152000 - Anthurium Ferriense. (plants;closeup;leaves;branches;)
152001 - Aphelandra Tetragona. (flower;plants;leaves;closeup;)
152002 - Cinnamonum Zeylancicum. (plants;leaves;closeup;vegetation;)
152003 - Cestrum Elegans. (plant;leaves;closeup;stem;)
152004 - Amphiblemma Cymosum. (leaves;plant;closeup;flowers;)
152005 - Brunfelsia Pauciflora Eximia (Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow). (plant;leaves;flowers;soil;)
152006 - Chlorophytum Comosum Vittatum (Spider Ivy). (plant;leaves;ivy;closeup;)
152007 - Bougainvillea, Paper Flower. (flowers;plants;vegetation;garden;)
152008 - Nicolaia Elatior, Torch Ginger. (torch;ginger;plant;petals;)
152009 - Passiflora Caerulea (Blue Passionflower). (passion;flower;leaves;closeup;)
152010 - Platycerium Angolence (Elephant's Ear Fern). (fern;elephant's ear;plant;leaves;)
152011 - Lantana Camara (Yellow Sage). (sage;flowers;plants;leaves;)
152012 - Asplenium Bulbiferum (Mother Spleenwort). (spleenwort;plant;leaves;branches;)
152013 - Bananiers (Banana). (plant;leaves;bananiers;stem;)
152014 - Aucuba Japonica Variegata (Gold Dust Tree). (tree;gold dust;pot;leaves;)
152015 - Ficus Elastica Decora Schryvereana (Rubber Plant). (pot;leaves;plant;rubber;)
152016 - Impatiens, "Orange glow". (flowers;leaves;branches;plant;)
152017 - Medinilla Magnifica. (leaves;plant;windows;interior;)
152018 - Sprekelia Formosissima (Jacobean Lily). (lily;leaves;petals;plant;)
152019 - Dieffenbachia X Memoria Corsil. (plant;corsil;leaves;pot;)
152020 - Dieffenbachia "Marianne". (leaves;plant;stem;closeup;)
152021 - Dorstenia Yambuyaensis. (leaves;flower;plant;closeup;)
152022 - Etlingera Eliatior (Torch Ginger). (torch;ginger;plant;stems;)
152023 - Hebe X Andersonii. (plant;leaves;stem;closeup;)
152024 - Monstera Deliciosa. (leaves;pot;plant;wall;)
152025 - Heliconia Psittacorum (Parrot's Plantain). (parrot;plantain;plant;leaves;)
152026 - Ficus Carica (Common Ficus). (ficus;common;leaves;branches;)
152027 - Gynura Aurantiaca (Velvet Plant). (plant;velvet;leaves;stem;)
152028 - Eupatorium Sp (Boneset). (boneset;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152029 - Citrus "Ruby Red" (Grapefruit). (grapefruit;citrus;plant;leaves;)
152030 - Cissus Antartica (Kangaroo Vine). (vine;kangaroo;leaves;plant;)
152031 - Citrus Reticulata (Mandarin Orange). (citrus;orange;mandarin;plant;)
152032 - Eichhornia Crassipes (Water Hyacinth). (plant;hyacinth;flower;water;)
152033 - Eucharis Grandiflora (Amazon). (leaves;plant;closeup;flowers;)
152034 - Peperomia Obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant). (plant;rubber;leaves;closeup;)
152035 - Sabal Palmetto (Cabbage Palmetto). (palmetto;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152036 - Jacobinia Pohliana (Brazilian Plume). (plume;brazilian;leaves;closeup;)
152037 - Impatiens "Fanfare" (Balsam). (balsam;pot;leaves;plant;)
152038 - Phoenix Rupicola (Cliff Date). (plant;leaves;stem;closeup;)
152039 - Pteris Quadriaurita V. Argyraea (Silver Fern). (fern;leaves;pot;plant;)
152040 - Bambusa Glaucescens (Hedge Bamboo). (bamboo;hedge;stems;plant;)
152041 - Clivia Miniata (Kafir Lily). (lily;flowers;leaves;plant;)
152042 - Caladium Candidum (Elephant's Ear). (ear;elephant's;pot;leaves;)
152043 - Clerodendron Thomsonae Variegatum (Bleeding-heart Vine). (vine;bleeding-heart;leaves;plant;)
152044 - Lagerstroemia Speciosa (Queen's Crape Myrtle). (plant;flowers;leaves;myrtle;)
152045 - Pachystachys Lutea (Lollipop Plant). (plant;lollipop;leaves;closeup;)
152046 - Ochroma Lagopus (Balsa). (balsa;leaves;flower;plant;)
152047 - Dion Edule (Chestnut). (chestnut;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152048 - Tetranena Roseum (Mexican Violet). (violet;mexican;leaves;plant;)
152049 - Clerodendron Speciosissimum (Glory Bower). (glory bower;plant;leaves;closeup;)
152050 - Tradescantia Sp (Spiderwort). (plant;spiderwort;leaves;closeup;)
