Auction Store Stats

We had 1088 games in the store, from 49 sellers. 25% of the con's attendees were sellers! Our great thanks go out to the Auction Store volunteers and participants, both buyers and sellers.

Here are some sales stats:
Games offered 1088
Number of different sellers 49
Games sold - 401+ (plus rummage sale items) 401/1088 = 37% of games offered were sold. None were reported lost.
Total sales - $7845+ (plus rummage and bits sales of $76)
Highest price paid - $290
$50+ - 22 games
$40-49 - 21 games
$30-39 - 41 games
$20-29 - 83 games
$10-19 - 123 games
$1-9 - 112 games