In adddition to all the scheduled gaming events, there will be many gamers participating in Open Gaming.
In open gaming, you choose a game, find some interested gamers, select an available table, and play. Here's how Congress of Gamers helps you get gaming.
- Choose a game - Many gamers bring their own games, but you can also select from hundreds of games in
the Congress of Gamers library. Additional games
from the Congress of Gamers library annex (over 1000 games) and the John Goon
Memorial Library (100+ games) can also be added to the on-site library. Moving 1400 games takes a LOT of work, and also
takes valuable floor space away from gaming, so we don't bring them all.
If you'd like to play something that isn't in the con's core library, please email your request
a week in advance. A few of the recent additions to the core/default library are: .
- Find players - Many signage options will be available. You place one of these at your table so
gamers will know what you are looking for.
- Select table - One of the great features of the Senior Center is its mutiple rooms with different table types. Want to play an eight player Eclipse game? We have huge tables for that. Want a quiet place, a table with lots of natural light, an outdoor picnic table, a table with lots of traffic? We have those.
Don't be afraid to join the many tournament games. Just because they are part of a tournament doesn't
mean a non-tourney gamer can't play. Just make sure you know the rules before joining a tourney game.

One of the Open Gaming rooms.

Open gaming signage.