaves;closeup;) .
152060 - Calliandra Inaquilatera (Red Powder-puff). (powder-puff;plant;leaves;closeup;) .
152061 - Adiantum Cuneatum (Delta Maidenhair). (maidenhair;plant;vine;leaves;) .
152062 - Aglaonema Simplex. (leaves;plant;branches;closeup;) .
152063 - Cofiaeum Variegatum (Garden Croton). (garden croton;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152064 - Cyperus Alternifolius (Umbrella Plant). (plant;umbrella;leaves;closeup;) .
152065 - Cyperus Papyrus (Papyrus). (papyrus;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152066 - Beaucarnea Recurrata (Elephant Foot Tree). (tree;elephant foot;leaves;plant;) .
152067 - Alpinia Speciosa (Shell Flower). (plant;flower;shell;leaves;) .
152068 - Carica Papaya (Papaya). (papaya;leaves;sky;branches;) .
152069 - Cycas Circinalis (Sago Palm). (palm;cycas;leaves;plant;) .
152070 - Dieffenbachia Oestedii (Dumb Cane). (dumb cane;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152071 - Platycerium Sp (Staghorn Fern). (fern;staghorn;leaves;plant;) .
152072 - Selaginella Kraussiana (Trailing Selaginella). (selaginella;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152073 - Hydroclerys Peltatum (Water Poppy). (water;poppy;flower;leaves;) .
152074 - Hoya Bella (Miniature Wax Plant). (plant;wax;leaves;flowers;) .
152075 - Hymenocallis Littoralis (Spider Lily). (spider lily;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152076 - Eugenia Jambos (Rose Apple). (apple;rose;leaves;plant;) .
152077 - Musa Sp "Guadeloupe" (Banana). (banana;guadeloupe;leaves;plant;) .
152078 - Musa Nana (Dwarf Banana). (dwarf;bananas;plant;tree;) .
152079 - Hoffmannia Refulgens (Taffeta Plant). (plant;taffeta;leaves;closeup;) .
152080 - Hibiscus Syriacus "Coeur Creole" (Rose of Sharon). (coeur creole;flowers;plants;leaves;) .
152081 - Rhoe Spathacea (Moses in the Cradle). (moses in the cradle;plant;leaves;closeup;) .
152082 - Brugmansia X Insignis (Angel's Trumpet). (angel's trumpet;leaves;plant;flowers;) .
152083 - Alloplectus Calochlamys. (leaves;plant;closeup;stem;) .
152084 - Billergia. (plant;vines;interior;greenhouse;) .
152085 - Billergia Venezuelana. (palnt;leaves;flowers;closeup;) .
152086 - Callistemon (Albany Bottlebrush). (albany bottlebrush;leaves;plant;stem;) .
152087 - Blechnum Gibbum (Miniature tree Fern). (tree fern;miniature;plant;leaves;) .
152088 - Calathea Hybrid. (plant;leaves;hybrid;calathea;) .
152089 - Pellaea Rotundifolia (Button Fern). (fern;foliage;plant;leaves;) .
152090 - Codiaeum Variegatum (Garden Croton). (croton;garden;leaves;plant;) .
152091 - Cycas Revoluta (Sago Palm). (palm;sago;leaves;plant;) .
152092 - Cycas Revoluta (Sago Palm). (palm;sago;plant;closeup;) .
152093 - Brugmansia X Candida (Angel's Trumpet). (angel's trumpet;flower;leaves;plant;) .
152094 - Acalypha Wilkesiana (Jacob's Coat). (jacob's coat;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152095 - Pandanus Tectorius (Pandanus Palm). (palm;leaves;plant;interior;) .
152096 - Nicolaia Elatior (Torch Ginger). (torch;ginger;leaves;plant;) .
152097 - Aglaonema Robelinii (Painted Drop Tongue). (painted drop tongue;leaves;plant;closeup;) .
152098 - Coffea Arabica (Coffee). (coffee;leaves;stem;branches;) .
152099 - Calathea Zebrina Var. Humilior (Zebra Plant). (zebra plant;leaves;wall;stems;) .

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