Auction Store stats for the Spring 2019 Session

We had 821 games in the store, from 51 sellers. Our great thanks go out to the Auction Store volunteers and the participants, both buyers and sellers.

Here are some sales stats:
Games offered - 821
Number of different sellers - 51
Games sold - 445+ (plus rummage sale items)
Total sales - $6886 (plus rummage sales) (with about 250 gamers present during auction store hours, that's $27.54 in spending per gamer at the con.
Highest value sale - $100
$60-100 - 7 games
$50-59 - 8 games
$40-49 - 13 games
$30-39 - 39 games
$20-29 - 84 games
$10-19 - 128 games
$5-9 - 78 games
$1-4 - 41