152051 - Cinnamonum Zeylanicum (Cinnamon). (cinnamon;leaves;stem;plant;)
152052 - Clerodendron Philippinum (Glory Bower). (glory bower;leaves;plant;flowers;)
152053 - Calathea Miotti. (miotti;leaves;plant;ground;)
152054 - Ruella Speciosa. (speciosa;leaves;plant;branches;)
152055 - Pilea Involucrata (Friendship Plant). (friendship;plant;leaves;closeup;)
152056 - Callistemon Citrinus Va Spendens (Crimson Bottlebrush). (crimson;bottlebrush;plant;leaves;)
152057 - Camelia Japonica "A. Audusson" (Common Camellia). (camellia;flowers;plant;stems;)
152058 - Piper Ornatum (Celebes Pepper). (celebes;pepper;leaves;plant;)
152059 - Fittonia Verschaffeltii "Argyroneura" (Mosaic Plant). (plant;mosaic;leaves;closeup;)
152060 - Calliandra Inaquilatera (Red Powder-puff). (powder-puff;plant;leaves;closeup;)
152061 - Adiantum Cuneatum (Delta Maidenhair). (maidenhair;plant;vine;leaves;)
152062 - Aglaonema Simplex. (leaves;plant;branches;closeup;)
152063 - Cofiaeum Variegatum (Garden Croton). (garden croton;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152064 - Cyperus Alternifolius (Umbrella Plant). (plant;umbrella;leaves;closeup;)
152065 - Cyperus Papyrus (Papyrus). (papyrus;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152066 - Beaucarnea Recurrata (Elephant Foot Tree). (tree;elephant foot;leaves;plant;)
152067 - Alpinia Speciosa (Shell Flower). (plant;flower;shell;leaves;)
152068 - Carica Papaya (Papaya). (papaya;leaves;sky;branches;)
152069 - Cycas Circinalis (Sago Palm). (palm;cycas;leaves;plant;)
152070 - Dieffenbachia Oestedii (Dumb Cane). (dumb cane;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152071 - Platycerium Sp (Staghorn Fern). (fern;staghorn;leaves;plant;)
152072 - Selaginella Kraussiana (Trailing Selaginella). (selaginella;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152073 - Hydroclerys Peltatum (Water Poppy). (water;poppy;flower;leaves;)
152074 - Hoya Bella (Miniature Wax Plant). (plant;wax;leaves;flowers;)
152075 - Hymenocallis Littoralis (Spider Lily). (spider lily;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152076 - Eugenia Jambos (Rose Apple). (apple;rose;leaves;plant;)
152077 - Musa Sp "Guadeloupe" (Banana). (banana;guadeloupe;leaves;plant;)
152078 - Musa Nana (Dwarf Banana). (dwarf;bananas;plant;tree;)
152079 - Hoffmannia Refulgens (Taffeta Plant). (plant;taffeta;leaves;closeup;)
152080 - Hibiscus Syriacus "Coeur Creole" (Rose of Sharon). (coeur creole;flowers;plants;leaves;)
152081 - Rhoe Spathacea (Moses in the Cradle). (moses in the cradle;plant;leaves;closeup;)
152082 - Brugmansia X Insignis (Angel's Trumpet). (angel's trumpet;leaves;plant;flowers;)
152083 - Alloplectus Calochlamys. (leaves;plant;closeup;stem;)
152084 - Billergia. (plant;vines;interior;greenhouse;)
152085 - Billergia Venezuelana. (palnt;leaves;flowers;closeup;)
152086 - Callistemon (Albany Bottlebrush). (albany bottlebrush;leaves;plant;stem;)
152087 - Blechnum Gibbum (Miniature tree Fern). (tree fern;miniature;plant;leaves;)
152088 - Calathea Hybrid. (plant;leaves;hybrid;calathea;)
152089 - Pellaea Rotundifolia (Button Fern). (fern;foliage;plant;leaves;)
152090 - Codiaeum Variegatum (Garden Croton). (croton;garden;leaves;plant;)
152091 - Cycas Revoluta (Sago Palm). (palm;sago;leaves;plant;)
152092 - Cycas Revoluta (Sago Palm). (palm;sago;plant;closeup;)
152093 - Brugmansia X Candida (Angel's Trumpet). (angel's trumpet;flower;leaves;plant;)
152094 - Acalypha Wilkesiana (Jacob's Coat). (jacob's coat;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152095 - Pandanus Tectorius (Pandanus Palm). (palm;leaves;plant;interior;)
152096 - Nicolaia Elatior (Torch Ginger). (torch;ginger;leaves;plant;)
152097 - Aglaonema Robelinii (Painted Drop Tongue). (painted drop tongue;leaves;plant;closeup;)
152098 - Coffea Arabica (Coffee). (coffee;leaves;stem;branches;)
152099 - Calathea Zebrina Var. Humilior (Zebra Plant). (zebra plant;leaves;wall;stems;)