Photos from the October 7-8, 2017 Congress of Gamers. Did you take any great pics? Please share.
David Quatch shows his artistic in the main hall
Arts & Crafts room gaming
Auction Store shelves
Auction store checkin/checkout
Auction store volunteers
Break my Game
Break my Game
Break my Game
Break my Game
Break my Game
Break my Game
Break my Game
Break my Game
Captain Sonar
Championship Formula Racing on a BIG track
Code Names play
Call of Cthulhu, with Noah learning how to create "atmosphere"
Call of Cthulhu
Call of Cthulhu prize table
Dungeons and Dragons led by Noah
Special youth session Dungeons and Dragons led by Noah
Dining Room play
Evolution tourney play
Literature table
Con games library shelves one
Con games library shelves two
Con games library shelves three
Eric Sokolowsky with some of the successfully traded games in the con's No-Ship Math Trade
Miniatures painting demo
Mice and Mystics mini painting
Learning to play A Feast for Odin
Terraforming Mara is still the "hottest" game
Open gaming
Open gaming
Open gaming
Open gaming
Open gaming signage
War gaming in open gaming
Learning to play Photosynthesis
Jack Ridgeway mans the registration desk
Scythe game in the Sun Room
Ticket to Ride tourney play
Tournament Director, Marcy Morelli, at the tourney support desk
The con's vendor, Labyrinth, brought a great collection of games and two great game advisors
Tourney winner Eugene Yee squeeked to another CoG victory
Rodney Bacigalupo was norrowly defeated