Old Development Tools

To sell an old/used development tool to EMS, request a quotation, and then:

Ship least expensive way to EMS at:

EMS Professional Software
6829 Needwood Road
Derwood, MD 20855

Include invoice with shipment. The invoice can be just a simple sheet of paper with your name and address, a remittance address (where to send your money), the date, what you are selling, the price for each item, shipping costs (we pay reasonable costs, international sellers should use postal book rate), and that you are selling the product(s) to EMS. If you want EMS to pre-pay for products (shipments over $300 only), please provide credit references. Subject to availability, we will trade you twice the value of our products in stock in place of mailing you a check. For example, if we offer you $100 for a product, and you would rather trade for a product we sell for $150, we would send you the product and a check for $25.

If you are transferring a license to use some software, please include a signed license transfer letter for use by the eventual buyer.

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