Convention Registration

Badge for Pre-registration price At the door price
Weekend $25 $30
Saturday only $20 $25
Sunday only $7 $10
Youth weekend $10 $10

Pre-registration closes the Wednesday before the start of the convention. If you pre-register, your printed badge will be waiting for you at the door. You may also register at the door (in the Dining Room) starting at 8:30am Saturday and 9:00am Sunday.

Refunds are only given when the facility is closed by the City of Rockville. You may not transfer your registration to a later convention, but you are welcome to let someone else pick up and use any badge you've purchased. In the unlikely event of a closure announced during the convention, a make-up date will be offered. My best guess, given trends, is that the City of Rockville will not close the facility. Probably still best to just pay at the door when there's a 25% or greater chance you won't be able to come.

Pre-register using PayPal below, or send check made out to Eric Engelmann, 6829 Needwood Road, Rockville, MD 20855.

CoG Pre-registration
Name to print on badge
City/state to print on badge