Repeat champion Eugene Yee was first in our marathon tourney competition. Congratulations, Eugene!

Second place was Aaron Blair. Honorable mention to Chris Wildes, who could only attend on Saturday, but won all four games he played that day. He could'a been a contender!

Tournament games and seats filled for each:
Ticket to Ride 23
Terraforming Mars 14
Concordia 13
Great Western Trail 13
Scythe 12
Gaia Project 12
Marco Polo 10
Acquire 10
Power Grid 9
Orleans 9
Thurn and Taxis 8
Castles of Burgundy 8
Stone Age 8
Evolution 8
Alhambra 8
Splendor 7
Lords of Waterdeep 7
Catan 7
7 Wonders 5
Puerto Rico 5
Vegas Showdown 5
Roll for the Galaxy 4
Russian Railroads 4
Castles of Mad King Ludwig 4
Ra 4
Dominion 4
Grand Austria Hotel 4
Five Tribes 4
Caverna 4
Hansa Teutonica 3
Egizia 3
Saint Petersburg 2